
11469 lines
430 KiB
Raw Normal View History

> 应用名称墨鱼自用B站proto去广告脚本
> 脚本作者@app2smile,@ddgksf2013,@kokoryh
> 微信账号墨鱼手记
> 更新时间2023-03-03
> 通知频道
> 贡献投稿
> 原作者库
> 问题反馈
> 特别提醒如需转载请注明出处谢谢合作
> 脚本声明本脚本是在app2smile原创基础上优化自用
> 脚本声明若有侵犯原作者权利请邮箱联系删除
const version = "V2.0.16";
let protobuf;
!(function (g) {
"use strict";
!(function (r, e, t) {
var i = (function t(i) {
var n = e[i];
return (
n || r[i][0].call((n = e[i] = { exports: {} }), t, n, n.exports),
(protobuf = = i),
"function" == typeof define &&
define.amd &&
define(["long"], function (t) {
return t && t.isLong && ((i.util.Long = t), i.configure()), i;
"object" == typeof module &&
module &&
module.exports &&
(module.exports = i);
1: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = function (t, i) {
var n = Array(arguments.length - 1),
s = 0,
r = 2,
u = !0;
for (; r < arguments.length; ) n[s++] = arguments[r++];
return new Promise(function (r, e) {
n[s] = function (t) {
if (u)
if (((u = !1), t)) e(t);
else {
for (
var i = Array(arguments.length - 1), n = 0;
n < i.length;
i[n++] = arguments[n];
r.apply(null, i);
try {
t.apply(i || null, n);
} catch (t) {
u && ((u = !1), e(t));
2: [
function (t, i, n) {
n.length = function (t) {
var i = t.length;
if (!i) return 0;
for (var n = 0; 1 < --i % 4 && "=" == (t[0 | i] || ""); ) ++n;
return Math.ceil(3 * t.length) / 4 - n;
for (var f = Array(64), h = Array(123), r = 0; r < 64; )
(f[r] =
r < 26
? r + 65
: r < 52
? r + 71
: r < 62
? r - 4
: (r - 59) | 43)
] = r++;
n.encode = function (t, i, n) {
for (var r, e = null, s = [], u = 0, o = 0; i < n; ) {
var h = t[i++];
switch (o) {
case 0:
(s[u++] = f[h >> 2]), (r = (3 & h) << 4), (o = 1);
case 1:
(s[u++] = f[r | (h >> 4)]), (r = (15 & h) << 2), (o = 2);
case 2:
(s[u++] = f[r | (h >> 6)]), (s[u++] = f[63 & h]), (o = 0);
8191 < u &&
((e = e || []).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s)),
(u = 0));
return (
o && ((s[u++] = f[r]), (s[u++] = 61), 1 === o && (s[u++] = 61)),
? (u &&
e.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s.slice(0, u))),
: String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s.slice(0, u))
var c = "invalid encoding";
(n.decode = function (t, i, n) {
for (var r, e = n, s = 0, u = 0; u < t.length; ) {
var o = t.charCodeAt(u++);
if (61 == o && 1 < s) break;
if ((o = h[o]) === g) throw Error(c);
switch (s) {
case 0:
(r = o), (s = 1);
case 1:
(i[n++] = (r << 2) | ((48 & o) >> 4)), (r = o), (s = 2);
case 2:
(i[n++] = ((15 & r) << 4) | ((60 & o) >> 2)),
(r = o),
(s = 3);
case 3:
(i[n++] = ((3 & r) << 6) | o), (s = 0);
if (1 === s) throw Error(c);
return n - e;
(n.test = function (t) {
return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(
3: [
function (t, i, n) {
function a(i, n) {
"string" == typeof i && ((n = i), (i = g));
var h = [];
function f(t) {
if ("string" != typeof t) {
var i = c();
if (
(a.verbose && console.log("codegen: " + i),
(i = "return " + i),
) {
for (
var n = Object.keys(t),
r = Array(n.length + 1),
e = Array(n.length),
s = 0;
s < n.length;
(r[s] = n[s]), (e[s] = t[n[s++]]);
return (r[s] = i), Function.apply(null, r).apply(null, e);
return Function(i)();
for (var u = Array(arguments.length - 1), o = 0; o < u.length; )
u[o] = arguments[++o];
if (
((o = 0),
(t = t.replace(/%([%dfijs])/g, function (t, i) {
var n = u[o++];
switch (i) {
case "d":
case "f":
return "" + +("" + n);
case "i":
return "" + Math.floor(n);
case "j":
return JSON.stringify(n);
case "s":
return "" + n;
return "%";
o !== u.length)
throw Error("parameter count mismatch");
return h.push(t), f;
function c(t) {
return (
"function " +
(t || n || "") +
"(" +
((i && i.join(",")) || "") +
"){\n " +
h.join("\n ") +
return (f.toString = c), f;
(i.exports = a).verbose = !1;
4: [
function (t, i, n) {
function r() {
this.t = {};
((i.exports = r).prototype.on = function (t, i, n) {
return (
(this.t[t] || (this.t[t] = [])).push({ fn: i, ctx: n || this }),
( = function (t, i) {
if (t === g) this.t = {};
else if (i === g) this.t[t] = [];
for (var n = this.t[t], r = 0; r < n.length; )
n[r].fn === i ? n.splice(r, 1) : ++r;
return this;
(r.prototype.emit = function (t) {
var i = this.t[t];
if (i) {
for (var n = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; )
for (r = 0; r < i.length; ) i[r].fn.apply(i[r++].ctx, n);
return this;
5: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = o;
var s = t(1),
u = t(7)("fs");
function o(n, r, e) {
return (
(r = "function" == typeof r ? ((e = r), {}) : r || {}),
? !r.xhr && u && u.readFile
? u.readFile(n, function (t, i) {
return t && "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest
? o.xhr(n, r, e)
: t
? e(t)
: e(null, r.binary ? i : i.toString("utf8"));
: o.xhr(n, r, e)
: s(o, this, n, r)
o.xhr = function (t, n, r) {
var e = new XMLHttpRequest();
(e.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (4 !== e.readyState) return g;
if (0 !== e.status && 200 !== e.status)
return r(Error("status " + e.status));
if (n.binary) {
if (!(t = e.response))
for (var t = [], i = 0; i < e.responseText.length; ++i)
t.push(255 & e.responseText.charCodeAt(i));
return r(
"undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(t) : t
return r(null, e.responseText);
n.binary &&
("overrideMimeType" in e &&
e.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"),
(e.responseType = "arraybuffer")),"GET", t),
{ 1: 1, 7: 7 },
6: [
function (t, i, n) {
function r(t) {
function i(t, i, n, r) {
var e = i < 0 ? 1 : 0;
0 === (i = e ? -i : i)
? 0 < 1 / i
? 0
: 2147483648
: isNaN(i)
? 2143289344
: 34028234663852886e22 < i
? ((e << 31) | 2139095040) >>> 0
: i < 11754943508222875e-54
? ((e << 31) | Math.round(i / 1401298464324817e-60)) >>> 0
: ((e << 31) |
((127 + (t = Math.floor(Math.log(i) / Math.LN2))) << 23) |
(8388607 & Math.round(i * Math.pow(2, -t) * 8388608))) >>>
function n(t, i, n) {
(t = t(i, n)),
(i = 2 * (t >> 31) + 1),
(n = (t >>> 23) & 255),
(t &= 8388607);
return 255 == n
? t
? NaN
: (1 / 0) * i
: 0 == n
? 1401298464324817e-60 * i * t
: i * Math.pow(2, n - 150) * (8388608 + t);
function r(t, i, n) {
(o[0] = t),
(i[n] = h[0]),
(i[n + 1] = h[1]),
(i[n + 2] = h[2]),
(i[n + 3] = h[3]);
function e(t, i, n) {
(o[0] = t),
(i[n] = h[3]),
(i[n + 1] = h[2]),
(i[n + 2] = h[1]),
(i[n + 3] = h[0]);
function s(t, i) {
return (
(h[0] = t[i]),
(h[1] = t[i + 1]),
(h[2] = t[i + 2]),
(h[3] = t[i + 3]),
function u(t, i) {
return (
(h[3] = t[i]),
(h[2] = t[i + 1]),
(h[1] = t[i + 2]),
(h[0] = t[i + 3]),
var o, h, f, c, a;
function l(t, i, n, r, e, s) {
var u,
o = r < 0 ? 1 : 0;
0 === (r = o ? -r : r)
? (t(0, e, s + i), t(0 < 1 / r ? 0 : 2147483648, e, s + n))
: isNaN(r)
? (t(0, e, s + i), t(2146959360, e, s + n))
: 17976931348623157e292 < r
? (t(0, e, s + i), t(((o << 31) | 2146435072) >>> 0, e, s + n))
: r < 22250738585072014e-324
? (t((u = r / 5e-324) >>> 0, e, s + i),
t(((o << 31) | (u / 4294967296)) >>> 0, e, s + n))
: (t(
(4503599627370496 *
(u =
r *
-(r =
1024 === (r = Math.floor(Math.log(r) / Math.LN2))
? 1023
: r)
))) >>>
s + i
((o << 31) |
((r + 1023) << 20) |
((1048576 * u) & 1048575)) >>>
s + n
function d(t, i, n, r, e) {
(i = t(r, e + i)),
(t = t(r, e + n)),
(r = 2 * (t >> 31) + 1),
(e = (t >>> 20) & 2047),
(n = 4294967296 * (1048575 & t) + i);
return 2047 == e
? n
? NaN
: (1 / 0) * r
: 0 == e
? 5e-324 * r * n
: r * Math.pow(2, e - 1075) * (n + 4503599627370496);
function v(t, i, n) {
(f[0] = t),
(i[n] = c[0]),
(i[n + 1] = c[1]),
(i[n + 2] = c[2]),
(i[n + 3] = c[3]),
(i[n + 4] = c[4]),
(i[n + 5] = c[5]),
(i[n + 6] = c[6]),
(i[n + 7] = c[7]);
function b(t, i, n) {
(f[0] = t),
(i[n] = c[7]),
(i[n + 1] = c[6]),
(i[n + 2] = c[5]),
(i[n + 3] = c[4]),
(i[n + 4] = c[3]),
(i[n + 5] = c[2]),
(i[n + 6] = c[1]),
(i[n + 7] = c[0]);
function p(t, i) {
return (
(c[0] = t[i]),
(c[1] = t[i + 1]),
(c[2] = t[i + 2]),
(c[3] = t[i + 3]),
(c[4] = t[i + 4]),
(c[5] = t[i + 5]),
(c[6] = t[i + 6]),
(c[7] = t[i + 7]),
function y(t, i) {
return (
(c[7] = t[i]),
(c[6] = t[i + 1]),
(c[5] = t[i + 2]),
(c[4] = t[i + 3]),
(c[3] = t[i + 4]),
(c[2] = t[i + 5]),
(c[1] = t[i + 6]),
(c[0] = t[i + 7]),
return (
"undefined" != typeof Float32Array
? ((o = new Float32Array([-0])),
(h = new Uint8Array(o.buffer)),
(a = 128 === h[3]),
(t.writeFloatLE = a ? r : e),
(t.writeFloatBE = a ? e : r),
(t.readFloatLE = a ? s : u),
(t.readFloatBE = a ? u : s))
: ((t.writeFloatLE = i.bind(null, m)),
(t.writeFloatBE = i.bind(null, w)),
(t.readFloatLE = n.bind(null, g)),
(t.readFloatBE = n.bind(null, j))),
"undefined" != typeof Float64Array
? ((f = new Float64Array([-0])),
(c = new Uint8Array(f.buffer)),
(a = 128 === c[7]),
(t.writeDoubleLE = a ? v : b),
(t.writeDoubleBE = a ? b : v),
(t.readDoubleLE = a ? p : y),
(t.readDoubleBE = a ? y : p))
: ((t.writeDoubleLE = l.bind(null, m, 0, 4)),
(t.writeDoubleBE = l.bind(null, w, 4, 0)),
(t.readDoubleLE = d.bind(null, g, 0, 4)),
(t.readDoubleBE = d.bind(null, j, 4, 0))),
function m(t, i, n) {
(i[n] = 255 & t),
(i[n + 1] = (t >>> 8) & 255),
(i[n + 2] = (t >>> 16) & 255),
(i[n + 3] = t >>> 24);
function w(t, i, n) {
(i[n] = t >>> 24),
(i[n + 1] = (t >>> 16) & 255),
(i[n + 2] = (t >>> 8) & 255),
(i[n + 3] = 255 & t);
function g(t, i) {
return (
(t[i] | (t[i + 1] << 8) | (t[i + 2] << 16) | (t[i + 3] << 24)) >>>
function j(t, i) {
return (
((t[i] << 24) | (t[i + 1] << 16) | (t[i + 2] << 8) | t[i + 3]) >>>
i.exports = r(r);
7: [
function (t, i, n) {
function r(t) {
try {
var i = eval("require")(t);
if (i && (i.length || Object.keys(i).length)) return i;
} catch (t) {}
return null;
i.exports = r;
8: [
function (t, i, n) {
var e = (n.isAbsolute = function (t) {
return /^(?:\/|\w+:)/.test(t);
r = (n.normalize = function (t) {
var i = (t = t.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/")).split(
n = e(t),
t = "";
n && (t = i.shift() + "/");
for (var r = 0; r < i.length; )
".." === i[r]
? 0 < r && ".." !== i[r - 1]
? i.splice(--r, 2)
: n
? i.splice(r, 1)
: ++r
: "." === i[r]
? i.splice(r, 1)
: ++r;
return t + i.join("/");
n.resolve = function (t, i, n) {
return (
n || (i = r(i)),
!e(i) &&
(t = (t = n ? t : r(t)).replace(/(?:\/|^)[^/]+$/, "")).length
? r(t + "/" + i)
: i
9: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = function (i, n, t) {
var r = t || 8192,
e = r >>> 1,
s = null,
u = r;
return function (t) {
if (t < 1 || e < t) return i(t);
r < u + t && ((s = i(r)), (u = 0));
t =, u, (u += t));
return 7 & u && (u = 1 + (7 | u)), t;
10: [
function (t, i, n) {
(n.length = function (t) {
for (var i, n = 0, r = 0; r < t.length; ++r)
(i = t.charCodeAt(r)) < 128
? (n += 1)
: i < 2048
? (n += 2)
: 55296 == (64512 & i) && 56320 == (64512 & t.charCodeAt(r + 1))
? (++r, (n += 4))
: (n += 3);
return n;
( = function (t, i, n) {
if (n - i < 1) return "";
for (var r, e = null, s = [], u = 0; i < n; )
(r = t[i++]) < 128
? (s[u++] = r)
: 191 < r && r < 224
? (s[u++] = ((31 & r) << 6) | (63 & t[i++]))
: 239 < r && r < 365
? ((r =
(((7 & r) << 18) |
((63 & t[i++]) << 12) |
((63 & t[i++]) << 6) |
(63 & t[i++])) -
(s[u++] = 55296 + (r >> 10)),
(s[u++] = 56320 + (1023 & r)))
: (s[u++] =
((15 & r) << 12) | ((63 & t[i++]) << 6) | (63 & t[i++])),
8191 < u &&
((e = e || []).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s)),
(u = 0));
return e
? (u &&
e.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s.slice(0, u))),
: String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s.slice(0, u));
(n.write = function (t, i, n) {
for (var r, e, s = n, u = 0; u < t.length; ++u)
(r = t.charCodeAt(u)) < 128
? (i[n++] = r)
: (r < 2048
? (i[n++] = (r >> 6) | 192)
: (55296 == (64512 & r) &&
56320 == (64512 & (e = t.charCodeAt(u + 1)))
? (++u,
(i[n++] =
((r = 65536 + ((1023 & r) << 10) + (1023 & e)) >>
18) |
(i[n++] = ((r >> 12) & 63) | 128))
: (i[n++] = (r >> 12) | 224),
(i[n++] = ((r >> 6) & 63) | 128)),
(i[n++] = (63 & r) | 128));
return n - s;
11: [
function (t, i, n) {
var l = t(14),
d = t(33);
function u(t, i, n, r) {
var e = !1;
if (i.resolvedType)
if (i.resolvedType instanceof l) {
t("switch(d%s){", r);
for (
var s = i.resolvedType.values, u = Object.keys(s), o = 0;
o < u.length;
s[u[o]] !== i.typeDefault ||
e ||
i.repeated || t("break"),
(e = !0)),
t("case%j:", u[o])("case %i:", s[u[o]])(
} else
t('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', r)(
"throw TypeError(%j)",
i.fullName + ": object expected"
)("m%s=types[%i].fromObject(d%s)", r, n, r);
else {
var h = !1;
switch (i.type) {
case "double":
case "float":
t("m%s=Number(d%s)", r, r);
case "uint32":
case "fixed32":
t("m%s=d%s>>>0", r, r);
case "int32":
case "sint32":
case "sfixed32":
t("m%s=d%s|0", r, r);
case "uint64":
h = !0;
case "int64":
case "sint64":
case "fixed64":
case "sfixed64":
)('else if(typeof d%s==="string")', r)(
)('else if(typeof d%s==="number")', r)(
)('else if(typeof d%s==="object")', r)(
"m%s=new util.LongBits(d%s.low>>>0,d%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s)",
h ? "true" : ""
case "bytes":
t('if(typeof d%s==="string")', r)(
)("else if(d%s.length >= 0)", r)("m%s=d%s", r, r);
case "string":
t("m%s=String(d%s)", r, r);
case "bool":
t("m%s=Boolean(d%s)", r, r);
return t;
function v(t, i, n, r) {
if (i.resolvedType)
i.resolvedType instanceof l
? t(
: t("d%s=types[%i].toObject(m%s,o)", r, n, r);
else {
var e = !1;
switch (i.type) {
case "double":
case "float":
t("d%s=o.json&&!isFinite(m%s)?String(m%s):m%s", r, r, r, r);
case "uint64":
e = !0;
case "int64":
case "sint64":
case "fixed64":
case "sfixed64":
t('if(typeof m%s==="number")', r)(
"d%s=o.longs===String? util.LongBits(m%s.low>>>0,m%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s):m%s",
e ? "true" : "",
case "bytes":
t("d%s=m%s", r, r);
return t;
(n.fromObject = function (t) {
var i = t.fieldsArray,
n = d.codegen(
["d"], + "$fromObject"
)("if(d instanceof this.ctor)")("return d");
if (!i.length) return n("return new this.ctor");
n("var m=new this.ctor");
for (var r = 0; r < i.length; ++r) {
var e = i[r].resolve(),
s = d.safeProp(;
? (n("if(d%s){", s)('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', s)(
"throw TypeError(%j)",
e.fullName + ": object expected"
)("m%s={}", s)(
"for(var ks=Object.keys(d%s),i=0;i<ks.length;++i){",
u(n, e, r, s + "[ks[i]]")("}")("}"))
: e.repeated
? (n("if(d%s){", s)("if(!Array.isArray(d%s))", s)(
"throw TypeError(%j)",
e.fullName + ": array expected"
)("m%s=[]", s)("for(var i=0;i<d%s.length;++i){", s),
u(n, e, r, s + "[i]")("}")("}"))
: (e.resolvedType instanceof l || n("if(d%s!=null){", s),
u(n, e, r, s),
e.resolvedType instanceof l || n("}"));
return n("return m");
(n.toObject = function (t) {
var i = t.fieldsArray.slice().sort(d.compareFieldsById);
if (!i.length) return d.codegen()("return {}");
for (
var n = d.codegen(["m", "o"], + "$toObject")("if(!o)")(
)("var d={}"),
r = [],
e = [],
s = [],
u = 0;
u < i.length;
i[u].partOf ||
(i[u].resolve().repeated ? r : i[u].map ? e : s).push(i[u]);
if (r.length) {
for (n("if(o.arrays||o.defaults){"), u = 0; u < r.length; ++u)
n("d%s=[]", d.safeProp(r[u].name));
if (e.length) {
for (n("if(o.objects||o.defaults){"), u = 0; u < e.length; ++u)
n("d%s={}", d.safeProp(e[u].name));
if (s.length) {
for (n("if(o.defaults){"), u = 0; u < s.length; ++u) {
var o,
h = s[u],
f = d.safeProp(;
h.resolvedType instanceof l
? n(
: h.long
? n("if(util.Long){")(
"var n=new util.Long(%i,%i,%j)",
: h.bytes
? ((o =
"[" +",") +
String.fromCharCode.apply(String, h.typeDefault)
)("else{")("d%s=%s", f, o)(
: n("d%s=%j", f, h.typeDefault);
for (var c = !1, u = 0; u < i.length; ++u) {
var h = i[u],
a = t.i.indexOf(h),
f = d.safeProp(;
? (c || ((c = !0), n("var ks2")),
)("for(var j=0;j<ks2.length;++j){"),
v(n, h, a, f + "[ks2[j]]")("}"))
: h.repeated
? (n("if(m%s&&m%s.length){", f, f)("d%s=[]", f)(
"for(var j=0;j<m%s.length;++j){",
v(n, h, a, f + "[j]")("}"))
: (n("if(m%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", f,,
v(n, h, a, f),
h.partOf &&
return n("return d");
{ 14: 14, 33: 33 },
12: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = function (t) {
var i = f.codegen(
["r", "l"], + "$decode"
)("if(!(r instanceof Reader))")("r=Reader.create(r)")(
"var c=l===undefined?r.len:r.pos+l,m=new this.ctor" +
(t.fieldsArray.filter(function (t) {
? ",k,value"
: "")
)("while(r.pos<c){")("var t=r.uint32()"); && i("if((t&7)===4)")("break");
for (var n = 0; n < t.fieldsArray.length; ++n) {
var r = t.i[n].resolve(),
e = r.resolvedType instanceof o ? "int32" : r.type,
s = "m" + f.safeProp(;
i("case %i: {",,
? (i("if(%s===util.emptyObject)", s)("%s={}", s)(
"var c2 = r.uint32()+r.pos"
h.defaults[r.keyType] !== g
? i("k=%j", h.defaults[r.keyType])
: i("k=null"),
h.defaults[e] !== g
? i("value=%j", h.defaults[e])
: i("value=null"),
i("while(r.pos<c2){")("var tag2=r.uint32()")(
"case 1: k=r.%s(); break",
)("case 2:"),
h.basic[e] === g
? i("value=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())", n)
: i("value=r.%s()", e),
h.long[r.keyType] !== g
? i(
'%s[typeof k==="object"?util.longToHash(k):k]=value',
: i("%s[k]=value", s))
: r.repeated
? (i("if(!(%s&&%s.length))", s, s)("%s=[]", s),
h.packed[e] !== g &&
i("if((t&7)===2){")("var c2=r.uint32()+r.pos")(
h.basic[e] === g
? i(
? "%s.push(types[%i].decode(r))"
: "%s.push(types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32()))",
: i("%s.push(r.%s())", s, e))
: h.basic[e] === g
? i(
? "%s=types[%i].decode(r)"
: "%s=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())",
: i("%s=r.%s()", s, e),
for (
i("default:")("r.skipType(t&7)")("break")("}")("}"), n = 0;
n < t.i.length;
) {
var u = t.i[n];
u.required &&
"throw util.ProtocolError(%j,{instance:m})",
"missing required '" + + "'"
return i("return m");
var o = t(14),
h = t(32),
f = t(33);
{ 14: 14, 32: 32, 33: 33 },
13: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = function (t) {
for (
var i,
n = a.codegen(["m", "w"], + "$encode")("if(!w)")(
r = t.fieldsArray.slice().sort(a.compareFieldsById),
e = 0;
e < r.length;
) {
var s = r[e].resolve(),
u = t.i.indexOf(s),
o = s.resolvedType instanceof f ? "int32" : s.type,
h = c.basic[o];
(i = "m" + a.safeProp(,
? (n(
)("for(var ks=Object.keys(%s),i=0;i<ks.length;++i){", i)(
(( << 3) | 2) >>> 0,
8 | c.mapKey[s.keyType],
h === g
? n(
: n(".uint32(%i).%s(%s[ks[i]]).ldelim()", 16 | h, o, i),
: s.repeated
? (n("if(%s!=null&&%s.length){", i, i),
s.packed && c.packed[o] !== g
? n("w.uint32(%i).fork()", (( << 3) | 2) >>> 0)(
"for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)",
: (n("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", i),
h === g
? l(n, s, u, i + "[i]")
: n(
(( << 3) | h) >>> 0,
: (s.optional &&
h === g
? l(n, s, u, i)
: n(
(( << 3) | h) >>> 0,
return n("return w");
var f = t(14),
c = t(32),
a = t(33);
function l(t, i, n, r) {
? t(
(( << 3) | 3) >>> 0,
(( << 3) | 4) >>> 0
: t(
(( << 3) | 2) >>> 0
{ 14: 14, 32: 32, 33: 33 },
14: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = s;
var h = t(22),
r =
((((s.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)).constructor =
s).className = "Enum"),
e = t(33);
function s(t, i, n, r, e, s) {
if ((, t, n), i && "object" != typeof i))
throw TypeError("values must be an object");
if (
((this.valuesById = {}),
(this.values = Object.create(this.valuesById)),
(this.comment = r),
(this.comments = e || {}),
(this.valuesOptions = s),
(this.reserved = g),
for (var u = Object.keys(i), o = 0; o < u.length; ++o)
"number" == typeof i[u[o]] &&
(this.valuesById[(this.values[u[o]] = i[u[o]])] = u[o]);
(s.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
t = new s(t, i.values, i.options, i.comment, i.comments);
return (t.reserved = i.reserved), t;
(s.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
t = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return e.toObject([
this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : g,
t ? this.comment : g,
t ? this.comments : g,
(s.prototype.add = function (t, i, n, r) {
if (!e.isString(t)) throw TypeError("name must be a string");
if (!e.isInteger(i)) throw TypeError("id must be an integer");
if (this.values[t] !== g)
throw Error("duplicate name '" + t + "' in " + this);
if (this.isReservedId(i))
throw Error("id " + i + " is reserved in " + this);
if (this.isReservedName(t))
throw Error("name '" + t + "' is reserved in " + this);
if (this.valuesById[i] !== g) {
if (!this.options || !this.options.allow_alias)
throw Error("duplicate id " + i + " in " + this);
this.values[t] = i;
} else this.valuesById[(this.values[t] = i)] = t;
return (
r &&
(this.valuesOptions === g && (this.valuesOptions = {}),
(this.valuesOptions[t] = r || null)),
(this.comments[t] = n || null),
(s.prototype.remove = function (t) {
if (!e.isString(t)) throw TypeError("name must be a string");
var i = this.values[t];
if (null == i)
throw Error("name '" + t + "' does not exist in " + this);
return (
delete this.valuesById[i],
delete this.values[t],
delete this.comments[t],
this.valuesOptions && delete this.valuesOptions[t],
(s.prototype.isReservedId = function (t) {
return r.isReservedId(this.reserved, t);
(s.prototype.isReservedName = function (t) {
return r.isReservedName(this.reserved, t);
{ 21: 21, 22: 22, 33: 33 },
15: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = u;
var r,
o = t(22),
e =
((((u.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype)).constructor =
u).className = "Field"),
h = t(32),
f = t(33),
c = /^required|optional|repeated$/;
function u(t, i, n, r, e, s, u) {
if (
? ((u = e), (s = r), (r = e = g))
: f.isObject(e) && ((u = s), (s = e), (e = g)),, t, s),
!f.isInteger(i) || i < 0)
throw TypeError("id must be a non-negative integer");
if (!f.isString(n)) throw TypeError("type must be a string");
if (r !== g && !c.test((r = r.toString().toLowerCase())))
throw TypeError("rule must be a string rule");
if (e !== g && !f.isString(e))
throw TypeError("extend must be a string");
(this.rule =
(r = "proto3_optional" === r ? "optional" : r) && "optional" !== r
? r
: g),
(this.type = n),
( = i),
(this.extend = e || g),
(this.required = "required" === r),
(this.optional = !this.required),
(this.repeated = "repeated" === r),
( = !1),
(this.message = null),
(this.partOf = null),
(this.typeDefault = null),
(this.defaultValue = null),
(this.long = !!f.Long && h.long[n] !== g),
(this.bytes = "bytes" === n),
(this.resolvedType = null),
(this.extensionField = null),
(this.declaringField = null),
(this.n = null),
(this.comment = u);
(u.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
return new u(
Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, "packed", {
get: function () {
return (
null === this.n && (this.n = !1 !== this.getOption("packed")),
(u.prototype.setOption = function (t, i, n) {
return (
"packed" === t && (this.n = null),, t, i, n)
(u.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
t = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return f.toObject([
("optional" !== this.rule && this.rule) || g,
t ? this.comment : g,
(u.prototype.resolve = function () {
var t;
return this.resolved
? this
: ((this.typeDefault = h.defaults[this.type]) === g
? ((this.resolvedType = (
this.declaringField || this
this.resolvedType instanceof r
? (this.typeDefault = null)
: (this.typeDefault =
: this.options &&
this.options.proto3_optional &&
(this.typeDefault = null),
this.options &&
null != this.options.default &&
((this.typeDefault = this.options.default),
this.resolvedType instanceof e &&
"string" == typeof this.typeDefault &&
(this.typeDefault =
this.options &&
((!0 !== this.options.packed &&
(this.options.packed === g ||
!this.resolvedType ||
this.resolvedType instanceof e)) ||
delete this.options.packed,
Object.keys(this.options).length || (this.options = g)),
? ((this.typeDefault = f.Long.fromNumber(
"u" == (this.type[0] || "")
Object.freeze && Object.freeze(this.typeDefault))
: this.bytes &&
"string" == typeof this.typeDefault &&
? f.base64.decode(
(t = f.newBuffer(
: f.utf8.write(
(t = f.newBuffer(f.utf8.length(this.typeDefault))),
(this.typeDefault = t)),
? (this.defaultValue = f.emptyObject)
: this.repeated
? (this.defaultValue = f.emptyArray)
: (this.defaultValue = this.typeDefault),
this.parent instanceof r &&
(this.parent.ctor.prototype[] = this.defaultValue),;
(u.d = function (n, r, e, s) {
return (
"function" == typeof r
? (r = f.decorateType(r).name)
: r && "object" == typeof r && (r = f.decorateEnum(r).name),
function (t, i) {
new u(i, n, r, e, { default: s })
(u.r = function (t) {
r = t;
{ 14: 14, 22: 22, 32: 32, 33: 33 },
16: [
function (t, i, n) {
var r = (i.exports = t(17));
( = "light"),
(r.load = function (t, i, n) {
return (i =
"function" == typeof i
? ((n = i), new r.Root())
: i || new r.Root()).load(t, n);
(r.loadSync = function (t, i) {
return (i = i || new r.Root()).loadSync(t);
(r.encoder = t(13)),
(r.decoder = t(12)),
(r.verifier = t(36)),
(r.converter = t(11)),
(r.ReflectionObject = t(22)),
(r.Namespace = t(21)),
(r.Root = t(26)),
(r.Enum = t(14)),
(r.Type = t(31)),
(r.Field = t(15)),
(r.OneOf = t(23)),
(r.MapField = t(18)),
(r.Service = t(30)),
(r.Method = t(20)),
(r.Message = t(19)),
(r.wrappers = t(37)),
(r.types = t(32)),
(r.util = t(33)),
r.Namespace.r(r.Type, r.Service, r.Enum),
11: 11,
12: 12,
13: 13,
14: 14,
15: 15,
17: 17,
18: 18,
19: 19,
20: 20,
21: 21,
22: 22,
23: 23,
26: 26,
30: 30,
31: 31,
32: 32,
33: 33,
36: 36,
37: 37,
17: [
function (t, i, n) {
var r = n;
function e() {
r.util.r(), r.Writer.r(r.BufferWriter), r.Reader.r(r.BufferReader);
( = "minimal"),
(r.Writer = t(38)),
(r.BufferWriter = t(39)),
(r.Reader = t(24)),
(r.BufferReader = t(25)),
(r.util = t(35)),
(r.rpc = t(28)),
(r.roots = t(27)),
(r.configure = e),
{ 24: 24, 25: 25, 27: 27, 28: 28, 35: 35, 38: 38, 39: 39 },
18: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = s;
var u = t(15),
r =
((((s.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype)).constructor =
s).className = "MapField"),
o = t(33);
function s(t, i, n, r, e, s) {
if ((, t, i, r, g, g, e, s), !o.isString(n)))
throw TypeError("keyType must be a string");
(this.keyType = n), (this.resolvedKeyType = null), ( = !0);
(s.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
return new s(t,, i.keyType, i.type, i.options, i.comment);
(s.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
t = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return o.toObject([
t ? this.comment : g,
(s.prototype.resolve = function () {
if (this.resolved) return this;
if (r.mapKey[this.keyType] === g)
throw Error("invalid key type: " + this.keyType);
(s.d = function (n, r, e) {
return (
"function" == typeof e
? (e = o.decorateType(e).name)
: e && "object" == typeof e && (e = o.decorateEnum(e).name),
function (t, i) {
o.decorateType(t.constructor).add(new s(i, n, r, e));
{ 15: 15, 32: 32, 33: 33 },
19: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = e;
var r = t(35);
function e(t) {
if (t)
for (var i = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < i.length; ++n)
this[i[n]] = t[i[n]];
(e.create = function (t) {
return this.$type.create(t);
(e.encode = function (t, i) {
return this.$type.encode(t, i);
(e.encodeDelimited = function (t, i) {
return this.$type.encodeDelimited(t, i);
(e.decode = function (t) {
return this.$type.decode(t);
(e.decodeDelimited = function (t) {
return this.$type.decodeDelimited(t);
(e.verify = function (t) {
return this.$type.verify(t);
(e.fromObject = function (t) {
return this.$type.fromObject(t);
(e.toObject = function (t, i) {
return this.$type.toObject(t, i);
(e.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this.$type.toObject(this, r.toJSONOptions);
{ 35: 35 },
20: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = r;
var f = t(22),
c =
((((r.prototype = Object.create(f.prototype)).constructor =
r).className = "Method"),
function r(t, i, n, r, e, s, u, o, h) {
if (
? ((u = e), (e = s = g))
: c.isObject(s) && ((u = s), (s = g)),
i !== g && !c.isString(i))
throw TypeError("type must be a string");
if (!c.isString(n)) throw TypeError("requestType must be a string");
if (!c.isString(r))
throw TypeError("responseType must be a string");, t, u),
(this.type = i || "rpc"),
(this.requestType = n),
(this.requestStream = !!e || g),
(this.responseType = r),
(this.responseStream = !!s || g),
(this.resolvedRequestType = null),
(this.resolvedResponseType = null),
(this.comment = o),
(this.parsedOptions = h);
(r.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
return new r(
(r.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
t = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return c.toObject([
("rpc" !== this.type && this.type) || g,
t ? this.comment : g,
(r.prototype.resolve = function () {
return this.resolved
? this
: ((this.resolvedRequestType = this.parent.lookupType(
(this.resolvedResponseType = this.parent.lookupType(
{ 22: 22, 33: 33 },
21: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = a;
var e,
r = t(22),
o =
((((a.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor =
a).className = "Namespace"),
h = t(33),
f = t(23);
function c(t, i) {
if (!t || !t.length) return g;
for (var n = {}, r = 0; r < t.length; ++r)
n[t[r].name] = t[r].toJSON(i);
return n;
function a(t, i) {, t, i), (this.nested = g), (this.e = null);
function l(t) {
return (t.e = null), t;
(a.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
return new a(t, i.options).addJSON(i.nested);
(a.arrayToJSON = c),
(a.isReservedId = function (t, i) {
if (t)
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)
if ("string" != typeof t[n] && t[n][0] <= i && t[n][1] > i)
return !0;
return !1;
(a.isReservedName = function (t, i) {
if (t)
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) if (t[n] === i) return !0;
return !1;
Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "nestedArray", {
get: function () {
return this.e || (this.e = h.toArray(this.nested));
(a.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
return h.toObject([
c(this.nestedArray, t),
(a.prototype.addJSON = function (t) {
if (t)
for (var i, n = Object.keys(t), r = 0; r < n.length; ++r)
(i = t[n[r]]),
(i.fields !== g
? e
: i.values !== g
? u
: i.methods !== g
? s
: !== g
? o
: a
).fromJSON(n[r], i)
return this;
(a.prototype.get = function (t) {
return (this.nested && this.nested[t]) || null;
(a.prototype.getEnum = function (t) {
if (this.nested && this.nested[t] instanceof u)
return this.nested[t].values;
throw Error("no such enum: " + t);
(a.prototype.add = function (t) {
if (
(t instanceof o && t.extend !== g) ||
t instanceof e ||
t instanceof f ||
t instanceof u ||
t instanceof s ||
t instanceof a
throw TypeError("object must be a valid nested object");
if (this.nested) {
var i = this.get(;
if (i) {
if (
!(i instanceof a && t instanceof a) ||
i instanceof e ||
i instanceof s
throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
for (var n = i.nestedArray, r = 0; r < n.length; ++r)
this.nested || (this.nested = {}),
t.setOptions(i.options, !0);
} else this.nested = {};
return (this.nested[] = t).onAdd(this), l(this);
(a.prototype.remove = function (t) {
if (!(t instanceof r))
throw TypeError("object must be a ReflectionObject");
if (t.parent !== this)
throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
return (
delete this.nested[],
Object.keys(this.nested).length || (this.nested = g),
(a.prototype.define = function (t, i) {
if (h.isString(t)) t = t.split(".");
else if (!Array.isArray(t)) throw TypeError("illegal path");
if (t && t.length && "" === t[0])
throw Error("path must be relative");
for (var n = this; 0 < t.length; ) {
var r = t.shift();
if (n.nested && n.nested[r]) {
if (!((n = n.nested[r]) instanceof a))
throw Error("path conflicts with non-namespace objects");
} else n.add((n = new a(r)));
return i && n.addJSON(i), n;
(a.prototype.resolveAll = function () {
for (var t = this.nestedArray, i = 0; i < t.length; )
t[i] instanceof a ? t[i++].resolveAll() : t[i++].resolve();
return this.resolve();
(a.prototype.lookup = function (t, i, n) {
if (
("boolean" == typeof i
? ((n = i), (i = g))
: i && !Array.isArray(i) && (i = [i]),
h.isString(t) && t.length)
) {
if ("." === t) return this.root;
t = t.split(".");
} else if (!t.length) return this;
if ("" === t[0]) return this.root.lookup(t.slice(1), i);
var r = this.get(t[0]);
if (r) {
if (1 === t.length) {
if (!i || ~i.indexOf(r.constructor)) return r;
} else if (r instanceof a && (r = r.lookup(t.slice(1), i, !0)))
return r;
} else
for (var e = 0; e < this.nestedArray.length; ++e)
if (
this.e[e] instanceof a &&
(r = this.e[e].lookup(t, i, !0))
return r;
return null === this.parent || n
? null
: this.parent.lookup(t, i);
(a.prototype.lookupType = function (t) {
var i = this.lookup(t, [e]);
if (i) return i;
throw Error("no such type: " + t);
(a.prototype.lookupEnum = function (t) {
var i = this.lookup(t, [u]);
if (i) return i;
throw Error("no such Enum '" + t + "' in " + this);
(a.prototype.lookupTypeOrEnum = function (t) {
var i = this.lookup(t, [e, u]);
if (i) return i;
throw Error("no such Type or Enum '" + t + "' in " + this);
(a.prototype.lookupService = function (t) {
var i = this.lookup(t, [s]);
if (i) return i;
throw Error("no such Service '" + t + "' in " + this);
(a.r = function (t, i, n) {
(e = t), (s = i), (u = n);
{ 15: 15, 22: 22, 23: 23, 33: 33 },
22: [
function (t, i, n) {
(i.exports = e).className = "ReflectionObject";
var r,
u = t(33);
function e(t, i) {
if (!u.isString(t)) throw TypeError("name must be a string");
if (i && !u.isObject(i))
throw TypeError("options must be an object");
(this.options = i),
(this.parsedOptions = null),
( = t),
(this.parent = null),
(this.resolved = !1),
(this.comment = null),
(this.filename = null);
Object.defineProperties(e.prototype, {
root: {
get: function () {
for (var t = this; null !== t.parent; ) t = t.parent;
return t;
fullName: {
get: function () {
for (var t = [], i = this.parent; i; )
t.unshift(, (i = i.parent);
return t.join(".");
(e.prototype.toJSON = function () {
throw Error();
(e.prototype.onAdd = function (t) {
this.parent && this.parent !== t && this.parent.remove(this),
(this.parent = t),
(this.resolved = !1);
t = t.root;
t instanceof r && t.u(this);
(e.prototype.onRemove = function (t) {
t = t.root;
t instanceof r && t.o(this),
(this.parent = null),
(this.resolved = !1);
(e.prototype.resolve = function () {
return (
this.resolved ||
(this.root instanceof r && (this.resolved = !0)),
(e.prototype.getOption = function (t) {
return this.options ? this.options[t] : g;
(e.prototype.setOption = function (t, i, n) {
return (
(n && this.options && this.options[t] !== g) ||
((this.options || (this.options = {}))[t] = i),
(e.prototype.setParsedOption = function (i, t, n) {
this.parsedOptions || (this.parsedOptions = []);
var r,
s = this.parsedOptions;
return (
? (r = s.find(function (t) {
return, i);
? ((e = r[i]), u.setProperty(e, n, t))
: (((r = {})[i] = u.setProperty({}, n, t)), s.push(r))
: (((e = {})[i] = t), s.push(e)),
(e.prototype.setOptions = function (t, i) {
if (t)
for (var n = Object.keys(t), r = 0; r < n.length; ++r)
this.setOption(n[r], t[n[r]], i);
return this;
(e.prototype.toString = function () {
var t = this.constructor.className,
i = this.fullName;
return i.length ? t + " " + i : t;
(e.r = function (t) {
r = t;
{ 33: 33 },
23: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = u;
var e = t(22),
r =
((((u.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)).constructor =
u).className = "OneOf"),
s = t(33);
function u(t, i, n, r) {
if (
(Array.isArray(i) || ((n = i), (i = g)),, t, n),
i !== g && !Array.isArray(i))
throw TypeError("fieldNames must be an Array");
(this.oneof = i || []), (this.fieldsArray = []), (this.comment = r);
function o(t) {
if (t.parent)
for (var i = 0; i < t.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
t.fieldsArray[i].parent || t.parent.add(t.fieldsArray[i]);
(u.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
return new u(t, i.oneof, i.options, i.comment);
(u.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
t = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return s.toObject([
t ? this.comment : g,
(u.prototype.add = function (t) {
if (t instanceof r)
return (
t.parent && t.parent !== this.parent && t.parent.remove(t),
o((t.partOf = this)),
throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
(u.prototype.remove = function (t) {
if (!(t instanceof r)) throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
var i = this.fieldsArray.indexOf(t);
if (i < 0) throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
return (
this.fieldsArray.splice(i, 1),
-1 < (i = this.oneof.indexOf( &&
this.oneof.splice(i, 1),
(t.partOf = null),
(u.prototype.onAdd = function (t) {, t);
for (var i = 0; i < this.oneof.length; ++i) {
var n = t.get(this.oneof[i]);
n && !n.partOf && (n.partOf = this).fieldsArray.push(n);
(u.prototype.onRemove = function (t) {
for (var i, n = 0; n < this.fieldsArray.length; ++n)
(i = this.fieldsArray[n]).parent && i.parent.remove(i);, t);
(u.d = function () {
for (
var n = Array(arguments.length), t = 0;
t < arguments.length;
n[t] = arguments[t++];
return function (t, i) {
s.decorateType(t.constructor).add(new u(i, n)),
Object.defineProperty(t, i, {
get: s.oneOfGetter(n),
set: s.oneOfSetter(n),
{ 15: 15, 22: 22, 33: 33 },
24: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = h;
var r,
e = t(35),
s = e.LongBits,
u = e.utf8;
function o(t, i) {
return RangeError(
"index out of range: " + t.pos + " + " + (i || 1) + " > " + t.len
function h(t) {
(this.buf = t), (this.pos = 0), (this.len = t.length);
function f() {
return e.Buffer
? function (t) {
return (h.create = function (t) {
return e.Buffer.isBuffer(t) ? new r(t) : a(t);
: a;
var c,
a =
"undefined" != typeof Uint8Array
? function (t) {
if (t instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(t))
return new h(t);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
: function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) return new h(t);
throw Error("illegal buffer");
function l() {
var t = new s(0, 0),
i = 0;
if (!(4 < this.len - this.pos)) {
for (; i < 3; ++i) {
if (this.pos >= this.len) throw o(this);
if (
((t.lo =
(t.lo | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << (7 * i))) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return t;
return (
(t.lo =
(t.lo | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos++]) << (7 * i))) >>> 0),
for (; i < 4; ++i)
if (
((t.lo =
(t.lo | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << (7 * i))) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return t;
if (
((t.lo = (t.lo | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28)) >>> 0),
(t.hi = (t.hi | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >> 4)) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return t;
if (((i = 0), 4 < this.len - this.pos)) {
for (; i < 5; ++i)
if (
((t.hi =
(t.hi | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << (7 * i + 3))) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return t;
} else
for (; i < 5; ++i) {
if (this.pos >= this.len) throw o(this);
if (
((t.hi =
(t.hi | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << (7 * i + 3))) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
return t;
throw Error("invalid varint encoding");
function d(t, i) {
return (
(t[i - 4] |
(t[i - 3] << 8) |
(t[i - 2] << 16) |
(t[i - 1] << 24)) >>>
function v() {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw o(this, 8);
return new s(
d(this.buf, (this.pos += 4)),
d(this.buf, (this.pos += 4))
(h.create = f()),
(h.prototype.h =
e.Array.prototype.subarray || e.Array.prototype.slice),
(h.prototype.uint32 =
((c = 4294967295),
function () {
if (
((c = (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 ||
((c = (c | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7)) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 ||
((c = (c | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 14)) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 ||
((c = (c | ((127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 21)) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 ||
((c = (c | ((15 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28)) >>> 0),
this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 ||
!((this.pos += 5) > this.len))))))
return c;
throw ((this.pos = this.len), o(this, 10));
(h.prototype.int32 = function () {
return 0 | this.uint32();
(h.prototype.sint32 = function () {
var t = this.uint32();
return ((t >>> 1) ^ -(1 & t)) | 0;
(h.prototype.bool = function () {
return 0 !== this.uint32();
(h.prototype.fixed32 = function () {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw o(this, 4);
return d(this.buf, (this.pos += 4));
(h.prototype.sfixed32 = function () {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw o(this, 4);
return 0 | d(this.buf, (this.pos += 4));
(h.prototype.float = function () {
if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw o(this, 4);
var t = e.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos);
return (this.pos += 4), t;
(h.prototype.double = function () {
if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw o(this, 4);
var t = e.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos);
return (this.pos += 8), t;
(h.prototype.bytes = function () {
var t = this.uint32(),
i = this.pos,
n = this.pos + t;
if (n > this.len) throw o(this, t);
return (
(this.pos += t),
? this.buf.slice(i, n)
: i === n
? new this.buf.constructor(0)
:, i, n)
(h.prototype.string = function () {
var t = this.bytes();
return, 0, t.length);
(h.prototype.skip = function (t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) {
if (this.pos + t > this.len) throw o(this, t);
this.pos += t;
} else
do {
if (this.pos >= this.len) throw o(this);
} while (128 & this.buf[this.pos++]);
return this;
(h.prototype.skipType = function (t) {
switch (t) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
for (; 4 != (t = 7 & this.uint32()); ) this.skipType(t);
case 5:
throw Error(
"invalid wire type " + t + " at offset " + this.pos
return this;
(h.r = function (t) {
(r = t), (h.create = f()), r.r();
var i = e.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber";
e.merge(h.prototype, {
int64: function () {
uint64: function () {
sint64: function () {
fixed64: function () {
sfixed64: function () {
{ 35: 35 },
25: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = s;
var r = t(24),
e =
(((s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor = s),
function s(t) {, t);
(s.r = function () {
e.Buffer && (s.prototype.h = e.Buffer.prototype.slice);
(s.prototype.string = function () {
var t = this.uint32();
return this.buf.utf8Slice
? this.buf.utf8Slice(
(this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + t, this.len))
: this.buf.toString(
(this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + t, this.len))
{ 24: 24, 35: 35 },
26: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = h;
var r,
e = t(21),
s =
((((h.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)).constructor =
h).className = "Root"),
u = t(14),
o = t(23),
b = t(33);
function h(t) {, "", t), (this.deferred = []), (this.files = []);
function p() {}
(h.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
return (
(i = i || new h()),
t.options && i.setOptions(t.options),
(h.prototype.resolvePath = b.path.resolve),
(h.prototype.fetch = b.fetch),
(h.prototype.load = function t(i, s, e) {
"function" == typeof s && ((e = s), (s = g));
var u = this;
if (!e) return b.asPromise(t, u, i, s);
var o = e === p;
function h(t, i) {
if (e) {
var n = e;
if (((e = null), o)) throw t;
n(t, i);
function f(t) {
var i = t.lastIndexOf("google/protobuf/");
if (-1 < i) {
t = t.substring(i);
if (t in v) return t;
return null;
function c(t, i) {
try {
if (
(b.isString(i) &&
"{" == (i[0] || "") &&
(i = JSON.parse(i)),
) {
d.filename = t;
var n,
r = d(i, u, s),
e = 0;
if (r.imports)
for (; e < r.imports.length; ++e)
(n =
f(r.imports[e]) || u.resolvePath(t, r.imports[e])) &&
if (r.weakImports)
for (e = 0; e < r.weakImports.length; ++e)
(n =
f(r.weakImports[e]) ||
u.resolvePath(t, r.weakImports[e])) && a(n, !0);
} else u.setOptions(i.options).addJSON(i.nested);
} catch (t) {
o || l || h(null, u);
function a(n, r) {
if (!~u.files.indexOf(n))
if ((u.files.push(n), n in v))
? c(n, v[n])
: (++l,
setTimeout(function () {
--l, c(n, v[n]);
else if (o) {
var t;
try {
t = b.fs.readFileSync(n).toString("utf8");
} catch (t) {
return void (r || h(t));
c(n, t);
} else
u.fetch(n, function (t, i) {
--l, e && (t ? (r ? l || h(null, u) : h(t)) : c(n, i));
var l = 0;
b.isString(i) && (i = [i]);
for (var n, r = 0; r < i.length; ++r)
(n = u.resolvePath("", i[r])) && a(n);
return o ? u : (l || h(null, u), g);
(h.prototype.loadSync = function (t, i) {
if (b.isNode) return this.load(t, i, p);
throw Error("not supported");
(h.prototype.resolveAll = function () {
if (this.deferred.length)
throw Error(
"unresolvable extensions: " +
.map(function (t) {
return (
"'extend " + t.extend + "' in " + t.parent.fullName
.join(", ")
var f = /^[A-Z]/;
function c(t, i) {
var n,
r = i.parent.lookup(i.extend);
if (r)
return (
(((n = new s(
)).declaringField = i).extensionField = n),
(h.prototype.u = function (t) {
if (t instanceof s)
t.extend === g ||
t.extensionField ||
c(0, t) ||
else if (t instanceof u)
f.test( && (t.parent[] = t.values);
else if (!(t instanceof o)) {
if (t instanceof r)
for (var i = 0; i < this.deferred.length; )
c(0, this.deferred[i]) ? this.deferred.splice(i, 1) : ++i;
for (var n = 0; n < t.nestedArray.length; ++n) this.u(t.e[n]);
f.test( && (t.parent[] = t);
(h.prototype.o = function (t) {
var i;
if (t instanceof s)
t.extend !== g &&
? (t.extensionField.parent.remove(t.extensionField),
(t.extensionField = null))
: -1 < (i = this.deferred.indexOf(t)) &&
this.deferred.splice(i, 1));
else if (t instanceof u)
f.test( && delete t.parent[];
else if (t instanceof e) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.nestedArray.length; ++n) this.o(t.e[n]);
f.test( && delete t.parent[];
(h.r = function (t, i, n) {
(r = t), (d = i), (v = n);
{ 14: 14, 15: 15, 21: 21, 23: 23, 33: 33 },
27: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = {};
28: [
function (t, i, n) {
n.Service = t(29);
{ 29: 29 },
29: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = r;
var o = t(35);
function r(t, i, n) {
if ("function" != typeof t)
throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");,
(this.rpcImpl = t),
(this.requestDelimited = !!i),
(this.responseDelimited = !!n);
(((r.prototype = Object.create(
)).constructor = r).prototype.rpcCall = function t(n, i, r, e, s) {
if (!e) throw TypeError("request must be specified");
var u = this;
if (!s) return o.asPromise(t, u, n, i, r, e);
if (!u.rpcImpl)
return (
setTimeout(function () {
s(Error("already ended"));
}, 0),
try {
return u.rpcImpl(
i[u.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](
function (t, i) {
if (t) return u.emit("error", t, n), s(t);
if (null === i) return u.end(!0), g;
if (!(i instanceof r))
try {
i =
r[u.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](
} catch (t) {
return u.emit("error", t, n), s(t);
return u.emit("data", i, n), s(null, i);
} catch (t) {
return (
u.emit("error", t, n),
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0),
(r.prototype.end = function (t) {
return (
this.rpcImpl &&
(t || this.rpcImpl(null, null, null),
(this.rpcImpl = null),
{ 35: 35 },
30: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = u;
var r = t(21),
s =
((((u.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor =
u).className = "Service"),
o = t(33),
h = t(28);
function u(t, i) {, t, i), (this.methods = {}), (this.f = null);
function e(t) {
return (t.f = null), t;
(u.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
var n = new u(t, i.options);
if (i.methods)
for (var r = Object.keys(i.methods), e = 0; e < r.length; ++e)
n.add(s.fromJSON(r[e], i.methods[r[e]]));
return i.nested && n.addJSON(i.nested), (n.comment = i.comment), n;
(u.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
var i =, t),
n = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return o.toObject([
(i && i.options) || g,
r.arrayToJSON(this.methodsArray, t) || {},
(i && i.nested) || g,
n ? this.comment : g,
Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, "methodsArray", {
get: function () {
return this.f || (this.f = o.toArray(this.methods));
(u.prototype.get = function (t) {
return this.methods[t] ||, t);
(u.prototype.resolveAll = function () {
for (var t = this.methodsArray, i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)
(u.prototype.add = function (t) {
if (this.get(
throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
return t instanceof s
? e(((this.methods[] = t).parent = this))
:, t);
(u.prototype.remove = function (t) {
if (t instanceof s) {
if (this.methods[] !== t)
throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
return delete this.methods[], (t.parent = null), e(this);
return, t);
(u.prototype.create = function (t, i, n) {
for (
var r, e = new h.Service(t, i, n), s = 0;
s < this.methodsArray.length;
) {
var u = o
.lcFirst((r = this.f[s]).resolve().name)
.replace(/[^$\w_]/g, "");
e[u] = o.codegen(
["r", "c"],
o.isReserved(u) ? u + "_" : u
)("return this.rpcCall(m,q,s,r,c)")({
m: r,
q: r.resolvedRequestType.ctor,
s: r.resolvedResponseType.ctor,
return e;
{ 20: 20, 21: 21, 28: 28, 33: 33 },
31: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = w;
var u = t(21),
o =
((((w.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype)).constructor =
w).className = "Type"),
h = t(23),
f = t(15),
c = t(18),
a = t(30),
e = t(19),
s = t(24),
l = t(38),
d = t(33),
v = t(13),
b = t(12),
p = t(36),
y = t(11),
m = t(37);
function w(t, i) {, t, i),
(this.fields = {}),
(this.oneofs = g),
(this.extensions = g),
(this.reserved = g),
( = g),
(this.c = null),
(this.i = null),
(this.a = null),
(this.l = null);
function r(t) {
return (
(t.c = t.i = t.a = null),
delete t.encode,
delete t.decode,
delete t.verify,
Object.defineProperties(w.prototype, {
fieldsById: {
get: function () {
if (!this.c) {
this.c = {};
for (
var t = Object.keys(this.fields), i = 0;
i < t.length;
) {
var n = this.fields[t[i]],
r =;
if (this.c[r])
throw Error("duplicate id " + r + " in " + this);
this.c[r] = n;
return this.c;
fieldsArray: {
get: function () {
return this.i || (this.i = d.toArray(this.fields));
oneofsArray: {
get: function () {
return this.a || (this.a = d.toArray(this.oneofs));
ctor: {
get: function () {
return this.l || (this.ctor = w.generateConstructor(this)());
set: function (t) {
for (
var i = t.prototype,
n =
(i instanceof e ||
(((t.prototype = new e()).constructor = t),
d.merge(t.prototype, i)),
(t.$type = t.prototype.$type = this),
d.merge(t, e, !0),
(this.l = t),
n < this.fieldsArray.length;
for (var r = {}, n = 0; n < this.oneofsArray.length; ++n)
r[this.a[n].resolve().name] = {
get: d.oneOfGetter(this.a[n].oneof),
set: d.oneOfSetter(this.a[n].oneof),
n && Object.defineProperties(t.prototype, r);
(w.generateConstructor = function (t) {
for (
var i, n = d.codegen(["p"],, r = 0;
r < t.fieldsArray.length;
(i = t.i[r]).map
? n("this%s={}", d.safeProp(
: i.repeated && n("this%s=[]", d.safeProp(;
return n(
"if(p)for(var ks=Object.keys(p),i=0;i<ks.length;++i)if(p[ks[i]]!=null)"
(w.fromJSON = function (t, i) {
for (
var n = new w(t, i.options),
r =
((n.extensions = i.extensions),
(n.reserved = i.reserved),
e = 0;
e < r.length;
(void 0 !== i.fields[r[e]].keyType ? c : f).fromJSON(
if (i.oneofs)
for (r = Object.keys(i.oneofs), e = 0; e < r.length; ++e)
n.add(h.fromJSON(r[e], i.oneofs[r[e]]));
if (i.nested)
for (r = Object.keys(i.nested), e = 0; e < r.length; ++e) {
var s = i.nested[r[e]];
( !== g
? f
: s.fields !== g
? w
: s.values !== g
? o
: s.methods !== g
? a
: u
).fromJSON(r[e], s)
return (
i.extensions &&
i.extensions.length &&
(n.extensions = i.extensions),
i.reserved && i.reserved.length && (n.reserved = i.reserved), && ( = !0),
i.comment && (n.comment = i.comment),
(w.prototype.toJSON = function (t) {
var i =, t),
n = !!t && !!t.keepComments;
return d.toObject([
(i && i.options) || g,
u.arrayToJSON(this.oneofsArray, t),
this.fieldsArray.filter(function (t) {
return !t.declaringField;
) || {},
this.extensions && this.extensions.length ? this.extensions : g,
this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : g,
"group", || g,
(i && i.nested) || g,
n ? this.comment : g,
(w.prototype.resolveAll = function () {
for (var t = this.fieldsArray, i = 0; i < t.length; )
for (var n = this.oneofsArray, i = 0; i < n.length; )
(w.prototype.get = function (t) {
return (
this.fields[t] ||
(this.oneofs && this.oneofs[t]) ||
(this.nested && this.nested[t]) ||
(w.prototype.add = function (t) {
if (this.get(
throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
if (t instanceof f && t.extend === g) {
if ((this.c || this.fieldsById)[])
throw Error("duplicate id " + + " in " + this);
if (this.isReservedId(
throw Error("id " + + " is reserved in " + this);
if (this.isReservedName(
throw Error("name '" + + "' is reserved in " + this);
return (
t.parent && t.parent.remove(t),
((this.fields[] = t).message = this),
return t instanceof h
? (this.oneofs || (this.oneofs = {}),
(this.oneofs[] = t).onAdd(this),
:, t);
(w.prototype.remove = function (t) {
if (t instanceof f && t.extend === g) {
if (this.fields && this.fields[] === t)
return (
delete this.fields[],
(t.parent = null),
throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
if (t instanceof h) {
if (this.oneofs && this.oneofs[] === t)
return (
delete this.oneofs[],
(t.parent = null),
throw Error(t + " is not a member of " + this);
return, t);
(w.prototype.isReservedId = function (t) {
return u.isReservedId(this.reserved, t);
(w.prototype.isReservedName = function (t) {
return u.isReservedName(this.reserved, t);
(w.prototype.create = function (t) {
return new this.ctor(t);
(w.prototype.setup = function () {
for (
var t = this.fullName, i = [], n = 0;
n < this.fieldsArray.length;
(this.encode = v(this)({ Writer: l, types: i, util: d })),
(this.decode = b(this)({ Reader: s, types: i, util: d })),
(this.verify = p(this)({ types: i, util: d })),
(this.fromObject = y.fromObject(this)({ types: i, util: d })),
(this.toObject = y.toObject(this)({ types: i, util: d }));
var r,
t = m[t];
return (
t &&
(((r = Object.create(this)).fromObject = this.fromObject),
(this.fromObject = t.fromObject.bind(r)),
(r.toObject = this.toObject),
(this.toObject = t.toObject.bind(r))),
(w.prototype.encode = function (t, i) {
return this.setup().encode(t, i);
(w.prototype.encodeDelimited = function (t, i) {
return this.encode(t, i && i.len ? i.fork() : i).ldelim();
(w.prototype.decode = function (t, i) {
return this.setup().decode(t, i);
(w.prototype.decodeDelimited = function (t) {
return (
t instanceof s || (t = s.create(t)), this.decode(t, t.uint32())
(w.prototype.verify = function (t) {
return this.setup().verify(t);
(w.prototype.fromObject = function (t) {
return this.setup().fromObject(t);
(w.prototype.toObject = function (t, i) {
return this.setup().toObject(t, i);
(w.d = function (i) {
return function (t) {
d.decorateType(t, i);
11: 11,
12: 12,
13: 13,
14: 14,
15: 15,
18: 18,
19: 19,
21: 21,
23: 23,
24: 24,
30: 30,
33: 33,
36: 36,
37: 37,
38: 38,
32: [
function (t, i, n) {
var t = t(33),
e = [
function r(t, i) {
var n = 0,
r = {};
for (i |= 0; n < t.length; ) r[e[n + i]] = t[n++];
return r;
(n.basic = r([1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2])),
(n.defaults = r([
(n.long = r([0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 7)),
(n.mapKey = r([0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2], 2)),
(n.packed = r([1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]));
{ 33: 33 },
33: [
function (n, t, i) {
var r,
s = (t.exports = n(35)),
u = n(27),
o =
((s.codegen = n(3)),
(s.fetch = n(5)),
(s.path = n(8)),
(s.fs = s.inquire("fs")),
(s.toArray = function (t) {
if (t) {
for (
var i = Object.keys(t), n = Array(i.length), r = 0;
r < i.length;
n[r] = t[i[r++]];
return n;
return [];
(s.toObject = function (t) {
for (var i = {}, n = 0; n < t.length; ) {
var r = t[n++],
e = t[n++];
e !== g && (i[r] = e);
return i;
h = /"/g,
f =
((s.isReserved = function (t) {
return /^(?:do|if|in|for|let|new|try|var|case|else|enum|eval|false|null|this|true|void|with|break|catch|class|const|super|throw|while|yield|delete|export|import|public|return|static|switch|typeof|default|extends|finally|package|private|continue|debugger|function|arguments|interface|protected|implements|instanceof)$/.test(
(s.safeProp = function (t) {
return !/^[$\w_]+$/.test(t) || s.isReserved(t)
? '["' + t.replace(o, "\\\\").replace(h, '\\"') + '"]'
: "." + t;
(s.ucFirst = function (t) {
return (t[0] || "").toUpperCase() + t.substring(1);
c =
((s.camelCase = function (t) {
return (
t.substring(0, 1) +
t.substring(1).replace(f, function (t, i) {
return i.toUpperCase();
(s.compareFieldsById = function (t, i) {
return -;
(s.decorateType = function (t, i) {
return t.$type
? (i &&
t.$ !== i &&
(t.$ = i),
: ((i = new (r = r || n(31))(i ||,
(i.ctor = t),
Object.defineProperty(t, "$type", {
value: i,
enumerable: !1,
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "$type", {
value: i,
enumerable: !1,
(s.decorateEnum = function (t) {
var i;
return (
t.$type ||
((i = new (e = e || n(14))("Enum" + c++, t)),
Object.defineProperty(t, "$type", { value: i, enumerable: !1 }),
(s.setProperty = function (t, i, n) {
if ("object" != typeof t)
throw TypeError("dst must be an object");
if (i)
return (function t(i, n, r) {
var e = n.shift();
return (
"__proto__" !== e &&
(0 < n.length
? (i[e] = t(i[e] || {}, n, r))
: ((n = i[e]) && (r = [].concat(n).concat(r)),
(i[e] = r))),
})(t, (i = i.split(".")), n);
throw TypeError("path must be specified");
Object.defineProperty(s, "decorateRoot", {
get: function () {
return u.decorated || (u.decorated = new (n(26))());
{ 14: 14, 26: 26, 27: 27, 3: 3, 31: 31, 35: 35, 5: 5, 8: 8 },
34: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = e;
var r = t(35);
function e(t, i) {
(this.lo = t >>> 0), (this.hi = i >>> 0);
var s = ( = new e(0, 0)),
u =
((s.toNumber = function () {
return 0;
(s.zzEncode = s.zzDecode =
function () {
return this;
(s.length = function () {
return 1;
(e.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"),
(e.fromNumber = function (t) {
var i, n;
return 0 === t
? s
: ((n = (t = (i = t < 0) ? -t : t) >>> 0),
(t = ((t - n) / 4294967296) >>> 0),
i &&
((t = ~t >>> 0),
(n = ~n >>> 0),
4294967295 < ++n &&
((n = 0), 4294967295 < ++t && (t = 0))),
new e(n, t));
(e.from = function (t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) return e.fromNumber(t);
if (r.isString(t)) {
if (!r.Long) return e.fromNumber(parseInt(t, 10));
t = r.Long.fromString(t);
return t.low || t.high ? new e(t.low >>> 0, t.high >>> 0) : s;
(e.prototype.toNumber = function (t) {
var i;
return !t && this.hi >>> 31
? ((t = (1 + ~this.lo) >>> 0),
(i = ~this.hi >>> 0),
-(t + 4294967296 * (i = t ? i : (i + 1) >>> 0)))
: this.lo + 4294967296 * this.hi;
(e.prototype.toLong = function (t) {
return r.Long
? new r.Long(0 | this.lo, 0 | this.hi, !!t)
: { low: 0 | this.lo, high: 0 | this.hi, unsigned: !!t };
(e.fromHash = function (t) {
return "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" === t
? s
: new e(
(, 0) |
(, 1) << 8) |
(, 2) << 16) |
(, 3) << 24)) >>>
(, 4) |
(, 5) << 8) |
(, 6) << 16) |
(, 7) << 24)) >>>
(e.prototype.toHash = function () {
return String.fromCharCode(
255 & this.lo,
(this.lo >>> 8) & 255,
(this.lo >>> 16) & 255,
this.lo >>> 24,
255 & this.hi,
(this.hi >>> 8) & 255,
(this.hi >>> 16) & 255,
this.hi >>> 24
(e.prototype.zzEncode = function () {
var t = this.hi >> 31;
return (
(this.hi = (((this.hi << 1) | (this.lo >>> 31)) ^ t) >>> 0),
(this.lo = ((this.lo << 1) ^ t) >>> 0),
(e.prototype.zzDecode = function () {
var t = -(1 & this.lo);
return (
(this.lo = (((this.lo >>> 1) | (this.hi << 31)) ^ t) >>> 0),
(this.hi = ((this.hi >>> 1) ^ t) >>> 0),
(e.prototype.length = function () {
var t = this.lo,
i = ((this.lo >>> 28) | (this.hi << 4)) >>> 0,
n = this.hi >>> 24;
return 0 == n
? 0 == i
? t < 16384
? t < 128
? 1
: 2
: t < 2097152
? 3
: 4
: i < 16384
? i < 128
? 5
: 6
: i < 2097152
? 7
: 8
: n < 128
? 9
: 10;
{ 35: 35 },
35: [
function (t, i, n) {
var r = n;
function e(t, i, n) {
for (var r = Object.keys(i), e = 0; e < r.length; ++e)
(t[r[e]] !== g && n) || (t[r[e]] = i[r[e]]);
return t;
function s(t) {
function n(t, i) {
if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, i);
Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
get: function () {
return t;
? Error.captureStackTrace(this, n)
: Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", {
value: Error().stack || "",
i && e(this, i);
return (
(n.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: n,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
name: {
get() {
return t;
set: g,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
toString: {
value() {
return + ": " + this.message;
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
(r.asPromise = t(1)),
(r.base64 = t(2)),
(r.EventEmitter = t(4)),
(r.float = t(6)),
(r.inquire = t(7)),
(r.utf8 = t(10)),
(r.pool = t(9)),
(r.LongBits = t(34)),
(r.isNode = !!(
"undefined" != typeof global &&
global &&
global.process &&
global.process.versions &&
( =
(r.isNode && global) ||
("undefined" != typeof window && window) ||
("undefined" != typeof self && self) ||
(r.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : []),
(r.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {}),
(r.isInteger =
Number.isInteger ||
function (t) {
return (
"number" == typeof t && isFinite(t) && Math.floor(t) === t
(r.isString = function (t) {
return "string" == typeof t || t instanceof String;
(r.isObject = function (t) {
return t && "object" == typeof t;
(r.isset = r.isSet =
function (t, i) {
var n = t[i];
return (
null != n &&
t.hasOwnProperty(i) &&
("object" != typeof n ||
0 < (Array.isArray(n) ? n : Object.keys(n)).length)
(r.Buffer = (function () {
try {
var t = r.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
return t.prototype.utf8Write ? t : null;
} catch (t) {
return null;
(r.v = null),
(r.b = null),
(r.newBuffer = function (t) {
return "number" == typeof t
? r.Buffer
? r.b(t)
: new r.Array(t)
: r.Buffer
? r.v(t)
: "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array
? t
: new Uint8Array(t);
(r.Array = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array),
(r.Long =
( && || ||
(r.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/),
(r.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/),
(r.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/),
(r.longToHash = function (t) {
return t ? r.LongBits.from(t).toHash() : r.LongBits.zeroHash;
(r.longFromHash = function (t, i) {
t = r.LongBits.fromHash(t);
return r.Long ? r.Long.fromBits(t.lo, t.hi, i) : t.toNumber(!!i);
(r.merge = e),
(r.lcFirst = function (t) {
return (t[0] || "").toLowerCase() + t.substring(1);
(r.newError = s),
(r.ProtocolError = s("ProtocolError")),
(r.oneOfGetter = function (t) {
for (var n = {}, i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) n[t[i]] = 1;
return function () {
for (var t = Object.keys(this), i = t.length - 1; -1 < i; --i)
if (1 === n[t[i]] && this[t[i]] !== g && null !== this[t[i]])
return t[i];
(r.oneOfSetter = function (n) {
return function (t) {
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; ++i)
n[i] !== t && delete this[n[i]];
(r.toJSONOptions = {
longs: String,
enums: String,
bytes: String,
json: !0,
(r.r = function () {
var n = r.Buffer;
? ((r.v =
(n.from !== Uint8Array.from && n.from) ||
function (t, i) {
return new n(t, i);
(r.b =
n.allocUnsafe ||
function (t) {
return new n(t);
: (r.v = r.b = null);
{ 1: 1, 10: 10, 2: 2, 34: 34, 4: 4, 6: 6, 7: 7, 9: 9 },
36: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = function (t) {
var i = h.codegen(
["m"], + "$verify"
)('if(typeof m!=="object"||m===null)')(
"object expected"
n = t.oneofsArray,
r = {};
n.length && i("var p={}");
for (var e = 0; e < t.fieldsArray.length; ++e) {
var s,
u = t.i[e].resolve(),
o = "m" + h.safeProp(;
u.optional && i("if(%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", o,,
? (i("if(!util.isObject(%s))", o)("return%j", f(u, "object"))(
"var k=Object.keys(%s)",
)("for(var i=0;i<k.length;++i){"),
(function (t, i, n) {
switch (i.keyType) {
case "int32":
case "uint32":
case "sint32":
case "fixed32":
case "sfixed32":
t("if(!util.key32Re.test(%s))", n)(
f(i, "integer key")
case "int64":
case "uint64":
case "sint64":
case "fixed64":
case "sfixed64":
t("if(!util.key64Re.test(%s))", n)(
f(i, "integer|Long key")
case "bool":
t("if(!util.key2Re.test(%s))", n)(
f(i, "boolean key")
})(i, u, "k[i]"),
c(i, u, e, o + "[k[i]]")("}"))
: u.repeated
? (i("if(!Array.isArray(%s))", o)("return%j", f(u, "array"))(
"for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i){",
c(i, u, e, o + "[i]")("}"))
: (u.partOf &&
((s = h.safeProp(,
1 === r[] &&
i("if(p%s===1)", s)(
"return%j", + ": multiple values"
(r[] = 1),
i("p%s=1", s)),
c(i, u, e, o)),
u.optional && i("}");
return i("return null");
var u = t(14),
h = t(33);
function f(t, i) {
return ( +
": " +
i +
(t.repeated && "array" !== i
? "[]"
: && "object" !== i
? "{k:" + t.keyType + "}"
: "") +
" expected"
function c(t, i, n, r) {
if (i.resolvedType)
if (i.resolvedType instanceof u) {
t("switch(%s){", r)("default:")("return%j", f(i, "enum value"));
for (
var e = Object.keys(i.resolvedType.values), s = 0;
s < e.length;
t("case %i:", i.resolvedType.values[e[s]]);
} else
t("{")("var e=types[%i].verify(%s);", n, r)("if(e)")(
"return%j+e", + "."
switch (i.type) {
case "int32":
case "uint32":
case "sint32":
case "fixed32":
case "sfixed32":
t("if(!util.isInteger(%s))", r)("return%j", f(i, "integer"));
case "int64":
case "uint64":
case "sint64":
case "fixed64":
case "sfixed64":
)("return%j", f(i, "integer|Long"));
case "float":
case "double":
t('if(typeof %s!=="number")', r)("return%j", f(i, "number"));
case "bool":
t('if(typeof %s!=="boolean")', r)(
f(i, "boolean")
case "string":
t("if(!util.isString(%s))", r)("return%j", f(i, "string"));
case "bytes":
'if(!(%s&&typeof %s.length==="number"||util.isString(%s)))',
)("return%j", f(i, "buffer"));
return t;
{ 14: 14, 33: 33 },
37: [
function (t, i, n) {
var u = t(19);
n[".google.protobuf.Any"] = {
fromObject: function (t) {
if (t && t["@type"]) {
var i,
n = t["@type"].substring(1 + t["@type"].lastIndexOf("/")),
n = this.lookup(n);
if (n)
return (
~(i =
"." == (t["@type"][0] || "")
? t["@type"].slice(1)
: t["@type"]).indexOf("/") || (i = "/" + i),
type_url: i,
value: n.encode(n.fromObject(t)).finish(),
return this.fromObject(t);
toObject: function (t, i) {
var n,
e = "",
s = "";
return (
i &&
i.json &&
t.type_url &&
t.value &&
((s = t.type_url.substring(1 + t.type_url.lastIndexOf("/"))),
(e = t.type_url.substring(
1 + t.type_url.lastIndexOf("/")
(n = this.lookup(s)) && (t = n.decode(t.value))),
!(t instanceof this.ctor) && t instanceof u
? ((n = t.$type.toObject(t, i)),
(r =
"." === t.$type.fullName[0]
? t.$type.fullName.slice(1)
: t.$type.fullName),
(n["@type"] = s =
(e = "" === e ? "" : e) + r),
: this.toObject(t, i)
{ 19: 19 },
38: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = a;
var r,
e = t(35),
s = e.LongBits,
u = e.base64,
o = e.utf8;
function h(t, i, n) {
(this.fn = t), (this.len = i), ( = g), (this.val = n);
function f() {}
function c(t) {
(this.head = t.head),
(this.tail = t.tail),
(this.len = t.len),
( = t.states);
function a() {
(this.len = 0),
(this.head = new h(f, 0, 0)),
(this.tail = this.head),
(this.states = null);
function l() {
return e.Buffer
? function () {
return (a.create = function () {
return new r();
: function () {
return new a();
function d(t, i, n) {
i[n] = 255 & t;
function v(t, i) {
(this.len = t), ( = g), (this.val = i);
function b(t, i, n) {
for (; t.hi; )
(i[n++] = (127 & t.lo) | 128),
(t.lo = ((t.lo >>> 7) | (t.hi << 25)) >>> 0),
(t.hi >>>= 7);
for (; 127 < t.lo; )
(i[n++] = (127 & t.lo) | 128), (t.lo = t.lo >>> 7);
i[n++] = t.lo;
function p(t, i, n) {
(i[n] = 255 & t),
(i[n + 1] = (t >>> 8) & 255),
(i[n + 2] = (t >>> 16) & 255),
(i[n + 3] = t >>> 24);
(a.create = l()),
(a.alloc = function (t) {
return new e.Array(t);
e.Array !== Array &&
(a.alloc = e.pool(a.alloc, e.Array.prototype.subarray)),
(a.prototype.p = function (t, i, n) {
return (
(this.tail = = new h(t, i, n)),
(this.len += i),
((v.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)).fn = function (
) {
for (; 127 < t; ) (i[n++] = (127 & t) | 128), (t >>>= 7);
i[n] = t;
(a.prototype.uint32 = function (t) {
return (
(this.len += (this.tail = =
new v(
(t >>>= 0) < 128
? 1
: t < 16384
? 2
: t < 2097152
? 3
: t < 268435456
? 4
: 5,
(a.prototype.int32 = function (t) {
return t < 0 ? this.p(b, 10, s.fromNumber(t)) : this.uint32(t);
(a.prototype.sint32 = function (t) {
return this.uint32(((t << 1) ^ (t >> 31)) >>> 0);
(a.prototype.int64 = a.prototype.uint64 =
function (t) {
t = s.from(t);
return this.p(b, t.length(), t);
(a.prototype.sint64 = function (t) {
t = s.from(t).zzEncode();
return this.p(b, t.length(), t);
(a.prototype.bool = function (t) {
return this.p(d, 1, t ? 1 : 0);
(a.prototype.sfixed32 = a.prototype.fixed32 =
function (t) {
return this.p(p, 4, t >>> 0);
(a.prototype.sfixed64 = a.prototype.fixed64 =
function (t) {
t = s.from(t);
return this.p(p, 4, t.lo).p(p, 4, t.hi);
(a.prototype.float = function (t) {
return this.p(e.float.writeFloatLE, 4, t);
(a.prototype.double = function (t) {
return this.p(e.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, t);
var y = e.Array.prototype.set
? function (t, i, n) {
i.set(t, n);
: function (t, i, n) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) i[n + r] = t[r];
(a.prototype.bytes = function (t) {
var i,
n = t.length >>> 0;
return n
? (e.isString(t) &&
((i = a.alloc((n = u.length(t)))),
u.decode(t, i, 0),
(t = i)),
this.uint32(n).p(y, n, t))
: this.p(d, 1, 0);
(a.prototype.string = function (t) {
var i = o.length(t);
return i ? this.uint32(i).p(o.write, i, t) : this.p(d, 1, 0);
(a.prototype.fork = function () {
return (
(this.states = new c(this)),
(this.head = this.tail = new h(f, 0, 0)),
(this.len = 0),
(a.prototype.reset = function () {
return (
? ((this.head = this.states.head),
(this.tail = this.states.tail),
(this.len = this.states.len),
(this.states =
: ((this.head = this.tail = new h(f, 0, 0)), (this.len = 0)),
(a.prototype.ldelim = function () {
var t = this.head,
i = this.tail,
n = this.len;
return (
n &&
(( =, (this.tail = i), (this.len += n)),
(a.prototype.finish = function () {
for (
var t =,
i = this.constructor.alloc(this.len),
n = 0;
t.fn(t.val, i, n), (n += t.len), (t =;
return i;
(a.r = function (t) {
(r = t), (a.create = l()), r.r();
{ 35: 35 },
39: [
function (t, i, n) {
i.exports = s;
var r = t(38),
e =
(((s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype)).constructor = s),
function s() {;
function u(t, i, n) {
t.length < 40
? e.utf8.write(t, i, n)
: i.utf8Write
? i.utf8Write(t, n)
: i.write(t, n);
(s.r = function () {
(s.alloc = e.b),
(s.writeBytesBuffer =
e.Buffer &&
e.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array &&
"set" ===
? function (t, i, n) {
i.set(t, n);
: function (t, i, n) {
if (t.copy) t.copy(i, n, 0, t.length);
else for (var r = 0; r < t.length; ) i[n++] = t[r++];
(s.prototype.bytes = function (t) {
var i = (t = e.isString(t) ? e.v(t, "base64") : t).length >>> 0;
return (
this.uint32(i), i && this.p(s.writeBytesBuffer, i, t), this
(s.prototype.string = function (t) {
var i = e.Buffer.byteLength(t);
return this.uint32(i), i && this.p(u, i, t), this;
{ 35: 35, 38: 38 },
!(function (t, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module
? e(exports)
: "function" == typeof define && define.amd
? define(["exports"], e)
: e(
((t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).pako =
})(this, function (t) {
"use strict";
function e(t) {
let e = t.length;
for (; --e >= 0; ) t[e] = 0;
const a = 256,
i = 286,
n = 30,
s = 15,
r = new Uint8Array([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5,
5, 5, 5, 0,
l = new Uint8Array([
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10,
11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
o = new Uint8Array([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7,
h = new Uint8Array([
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,
d = new Array(576);
const _ = new Array(60);
const f = new Array(512);
const c = new Array(256);
const u = new Array(29);
const w = new Array(n);
function b(t, e, a, i, n) {
(this.static_tree = t),
(this.extra_bits = e),
(this.extra_base = a),
(this.elems = i),
(this.max_length = n),
(this.has_stree = t && t.length);
let g, p, m;
function k(t, e) {
(this.dyn_tree = t), (this.max_code = 0), (this.stat_desc = e);
const v = (t) => (t < 256 ? f[t] : f[256 + (t >>> 7)]),
y = (t, e) => {
(t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = 255 & e),
(t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = (e >>> 8) & 255);
x = (t, e, a) => {
t.bi_valid > 16 - a
? ((t.bi_buf |= (e << t.bi_valid) & 65535),
y(t, t.bi_buf),
(t.bi_buf = e >> (16 - t.bi_valid)),
(t.bi_valid += a - 16))
: ((t.bi_buf |= (e << t.bi_valid) & 65535), (t.bi_valid += a));
z = (t, e, a) => {
x(t, a[2 * e], a[2 * e + 1]);
A = (t, e) => {
let a = 0;
do {
(a |= 1 & t), (t >>>= 1), (a <<= 1);
} while (--e > 0);
return a >>> 1;
E = (t, e, a) => {
const i = new Array(16);
let n,
l = 0;
for (n = 1; n <= s; n++) i[n] = l = (l + a[n - 1]) << 1;
for (r = 0; r <= e; r++) {
let e = t[2 * r + 1];
0 !== e && (t[2 * r] = A(i[e]++, e));
R = (t) => {
let e;
for (e = 0; e < i; e++) t.dyn_ltree[2 * e] = 0;
for (e = 0; e < n; e++) t.dyn_dtree[2 * e] = 0;
for (e = 0; e < 19; e++) t.bl_tree[2 * e] = 0;
(t.dyn_ltree[512] = 1),
(t.opt_len = t.static_len = 0),
(t.last_lit = t.matches = 0);
Z = (t) => {
t.bi_valid > 8
? y(t, t.bi_buf)
: t.bi_valid > 0 && (t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = t.bi_buf),
(t.bi_buf = 0),
(t.bi_valid = 0);
U = (t, e, a, i) => {
const n = 2 * e,
s = 2 * a;
return t[n] < t[s] || (t[n] === t[s] && i[e] <= i[a]);
S = (t, e, a) => {
const i = t.heap[a];
let n = a << 1;
for (
n <= t.heap_len &&
(n < t.heap_len && U(e, t.heap[n + 1], t.heap[n], t.depth) && n++,
!U(e, i, t.heap[n], t.depth));
(t.heap[a] = t.heap[n]), (a = n), (n <<= 1);
t.heap[a] = i;
D = (t, e, i) => {
let n,
d = 0;
if (0 !== t.last_lit)
do {
(n =
(t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * d] << 8) |
t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * d + 1]),
(s = t.pending_buf[t.l_buf + d]),
0 === n
? z(t, s, e)
: ((o = c[s]),
z(t, o + a + 1, e),
(h = r[o]),
0 !== h && ((s -= u[o]), x(t, s, h)),
(o = v(n)),
z(t, o, i),
(h = l[o]),
0 !== h && ((n -= w[o]), x(t, n, h)));
} while (d < t.last_lit);
z(t, 256, e);
T = (t, e) => {
const a = e.dyn_tree,
i = e.stat_desc.static_tree,
n = e.stat_desc.has_stree,
r = e.stat_desc.elems;
let l,
d = -1;
for (t.heap_len = 0, t.heap_max = 573, l = 0; l < r; l++)
0 !== a[2 * l]
? ((t.heap[++t.heap_len] = d = l), (t.depth[l] = 0))
: (a[2 * l + 1] = 0);
for (; t.heap_len < 2; )
(h = t.heap[++t.heap_len] = d < 2 ? ++d : 0),
(a[2 * h] = 1),
(t.depth[h] = 0),
n && (t.static_len -= i[2 * h + 1]);
for (e.max_code = d, l = t.heap_len >> 1; l >= 1; l--) S(t, a, l);
h = r;
do {
(l = t.heap[1]),
(t.heap[1] = t.heap[t.heap_len--]),
S(t, a, 1),
(o = t.heap[1]),
(t.heap[--t.heap_max] = l),
(t.heap[--t.heap_max] = o),
(a[2 * h] = a[2 * l] + a[2 * o]),
(t.depth[h] =
(t.depth[l] >= t.depth[o] ? t.depth[l] : t.depth[o]) + 1),
(a[2 * l + 1] = a[2 * o + 1] = h),
(t.heap[1] = h++),
S(t, a, 1);
} while (t.heap_len >= 2);
(t.heap[--t.heap_max] = t.heap[1]),
((t, e) => {
const a = e.dyn_tree,
i = e.max_code,
n = e.stat_desc.static_tree,
r = e.stat_desc.has_stree,
l = e.stat_desc.extra_bits,
o = e.stat_desc.extra_base,
h = e.stat_desc.max_length;
let d,
b = 0;
for (c = 0; c <= s; c++) t.bl_count[c] = 0;
for (
a[2 * t.heap[t.heap_max] + 1] = 0, d = t.heap_max + 1;
d < 573;
(_ = t.heap[d]),
(c = a[2 * a[2 * _ + 1] + 1] + 1),
c > h && ((c = h), b++),
(a[2 * _ + 1] = c),
_ > i ||
(u = 0),
_ >= o && (u = l[_ - o]),
(w = a[2 * _]),
(t.opt_len += w * (c + u)),
r && (t.static_len += w * (n[2 * _ + 1] + u)));
if (0 !== b) {
do {
for (c = h - 1; 0 === t.bl_count[c]; ) c--;
(t.bl_count[c + 1] += 2),
(b -= 2);
} while (b > 0);
for (c = h; 0 !== c; c--)
for (_ = t.bl_count[c]; 0 !== _; )
(f = t.heap[--d]),
f > i ||
(a[2 * f + 1] !== c &&
((t.opt_len += (c - a[2 * f + 1]) * a[2 * f]),
(a[2 * f + 1] = c)),
})(t, e),
E(a, d, t.bl_count);
O = (t, e, a) => {
let i,
s = -1,
r = e[1],
l = 0,
o = 7,
h = 4;
for (
0 === r && ((o = 138), (h = 3)), e[2 * (a + 1) + 1] = 65535, i = 0;
i <= a;
(n = r),
(r = e[2 * (i + 1) + 1]),
(++l < o && n === r) ||
(l < h
? (t.bl_tree[2 * n] += l)
: 0 !== n
? (n !== s && t.bl_tree[2 * n]++, t.bl_tree[32]++)
: l <= 10
? t.bl_tree[34]++
: t.bl_tree[36]++,
(l = 0),
(s = n),
0 === r
? ((o = 138), (h = 3))
: n === r
? ((o = 6), (h = 3))
: ((o = 7), (h = 4)));
I = (t, e, a) => {
let i,
s = -1,
r = e[1],
l = 0,
o = 7,
h = 4;
for (0 === r && ((o = 138), (h = 3)), i = 0; i <= a; i++)
if (((n = r), (r = e[2 * (i + 1) + 1]), !(++l < o && n === r))) {
if (l < h)
do {
z(t, n, t.bl_tree);
} while (0 != --l);
0 !== n
? (n !== s && (z(t, n, t.bl_tree), l--),
z(t, 16, t.bl_tree),
x(t, l - 3, 2))
: l <= 10
? (z(t, 17, t.bl_tree), x(t, l - 3, 3))
: (z(t, 18, t.bl_tree), x(t, l - 11, 7));
(l = 0),
(s = n),
0 === r
? ((o = 138), (h = 3))
: n === r
? ((o = 6), (h = 3))
: ((o = 7), (h = 4));
let F = !1;
const L = (t, e, a, i) => {
x(t, 0 + (i ? 1 : 0), 3),
((t, e, a, i) => {
i && (y(t, a), y(t, ~a)),
t.pending_buf.set(t.window.subarray(e, e + a), t.pending),
(t.pending += a);
})(t, e, a, !0);
var N = {
_tr_init: (t) => {
F ||
((() => {
let t, e, a, h, k;
const v = new Array(16);
for (a = 0, h = 0; h < 28; h++)
for (u[h] = a, t = 0; t < 1 << r[h]; t++) c[a++] = h;
for (c[a - 1] = h, k = 0, h = 0; h < 16; h++)
for (w[h] = k, t = 0; t < 1 << l[h]; t++) f[k++] = h;
for (k >>= 7; h < n; h++)
for (w[h] = k << 7, t = 0; t < 1 << (l[h] - 7); t++)
f[256 + k++] = h;
for (e = 0; e <= s; e++) v[e] = 0;
for (t = 0; t <= 143; ) (d[2 * t + 1] = 8), t++, v[8]++;
for (; t <= 255; ) (d[2 * t + 1] = 9), t++, v[9]++;
for (; t <= 279; ) (d[2 * t + 1] = 7), t++, v[7]++;
for (; t <= 287; ) (d[2 * t + 1] = 8), t++, v[8]++;
for (E(d, 287, v), t = 0; t < n; t++)
(_[2 * t + 1] = 5), (_[2 * t] = A(t, 5));
(g = new b(d, r, 257, i, s)),
(p = new b(_, l, 0, n, s)),
(m = new b(new Array(0), o, 0, 19, 7));
(F = !0)),
(t.l_desc = new k(t.dyn_ltree, g)),
(t.d_desc = new k(t.dyn_dtree, p)),
(t.bl_desc = new k(t.bl_tree, m)),
(t.bi_buf = 0),
(t.bi_valid = 0),
_tr_stored_block: L,
_tr_flush_block: (t, e, i, n) => {
let s,
l = 0;
t.level > 0
? (2 === t.strm.data_type &&
(t.strm.data_type = ((t) => {
let e,
i = 4093624447;
for (e = 0; e <= 31; e++, i >>>= 1)
if (1 & i && 0 !== t.dyn_ltree[2 * e]) return 0;
if (
0 !== t.dyn_ltree[18] ||
0 !== t.dyn_ltree[20] ||
0 !== t.dyn_ltree[26]
return 1;
for (e = 32; e < a; e++) if (0 !== t.dyn_ltree[2 * e]) return 1;
return 0;
T(t, t.l_desc),
T(t, t.d_desc),
(l = ((t) => {
let e;
for (
O(t, t.dyn_ltree, t.l_desc.max_code),
O(t, t.dyn_dtree, t.d_desc.max_code),
T(t, t.bl_desc),
e = 18;
e >= 3 && 0 === t.bl_tree[2 * h[e] + 1];
return (t.opt_len += 3 * (e + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4), e;
(s = (t.opt_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3),
(r = (t.static_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3),
r <= s && (s = r))
: (s = r = i + 5),
i + 4 <= s && -1 !== e
? L(t, e, i, n)
: 4 === t.strategy || r === s
? (x(t, 2 + (n ? 1 : 0), 3), D(t, d, _))
: (x(t, 4 + (n ? 1 : 0), 3),
((t, e, a, i) => {
let n;
for (
x(t, e - 257, 5), x(t, a - 1, 5), x(t, i - 4, 4), n = 0;
n < i;
x(t, t.bl_tree[2 * h[n] + 1], 3);
I(t, t.dyn_ltree, e - 1), I(t, t.dyn_dtree, a - 1);
})(t, t.l_desc.max_code + 1, t.d_desc.max_code + 1, l + 1),
D(t, t.dyn_ltree, t.dyn_dtree)),
n && Z(t);
_tr_tally: (t, e, i) => (
(t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * t.last_lit] = (e >>> 8) & 255),
(t.pending_buf[t.d_buf + 2 * t.last_lit + 1] = 255 & e),
(t.pending_buf[t.l_buf + t.last_lit] = 255 & i),
0 === e
? t.dyn_ltree[2 * i]++
: (t.matches++,
t.dyn_ltree[2 * (c[i] + a + 1)]++,
t.dyn_dtree[2 * v(e)]++),
t.last_lit === t.lit_bufsize - 1
_tr_align: (t) => {
x(t, 2, 3),
z(t, 256, d),
((t) => {
16 === t.bi_valid
? (y(t, t.bi_buf), (t.bi_buf = 0), (t.bi_valid = 0))
: t.bi_valid >= 8 &&
((t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = 255 & t.bi_buf),
(t.bi_buf >>= 8),
(t.bi_valid -= 8));
var B = (t, e, a, i) => {
let n = (65535 & t) | 0,
s = ((t >>> 16) & 65535) | 0,
r = 0;
for (; 0 !== a; ) {
(r = a > 2e3 ? 2e3 : a), (a -= r);
do {
(n = (n + e[i++]) | 0), (s = (s + n) | 0);
} while (--r);
(n %= 65521), (s %= 65521);
return n | (s << 16) | 0;
const C = new Uint32Array(
(() => {
let t,
e = [];
for (var a = 0; a < 256; a++) {
t = a;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
t = 1 & t ? 3988292384 ^ (t >>> 1) : t >>> 1;
e[a] = t;
return e;
var M = (t, e, a, i) => {
const n = C,
s = i + a;
t ^= -1;
for (let a = i; a < s; a++) t = (t >>> 8) ^ n[255 & (t ^ e[a])];
return -1 ^ t;
H = {
2: "need dictionary",
1: "stream end",
0: "",
"-1": "file error",
"-2": "stream error",
"-3": "data error",
"-4": "insufficient memory",
"-5": "buffer error",
"-6": "incompatible version",
j = {
Z_OK: 0,
Z_ERRNO: -1,
Z_RLE: 3,
Z_TEXT: 1,
const {
_tr_init: K,
_tr_stored_block: P,
_tr_flush_block: Y,
_tr_tally: G,
_tr_align: X,
} = N,
Z_OK: $,
Z_RLE: lt,
Z_FIXED: ot,
} = j,
ft = 258,
ct = 262,
ut = 103,
wt = 113,
bt = 666,
gt = (t, e) => ((t.msg = H[e]), e),
pt = (t) => (t << 1) - (t > 4 ? 9 : 0),
mt = (t) => {
let e = t.length;
for (; --e >= 0; ) t[e] = 0;
let kt = (t, e, a) => ((e << t.hash_shift) ^ a) & t.hash_mask;
const vt = (t) => {
const e = t.state;
let a = e.pending;
a > t.avail_out && (a = t.avail_out),
0 !== a &&
e.pending_buf.subarray(e.pending_out, e.pending_out + a),
(t.next_out += a),
(e.pending_out += a),
(t.total_out += a),
(t.avail_out -= a),
(e.pending -= a),
0 === e.pending && (e.pending_out = 0));
yt = (t, e) => {
t.block_start >= 0 ? t.block_start : -1,
t.strstart - t.block_start,
(t.block_start = t.strstart),
xt = (t, e) => {
t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = e;
zt = (t, e) => {
(t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = (e >>> 8) & 255),
(t.pending_buf[t.pending++] = 255 & e);
At = (t, e, a, i) => {
let n = t.avail_in;
return (
n > i && (n = i),
0 === n
? 0
: ((t.avail_in -= n),
e.set(t.input.subarray(t.next_in, t.next_in + n), a),
1 === t.state.wrap
? (t.adler = B(t.adler, e, n, a))
: 2 === t.state.wrap && (t.adler = M(t.adler, e, n, a)),
(t.next_in += n),
(t.total_in += n),
Et = (t, e) => {
let a,
n = t.max_chain_length,
s = t.strstart,
r = t.prev_length,
l = t.nice_match;
const o = t.strstart > t.w_size - ct ? t.strstart - (t.w_size - ct) : 0,
h = t.window,
d = t.w_mask,
_ = t.prev,
f = t.strstart + ft;
let c = h[s + r - 1],
u = h[s + r];
t.prev_length >= t.good_match && (n >>= 2),
l > t.lookahead && (l = t.lookahead);
do {
if (
((a = e),
h[a + r] === u &&
h[a + r - 1] === c &&
h[a] === h[s] &&
h[++a] === h[s + 1])
) {
(s += 2), a++;
do {} while (
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
h[++s] === h[++a] &&
s < f
if (((i = ft - (f - s)), (s = f - ft), i > r)) {
if (((t.match_start = e), (r = i), i >= l)) break;
(c = h[s + r - 1]), (u = h[s + r]);
} while ((e = _[e & d]) > o && 0 != --n);
return r <= t.lookahead ? r : t.lookahead;
Rt = (t) => {
const e = t.w_size;
let a, i, n, s, r;
do {
if (
((s = t.window_size - t.lookahead - t.strstart),
t.strstart >= e + (e - ct))
) {
t.window.set(t.window.subarray(e, e + e), 0),
(t.match_start -= e),
(t.strstart -= e),
(t.block_start -= e),
(i = t.hash_size),
(a = i);
do {
(n = t.head[--a]), (t.head[a] = n >= e ? n - e : 0);
} while (--i);
(i = e), (a = i);
do {
(n = t.prev[--a]), (t.prev[a] = n >= e ? n - e : 0);
} while (--i);
s += e;
if (0 === t.strm.avail_in) break;
if (
((i = At(t.strm, t.window, t.strstart + t.lookahead, s)),
(t.lookahead += i),
t.lookahead + t.insert >= 3)
for (
r = t.strstart - t.insert,
t.ins_h = t.window[r],
t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[r + 1]);
t.insert &&
((t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[r + 3 - 1])),
(t.prev[r & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
(t.head[t.ins_h] = r),
!(t.lookahead + t.insert < 3));
} while (t.lookahead < ct && 0 !== t.strm.avail_in);
Zt = (t, e) => {
let a, i;
for (;;) {
if (t.lookahead < ct) {
if ((Rt(t), t.lookahead < ct && e === W)) return 1;
if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
if (
((a = 0),
t.lookahead >= 3 &&
((t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(a = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
(t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart)),
0 !== a &&
t.strstart - a <= t.w_size - ct &&
(t.match_length = Et(t, a)),
t.match_length >= 3)
if (
((i = G(t, t.strstart - t.match_start, t.match_length - 3)),
(t.lookahead -= t.match_length),
t.match_length <= t.max_lazy_match && t.lookahead >= 3)
) {
do {
(t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(a = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
(t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart);
} while (0 != --t.match_length);
} else
(t.strstart += t.match_length),
(t.match_length = 0),
(t.ins_h = t.window[t.strstart]),
(t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[t.strstart + 1]));
else (i = G(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart])), t.lookahead--, t.strstart++;
if (i && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)) return 1;
return (
(t.insert = t.strstart < 2 ? t.strstart : 2),
e === Q
? (yt(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: t.last_lit && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
Ut = (t, e) => {
let a, i, n;
for (;;) {
if (t.lookahead < ct) {
if ((Rt(t), t.lookahead < ct && e === W)) return 1;
if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
if (
((a = 0),
t.lookahead >= 3 &&
((t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(a = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
(t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart)),
(t.prev_length = t.match_length),
(t.prev_match = t.match_start),
(t.match_length = 2),
0 !== a &&
t.prev_length < t.max_lazy_match &&
t.strstart - a <= t.w_size - ct &&
((t.match_length = Et(t, a)),
t.match_length <= 5 &&
(t.strategy === st ||
(3 === t.match_length && t.strstart - t.match_start > 4096)) &&
(t.match_length = 2)),
t.prev_length >= 3 && t.match_length <= t.prev_length)
) {
(n = t.strstart + t.lookahead - 3),
(i = G(t, t.strstart - 1 - t.prev_match, t.prev_length - 3)),
(t.lookahead -= t.prev_length - 1),
(t.prev_length -= 2);
do {
++t.strstart <= n &&
((t.ins_h = kt(t, t.ins_h, t.window[t.strstart + 3 - 1])),
(a = t.prev[t.strstart & t.w_mask] = t.head[t.ins_h]),
(t.head[t.ins_h] = t.strstart));
} while (0 != --t.prev_length);
if (
((t.match_available = 0),
(t.match_length = 2),
i && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
} else if (t.match_available) {
if (
((i = G(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart - 1])),
i && yt(t, !1),
0 === t.strm.avail_out)
return 1;
} else (t.match_available = 1), t.strstart++, t.lookahead--;
return (
t.match_available &&
((i = G(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart - 1])), (t.match_available = 0)),
(t.insert = t.strstart < 2 ? t.strstart : 2),
e === Q
? (yt(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: t.last_lit && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
function St(t, e, a, i, n) {
(this.good_length = t),
(this.max_lazy = e),
(this.nice_length = a),
(this.max_chain = i),
(this.func = n);
const Dt = [
new St(0, 0, 0, 0, (t, e) => {
let a = 65535;
for (a > t.pending_buf_size - 5 && (a = t.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) {
if (t.lookahead <= 1) {
if ((Rt(t), 0 === t.lookahead && e === W)) return 1;
if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
(t.strstart += t.lookahead), (t.lookahead = 0);
const i = t.block_start + a;
if (
(0 === t.strstart || t.strstart >= i) &&
((t.lookahead = t.strstart - i),
(t.strstart = i),
yt(t, !1),
0 === t.strm.avail_out)
return 1;
if (
t.strstart - t.block_start >= t.w_size - ct &&
(yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
return 1;
return (
(t.insert = 0),
e === Q
? (yt(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: (t.strstart > t.block_start && (yt(t, !1), t.strm.avail_out), 1)
new St(4, 4, 8, 4, Zt),
new St(4, 5, 16, 8, Zt),
new St(4, 6, 32, 32, Zt),
new St(4, 4, 16, 16, Ut),
new St(8, 16, 32, 32, Ut),
new St(8, 16, 128, 128, Ut),
new St(8, 32, 128, 256, Ut),
new St(32, 128, 258, 1024, Ut),
new St(32, 258, 258, 4096, Ut),
function Tt() {
(this.strm = null),
(this.status = 0),
(this.pending_buf = null),
(this.pending_buf_size = 0),
(this.pending_out = 0),
(this.pending = 0),
(this.wrap = 0),
(this.gzhead = null),
(this.gzindex = 0),
(this.method = _t),
(this.last_flush = -1),
(this.w_size = 0),
(this.w_bits = 0),
(this.w_mask = 0),
(this.window = null),
(this.window_size = 0),
(this.prev = null),
(this.head = null),
(this.ins_h = 0),
(this.hash_size = 0),
(this.hash_bits = 0),
(this.hash_mask = 0),
(this.hash_shift = 0),
(this.block_start = 0),
(this.match_length = 0),
(this.prev_match = 0),
(this.match_available = 0),
(this.strstart = 0),
(this.match_start = 0),
(this.lookahead = 0),
(this.prev_length = 0),
(this.max_chain_length = 0),
(this.max_lazy_match = 0),
(this.level = 0),
(this.strategy = 0),
(this.good_match = 0),
(this.nice_match = 0),
(this.dyn_ltree = new Uint16Array(1146)),
(this.dyn_dtree = new Uint16Array(122)),
(this.bl_tree = new Uint16Array(78)),
(this.l_desc = null),
(this.d_desc = null),
(this.bl_desc = null),
(this.bl_count = new Uint16Array(16)),
(this.heap = new Uint16Array(573)),
(this.heap_len = 0),
(this.heap_max = 0),
(this.depth = new Uint16Array(573)),
(this.l_buf = 0),
(this.lit_bufsize = 0),
(this.last_lit = 0),
(this.d_buf = 0),
(this.opt_len = 0),
(this.static_len = 0),
(this.matches = 0),
(this.insert = 0),
(this.bi_buf = 0),
(this.bi_valid = 0);
const Ot = (t) => {
if (!t || !t.state) return gt(t, et);
(t.total_in = t.total_out = 0), (t.data_type = dt);
const e = t.state;
return (
(e.pending = 0),
(e.pending_out = 0),
e.wrap < 0 && (e.wrap = -e.wrap),
(e.status = e.wrap ? 42 : wt),
(t.adler = 2 === e.wrap ? 0 : 1),
(e.last_flush = W),
It = (t) => {
const e = Ot(t);
var a;
return (
e === $ &&
(((a = t.state).window_size = 2 * a.w_size),
(a.max_lazy_match = Dt[a.level].max_lazy),
(a.good_match = Dt[a.level].good_length),
(a.nice_match = Dt[a.level].nice_length),
(a.max_chain_length = Dt[a.level].max_chain),
(a.strstart = 0),
(a.block_start = 0),
(a.lookahead = 0),
(a.insert = 0),
(a.match_length = a.prev_length = 2),
(a.match_available = 0),
(a.ins_h = 0)),
Ft = (t, e, a, i, n, s) => {
if (!t) return et;
let r = 1;
if (
(e === nt && (e = 6),
i < 0 ? ((r = 0), (i = -i)) : i > 15 && ((r = 2), (i -= 16)),
n < 1 ||
n > 9 ||
a !== _t ||
i < 8 ||
i > 15 ||
e < 0 ||
e > 9 ||
s < 0 ||
s > ot)
return gt(t, et);
8 === i && (i = 9);
const l = new Tt();
return (
(t.state = l),
(l.strm = t),
(l.wrap = r),
(l.gzhead = null),
(l.w_bits = i),
(l.w_size = 1 << l.w_bits),
(l.w_mask = l.w_size - 1),
(l.hash_bits = n + 7),
(l.hash_size = 1 << l.hash_bits),
(l.hash_mask = l.hash_size - 1),
(l.hash_shift = ~~((l.hash_bits + 3 - 1) / 3)),
(l.window = new Uint8Array(2 * l.w_size)),
(l.head = new Uint16Array(l.hash_size)),
(l.prev = new Uint16Array(l.w_size)),
(l.lit_bufsize = 1 << (n + 6)),
(l.pending_buf_size = 4 * l.lit_bufsize),
(l.pending_buf = new Uint8Array(l.pending_buf_size)),
(l.d_buf = 1 * l.lit_bufsize),
(l.l_buf = 3 * l.lit_bufsize),
(l.level = e),
(l.strategy = s),
(l.method = a),
var Lt = {
deflateInit: (t, e) => Ft(t, e, _t, 15, 8, ht),
deflateInit2: Ft,
deflateReset: It,
deflateResetKeep: Ot,
deflateSetHeader: (t, e) =>
t && t.state ? (2 !== t.state.wrap ? et : ((t.state.gzhead = e), $)) : et,
deflate: (t, e) => {
let a, i;
if (!t || !t.state || e > V || e < 0) return t ? gt(t, et) : et;
const n = t.state;
if (
!t.output ||
(!t.input && 0 !== t.avail_in) ||
(n.status === bt && e !== Q)
return gt(t, 0 === t.avail_out ? it : et);
n.strm = t;
const s = n.last_flush;
if (((n.last_flush = e), 42 === n.status))
if (2 === n.wrap)
(t.adler = 0),
xt(n, 31),
xt(n, 139),
xt(n, 8),
? (xt(
(n.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) +
(n.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) +
(n.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) +
( ? 8 : 0) +
(n.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)
xt(n, 255 & n.gzhead.time),
xt(n, (n.gzhead.time >> 8) & 255),
xt(n, (n.gzhead.time >> 16) & 255),
xt(n, (n.gzhead.time >> 24) & 255),
9 === n.level ? 2 : n.strategy >= rt || n.level < 2 ? 4 : 0
xt(n, 255 & n.gzhead.os),
n.gzhead.extra &&
n.gzhead.extra.length &&
(xt(n, 255 & n.gzhead.extra.length),
xt(n, (n.gzhead.extra.length >> 8) & 255)),
n.gzhead.hcrc &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending, 0)),
(n.gzindex = 0),
(n.status = 69))
: (xt(n, 0),
xt(n, 0),
xt(n, 0),
xt(n, 0),
xt(n, 0),
9 === n.level ? 2 : n.strategy >= rt || n.level < 2 ? 4 : 0
xt(n, 3),
(n.status = wt));
else {
let e = (_t + ((n.w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8,
a = -1;
(a =
n.strategy >= rt || n.level < 2
? 0
: n.level < 6
? 1
: 6 === n.level
? 2
: 3),
(e |= a << 6),
0 !== n.strstart && (e |= 32),
(e += 31 - (e % 31)),
(n.status = wt),
zt(n, e),
0 !== n.strstart && (zt(n, t.adler >>> 16), zt(n, 65535 & t.adler)),
(t.adler = 1);
if (69 === n.status)
if (n.gzhead.extra) {
for (
a = n.pending;
n.gzindex < (65535 & n.gzhead.extra.length) &&
(n.pending !== n.pending_buf_size ||
(n.gzhead.hcrc &&
n.pending > a &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending - a, a)),
(a = n.pending),
n.pending !== n.pending_buf_size));
xt(n, 255 & n.gzhead.extra[n.gzindex]), n.gzindex++;
n.gzhead.hcrc &&
n.pending > a &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending - a, a)),
n.gzindex === n.gzhead.extra.length &&
((n.gzindex = 0), (n.status = 73));
} else n.status = 73;
if (73 === n.status)
if ( {
a = n.pending;
do {
if (
n.pending === n.pending_buf_size &&
(n.gzhead.hcrc &&
n.pending > a &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending - a, a)),
(a = n.pending),
n.pending === n.pending_buf_size)
) {
i = 1;
(i =
n.gzindex <
? 255 &
: 0),
xt(n, i);
} while (0 !== i);
n.gzhead.hcrc &&
n.pending > a &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending - a, a)),
0 === i && ((n.gzindex = 0), (n.status = 91));
} else n.status = 91;
if (91 === n.status)
if (n.gzhead.comment) {
a = n.pending;
do {
if (
n.pending === n.pending_buf_size &&
(n.gzhead.hcrc &&
n.pending > a &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending - a, a)),
(a = n.pending),
n.pending === n.pending_buf_size)
) {
i = 1;
(i =
n.gzindex < n.gzhead.comment.length
? 255 & n.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(n.gzindex++)
: 0),
xt(n, i);
} while (0 !== i);
n.gzhead.hcrc &&
n.pending > a &&
(t.adler = M(t.adler, n.pending_buf, n.pending - a, a)),
0 === i && (n.status = ut);
} else n.status = ut;
if (
(n.status === ut &&
? (n.pending + 2 > n.pending_buf_size && vt(t),
n.pending + 2 <= n.pending_buf_size &&
(xt(n, 255 & t.adler),
xt(n, (t.adler >> 8) & 255),
(t.adler = 0),
(n.status = wt)))
: (n.status = wt)),
0 !== n.pending)
) {
if ((vt(t), 0 === t.avail_out)) return (n.last_flush = -1), $;
} else if (0 === t.avail_in && pt(e) <= pt(s) && e !== Q)
return gt(t, it);
if (n.status === bt && 0 !== t.avail_in) return gt(t, it);
if (
0 !== t.avail_in ||
0 !== n.lookahead ||
(e !== W && n.status !== bt)
) {
let a =
n.strategy === rt
? ((t, e) => {
let a;
for (;;) {
if (0 === t.lookahead && (Rt(t), 0 === t.lookahead)) {
if (e === W) return 1;
if (
((t.match_length = 0),
(a = G(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart])),
a && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
return (
(t.insert = 0),
e === Q
? (yt(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: t.last_lit && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
})(n, e)
: n.strategy === lt
? ((t, e) => {
let a, i, n, s;
const r = t.window;
for (;;) {
if (t.lookahead <= ft) {
if ((Rt(t), t.lookahead <= ft && e === W)) return 1;
if (0 === t.lookahead) break;
if (
((t.match_length = 0),
t.lookahead >= 3 &&
t.strstart > 0 &&
((n = t.strstart - 1),
(i = r[n]),
i === r[++n] && i === r[++n] && i === r[++n]))
) {
s = t.strstart + ft;
do {} while (
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
i === r[++n] &&
n < s
(t.match_length = ft - (s - n)),
t.match_length > t.lookahead &&
(t.match_length = t.lookahead);
if (
(t.match_length >= 3
? ((a = G(t, 1, t.match_length - 3)),
(t.lookahead -= t.match_length),
(t.strstart += t.match_length),
(t.match_length = 0))
: ((a = G(t, 0, t.window[t.strstart])),
a && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out))
return 1;
return (
(t.insert = 0),
e === Q
? (yt(t, !0), 0 === t.strm.avail_out ? 3 : 4)
: t.last_lit && (yt(t, !1), 0 === t.strm.avail_out)
? 1
: 2
})(n, e)
: Dt[n.level].func(n, e);
if (((3 !== a && 4 !== a) || (n.status = bt), 1 === a || 3 === a))
return 0 === t.avail_out && (n.last_flush = -1), $;
if (
2 === a &&
(e === q
? X(n)
: e !== V &&
(P(n, 0, 0, !1),
e === J &&
0 === n.lookahead &&
((n.strstart = 0), (n.block_start = 0), (n.insert = 0)))),
0 === t.avail_out)
return (n.last_flush = -1), $;
return e !== Q
? $
: n.wrap <= 0
? tt
: (2 === n.wrap
? (xt(n, 255 & t.adler),
xt(n, (t.adler >> 8) & 255),
xt(n, (t.adler >> 16) & 255),
xt(n, (t.adler >> 24) & 255),
xt(n, 255 & t.total_in),
xt(n, (t.total_in >> 8) & 255),
xt(n, (t.total_in >> 16) & 255),
xt(n, (t.total_in >> 24) & 255))
: (zt(n, t.adler >>> 16), zt(n, 65535 & t.adler)),
n.wrap > 0 && (n.wrap = -n.wrap),
0 !== n.pending ? $ : tt);
deflateEnd: (t) => {
if (!t || !t.state) return et;
const e = t.state.status;
return 42 !== e &&
69 !== e &&
73 !== e &&
91 !== e &&
e !== ut &&
e !== wt &&
e !== bt
? gt(t, et)
: ((t.state = null), e === wt ? gt(t, at) : $);
deflateSetDictionary: (t, e) => {
let a = e.length;
if (!t || !t.state) return et;
const i = t.state,
n = i.wrap;
if (2 === n || (1 === n && 42 !== i.status) || i.lookahead) return et;
if (
(1 === n && (t.adler = B(t.adler, e, a, 0)),
(i.wrap = 0),
a >= i.w_size)
) {
0 === n &&
(mt(i.head), (i.strstart = 0), (i.block_start = 0), (i.insert = 0));
let t = new Uint8Array(i.w_size);
t.set(e.subarray(a - i.w_size, a), 0), (e = t), (a = i.w_size);
const s = t.avail_in,
r = t.next_in,
l = t.input;
for (
t.avail_in = a, t.next_in = 0, t.input = e, Rt(i);
i.lookahead >= 3;
) {
let t = i.strstart,
e = i.lookahead - 2;
do {
(i.ins_h = kt(i, i.ins_h, i.window[t + 3 - 1])),
(i.prev[t & i.w_mask] = i.head[i.ins_h]),
(i.head[i.ins_h] = t),
} while (--e);
(i.strstart = t), (i.lookahead = 2), Rt(i);
return (
(i.strstart += i.lookahead),
(i.block_start = i.strstart),
(i.insert = i.lookahead),
(i.lookahead = 0),
(i.match_length = i.prev_length = 2),
(i.match_available = 0),
(t.next_in = r),
(t.input = l),
(t.avail_in = s),
(i.wrap = n),
deflateInfo: "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)",
const Nt = (t, e) =>, e);
var Bt = function (t) {
const e =, 1);
for (; e.length; ) {
const a = e.shift();
if (a) {
if ("object" != typeof a)
throw new TypeError(a + "must be non-object");
for (const e in a) Nt(a, e) && (t[e] = a[e]);
return t;
Ct = (t) => {
let e = 0;
for (let a = 0, i = t.length; a < i; a++) e += t[a].length;
const a = new Uint8Array(e);
for (let e = 0, i = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) {
let n = t[e];
a.set(n, i), (i += n.length);
return a;
let Mt = !0;
try {
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
} catch (t) {
Mt = !1;
const Ht = new Uint8Array(256);
for (let t = 0; t < 256; t++)
Ht[t] =
t >= 252
? 6
: t >= 248
? 5
: t >= 240
? 4
: t >= 224
? 3
: t >= 192
? 2
: 1;
Ht[254] = Ht[254] = 1;
var jt = (t) => {
if ("function" == typeof TextEncoder && TextEncoder.prototype.encode)
return new TextEncoder().encode(t);
let e,
r = t.length,
l = 0;
for (n = 0; n < r; n++)
(a = t.charCodeAt(n)),
55296 == (64512 & a) &&
n + 1 < r &&
((i = t.charCodeAt(n + 1)),
56320 == (64512 & i) &&
((a = 65536 + ((a - 55296) << 10) + (i - 56320)), n++)),
(l += a < 128 ? 1 : a < 2048 ? 2 : a < 65536 ? 3 : 4);
for (e = new Uint8Array(l), s = 0, n = 0; s < l; n++)
(a = t.charCodeAt(n)),
55296 == (64512 & a) &&
n + 1 < r &&
((i = t.charCodeAt(n + 1)),
56320 == (64512 & i) &&
((a = 65536 + ((a - 55296) << 10) + (i - 56320)), n++)),
a < 128
? (e[s++] = a)
: a < 2048
? ((e[s++] = 192 | (a >>> 6)), (e[s++] = 128 | (63 & a)))
: a < 65536
? ((e[s++] = 224 | (a >>> 12)),
(e[s++] = 128 | ((a >>> 6) & 63)),
(e[s++] = 128 | (63 & a)))
: ((e[s++] = 240 | (a >>> 18)),
(e[s++] = 128 | ((a >>> 12) & 63)),
(e[s++] = 128 | ((a >>> 6) & 63)),
(e[s++] = 128 | (63 & a)));
return e;
Kt = (t, e) => {
const a = e || t.length;
if ("function" == typeof TextDecoder && TextDecoder.prototype.decode)
return new TextDecoder().decode(t.subarray(0, e));
let i, n;
const s = new Array(2 * a);
for (n = 0, i = 0; i < a; ) {
let e = t[i++];
if (e < 128) {
s[n++] = e;
let r = Ht[e];
if (r > 4) (s[n++] = 65533), (i += r - 1);
else {
for (e &= 2 === r ? 31 : 3 === r ? 15 : 7; r > 1 && i < a; )
(e = (e << 6) | (63 & t[i++])), r--;
r > 1
? (s[n++] = 65533)
: e < 65536
? (s[n++] = e)
: ((e -= 65536),
(s[n++] = 55296 | ((e >> 10) & 1023)),
(s[n++] = 56320 | (1023 & e)));
return ((t, e) => {
if (e < 65534 && t.subarray && Mt)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(
t.length === e ? t : t.subarray(0, e)
let a = "";
for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) a += String.fromCharCode(t[i]);
return a;
})(s, n);
Pt = (t, e) => {
(e = e || t.length) > t.length && (e = t.length);
let a = e - 1;
for (; a >= 0 && 128 == (192 & t[a]); ) a--;
return a < 0 || 0 === a ? e : a + Ht[t[a]] > e ? a : e;
var Yt = function () {
(this.input = null),
(this.next_in = 0),
(this.avail_in = 0),
(this.total_in = 0),
(this.output = null),
(this.next_out = 0),
(this.avail_out = 0),
(this.total_out = 0),
(this.msg = ""),
(this.state = null),
(this.data_type = 2),
(this.adler = 0);
const Gt = Object.prototype.toString,
Z_OK: Qt,
} = j;
function ae(t) {
this.options = Bt(
level: $t,
method: ee,
chunkSize: 16384,
windowBits: 15,
memLevel: 8,
strategy: te,
t || {}
let e = this.options;
e.raw && e.windowBits > 0
? (e.windowBits = -e.windowBits)
: e.gzip && e.windowBits > 0 && e.windowBits < 16 && (e.windowBits += 16),
(this.err = 0),
(this.msg = ""),
(this.ended = !1),
(this.chunks = []),
(this.strm = new Yt()),
(this.strm.avail_out = 0);
let a = Lt.deflateInit2(
if (a !== Qt) throw new Error(H[a]);
if ((e.header && Lt.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, e.header), e.dictionary)) {
let t;
if (
((t =
"string" == typeof e.dictionary
? jt(e.dictionary)
: "[object ArrayBuffer]" ===
? new Uint8Array(e.dictionary)
: e.dictionary),
(a = Lt.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, t)),
a !== Qt)
throw new Error(H[a]);
this._dict_set = !0;
function ie(t, e) {
const a = new ae(e);
if ((a.push(t, !0), a.err)) throw a.msg || H[a.err];
return a.result;
(ae.prototype.push = function (t, e) {
const a = this.strm,
i = this.options.chunkSize;
let n, s;
if (this.ended) return !1;
for (
s = e === ~~e ? e : !0 === e ? Jt : Xt,
"string" == typeof t
? (a.input = jt(t))
: "[object ArrayBuffer]" ===
? (a.input = new Uint8Array(t))
: (a.input = t),
a.next_in = 0,
a.avail_in = a.input.length;
if (
(0 === a.avail_out &&
((a.output = new Uint8Array(i)), (a.next_out = 0), (a.avail_out = i)),
(s === Wt || s === qt) && a.avail_out <= 6)
this.onData(a.output.subarray(0, a.next_out)), (a.avail_out = 0);
else {
if (((n = Lt.deflate(a, s)), n === Vt))
return (
a.next_out > 0 && this.onData(a.output.subarray(0, a.next_out)),
(n = Lt.deflateEnd(this.strm)),
(this.ended = !0),
n === Qt
if (0 !== a.avail_out) {
if (s > 0 && a.next_out > 0)
this.onData(a.output.subarray(0, a.next_out)), (a.avail_out = 0);
else if (0 === a.avail_in) break;
} else this.onData(a.output);
return !0;
(ae.prototype.onData = function (t) {
(ae.prototype.onEnd = function (t) {
t === Qt && (this.result = Ct(this.chunks)),
(this.chunks = []),
(this.err = t),
(this.msg = this.strm.msg);
var ne = {
Deflate: ae,
deflate: ie,
deflateRaw: function (t, e) {
return ((e = e || {}).raw = !0), ie(t, e);
gzip: function (t, e) {
return ((e = e || {}).gzip = !0), ie(t, e);
constants: j,
var se = function (t, e) {
let a, i, n, s, r, l, o, h, d, _, f, c, u, w, b, g, p, m, k, v, y, x, z, A;
const E = t.state;
(a = t.next_in),
(z = t.input),
(i = a + (t.avail_in - 5)),
(n = t.next_out),
(A = t.output),
(s = n - (e - t.avail_out)),
(r = n + (t.avail_out - 257)),
(l = E.dmax),
(o = E.wsize),
(h = E.whave),
(d = E.wnext),
(_ = E.window),
(f = E.hold),
(c = E.bits),
(u = E.lencode),
(w = E.distcode),
(b = (1 << E.lenbits) - 1),
(g = (1 << E.distbits) - 1);
t: do {
c < 15 && ((f += z[a++] << c), (c += 8), (f += z[a++] << c), (c += 8)),
(p = u[f & b]);
e: for (;;) {
if (
((m = p >>> 24),
(f >>>= m),
(c -= m),
(m = (p >>> 16) & 255),
0 === m)
A[n++] = 65535 & p;
else {
if (!(16 & m)) {
if (0 == (64 & m)) {
p = u[(65535 & p) + (f & ((1 << m) - 1))];
continue e;
if (32 & m) {
E.mode = 12;
break t;
(t.msg = "invalid literal/length code"), (E.mode = 30);
break t;
(k = 65535 & p),
(m &= 15),
m &&
(c < m && ((f += z[a++] << c), (c += 8)),
(k += f & ((1 << m) - 1)),
(f >>>= m),
(c -= m)),
c < 15 &&
((f += z[a++] << c), (c += 8), (f += z[a++] << c), (c += 8)),
(p = w[f & g]);
a: for (;;) {
if (
((m = p >>> 24),
(f >>>= m),
(c -= m),
(m = (p >>> 16) & 255),
!(16 & m))
) {
if (0 == (64 & m)) {
p = w[(65535 & p) + (f & ((1 << m) - 1))];
continue a;
(t.msg = "invalid distance code"), (E.mode = 30);
break t;
if (
((v = 65535 & p),
(m &= 15),
c < m &&
((f += z[a++] << c),
(c += 8),
c < m && ((f += z[a++] << c), (c += 8))),
(v += f & ((1 << m) - 1)),
v > l)
) {
(t.msg = "invalid distance too far back"), (E.mode = 30);
break t;
if (((f >>>= m), (c -= m), (m = n - s), v > m)) {
if (((m = v - m), m > h && E.sane)) {
(t.msg = "invalid distance too far back"), (E.mode = 30);
break t;
if (((y = 0), (x = _), 0 === d)) {
if (((y += o - m), m < k)) {
k -= m;
do {
A[n++] = _[y++];
} while (--m);
(y = n - v), (x = A);
} else if (d < m) {
if (((y += o + d - m), (m -= d), m < k)) {
k -= m;
do {
A[n++] = _[y++];
} while (--m);
if (((y = 0), d < k)) {
(m = d), (k -= m);
do {
A[n++] = _[y++];
} while (--m);
(y = n - v), (x = A);
} else if (((y += d - m), m < k)) {
k -= m;
do {
A[n++] = _[y++];
} while (--m);
(y = n - v), (x = A);
for (; k > 2; )
(A[n++] = x[y++]),
(A[n++] = x[y++]),
(A[n++] = x[y++]),
(k -= 3);
k && ((A[n++] = x[y++]), k > 1 && (A[n++] = x[y++]));
} else {
y = n - v;
do {
(A[n++] = A[y++]),
(A[n++] = A[y++]),
(A[n++] = A[y++]),
(k -= 3);
} while (k > 2);
k && ((A[n++] = A[y++]), k > 1 && (A[n++] = A[y++]));
} while (a < i && n < r);
(k = c >> 3),
(a -= k),
(c -= k << 3),
(f &= (1 << c) - 1),
(t.next_in = a),
(t.next_out = n),
(t.avail_in = a < i ? i - a + 5 : 5 - (a - i)),
(t.avail_out = n < r ? r - n + 257 : 257 - (n - r)),
(E.hold = f),
(E.bits = c);
const re = 15,
le = new Uint16Array([
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59,
67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0,
oe = new Uint8Array([
16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19,
19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78,
he = new Uint16Array([
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513,
769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0,
de = new Uint8Array([
16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23,
24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64,
var _e = (t, e, a, i, n, s, r, l) => {
const o = l.bits;
let h,
w = 0,
b = 0,
g = 0,
p = 0,
m = 0,
k = 0,
v = 0,
y = 0,
x = 0,
z = 0,
A = null,
E = 0;
const R = new Uint16Array(16),
Z = new Uint16Array(16);
let U,
T = null,
O = 0;
for (w = 0; w <= re; w++) R[w] = 0;
for (b = 0; b < i; b++) R[e[a + b]]++;
for (m = o, p = re; p >= 1 && 0 === R[p]; p--);
if ((m > p && (m = p), 0 === p))
return (n[s++] = 20971520), (n[s++] = 20971520), (l.bits = 1), 0;
for (g = 1; g < p && 0 === R[g]; g++);
for (m < g && (m = g), y = 1, w = 1; w <= re; w++)
if (((y <<= 1), (y -= R[w]), y < 0)) return -1;
if (y > 0 && (0 === t || 1 !== p)) return -1;
for (Z[1] = 0, w = 1; w < re; w++) Z[w + 1] = Z[w] + R[w];
for (b = 0; b < i; b++) 0 !== e[a + b] && (r[Z[e[a + b]]++] = b);
if (
(0 === t
? ((A = T = r), (u = 19))
: 1 === t
? ((A = le), (E -= 257), (T = oe), (O -= 257), (u = 256))
: ((A = he), (T = de), (u = -1)),
(z = 0),
(b = 0),
(w = g),
(c = s),
(k = m),
(v = 0),
(_ = -1),
(x = 1 << m),
(f = x - 1),
(1 === t && x > 852) || (2 === t && x > 592))
return 1;
for (;;) {
(U = w - v),
r[b] < u
? ((S = 0), (D = r[b]))
: r[b] > u
? ((S = T[O + r[b]]), (D = A[E + r[b]]))
: ((S = 96), (D = 0)),
(h = 1 << (w - v)),
(d = 1 << k),
(g = d);
do {
(d -= h), (n[c + (z >> v) + d] = (U << 24) | (S << 16) | D | 0);
} while (0 !== d);
for (h = 1 << (w - 1); z & h; ) h >>= 1;
if ((0 !== h ? ((z &= h - 1), (z += h)) : (z = 0), b++, 0 == --R[w])) {
if (w === p) break;
w = e[a + r[b]];
if (w > m && (z & f) !== _) {
for (
0 === v && (v = m), c += g, k = w - v, y = 1 << k;
k + v < p && ((y -= R[k + v]), !(y <= 0));
k++, (y <<= 1);
if (((x += 1 << k), (1 === t && x > 852) || (2 === t && x > 592)))
return 1;
(_ = z & f), (n[_] = (m << 24) | (k << 16) | (c - s) | 0);
return (
0 !== z && (n[c + z] = ((w - v) << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0), (l.bits = m), 0
const {
Z_BLOCK: ce,
Z_TREES: ue,
Z_OK: we,
} = j,
xe = 12,
ze = 30,
Ae = (t) =>
((t >>> 24) & 255) +
((t >>> 8) & 65280) +
((65280 & t) << 8) +
((255 & t) << 24);
function Ee() {
(this.mode = 0),
(this.last = !1),
(this.wrap = 0),
(this.havedict = !1),
(this.flags = 0),
(this.dmax = 0),
(this.check = 0),
( = 0),
(this.head = null),
(this.wbits = 0),
(this.wsize = 0),
(this.whave = 0),
(this.wnext = 0),
(this.window = null),
(this.hold = 0),
(this.bits = 0),
(this.length = 0),
(this.offset = 0),
(this.extra = 0),
(this.lencode = null),
(this.distcode = null),
(this.lenbits = 0),
(this.distbits = 0),
(this.ncode = 0),
(this.nlen = 0),
(this.ndist = 0),
(this.have = 0),
( = null),
(this.lens = new Uint16Array(320)),
( = new Uint16Array(288)),
(this.lendyn = null),
(this.distdyn = null),
(this.sane = 0),
(this.back = 0),
(this.was = 0);
const Re = (t) => {
if (!t || !t.state) return pe;
const e = t.state;
return (
(t.total_in = t.total_out = = 0),
(t.msg = ""),
e.wrap && (t.adler = 1 & e.wrap),
(e.mode = 1),
(e.last = 0),
(e.havedict = 0),
(e.dmax = 32768),
(e.head = null),
(e.hold = 0),
(e.bits = 0),
(e.lencode = e.lendyn = new Int32Array(852)),
(e.distcode = e.distdyn = new Int32Array(592)),
(e.sane = 1),
(e.back = -1),
Ze = (t) => {
if (!t || !t.state) return pe;
const e = t.state;
return (e.wsize = 0), (e.whave = 0), (e.wnext = 0), Re(t);
Ue = (t, e) => {
let a;
if (!t || !t.state) return pe;
const i = t.state;
return (
e < 0 ? ((a = 0), (e = -e)) : ((a = 1 + (e >> 4)), e < 48 && (e &= 15)),
e && (e < 8 || e > 15)
? pe
: (null !== i.window && i.wbits !== e && (i.window = null),
(i.wrap = a),
(i.wbits = e),
Se = (t, e) => {
if (!t) return pe;
const a = new Ee();
(t.state = a), (a.window = null);
const i = Ue(t, e);
return i !== we && (t.state = null), i;
let De,
Oe = !0;
const Ie = (t) => {
if (Oe) {
(De = new Int32Array(512)), (Te = new Int32Array(32));
let e = 0;
for (; e < 144; ) t.lens[e++] = 8;
for (; e < 256; ) t.lens[e++] = 9;
for (; e < 280; ) t.lens[e++] = 7;
for (; e < 288; ) t.lens[e++] = 8;
for (_e(1, t.lens, 0, 288, De, 0,, { bits: 9 }), e = 0; e < 32; )
t.lens[e++] = 5;
_e(2, t.lens, 0, 32, Te, 0,, { bits: 5 }), (Oe = !1);
(t.lencode = De), (t.lenbits = 9), (t.distcode = Te), (t.distbits = 5);
Fe = (t, e, a, i) => {
let n;
const s = t.state;
return (
null === s.window &&
((s.wsize = 1 << s.wbits),
(s.wnext = 0),
(s.whave = 0),
(s.window = new Uint8Array(s.wsize))),
i >= s.wsize
? (s.window.set(e.subarray(a - s.wsize, a), 0),
(s.wnext = 0),
(s.whave = s.wsize))
: ((n = s.wsize - s.wnext),
n > i && (n = i),
s.window.set(e.subarray(a - i, a - i + n), s.wnext),
(i -= n)
? (s.window.set(e.subarray(a - i, a), 0),
(s.wnext = i),
(s.whave = s.wsize))
: ((s.wnext += n),
s.wnext === s.wsize && (s.wnext = 0),
s.whave < s.wsize && (s.whave += n))),
var Le = {
inflateReset: Ze,
inflateReset2: Ue,
inflateResetKeep: Re,
inflateInit: (t) => Se(t, 15),
inflateInit2: Se,
inflate: (t, e) => {
let a,
z = 0;
const A = new Uint8Array(4);
let E, R;
const Z = new Uint8Array([
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,
if (!t || !t.state || !t.output || (!t.input && 0 !== t.avail_in))
return pe;
(a = t.state),
a.mode === xe && (a.mode = 13),
(r = t.next_out),
(n = t.output),
(o = t.avail_out),
(s = t.next_in),
(i = t.input),
(l = t.avail_in),
(h = a.hold),
(d = a.bits),
(_ = l),
(f = o),
(x = we);
t: for (;;)
switch (a.mode) {
case 1:
if (0 === a.wrap) {
a.mode = 13;
for (; d < 16; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (2 & a.wrap && 35615 === h) {
(a.check = 0),
(A[0] = 255 & h),
(A[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255),
(a.check = M(a.check, A, 2, 0)),
(h = 0),
(d = 0),
(a.mode = 2);
if (
((a.flags = 0),
a.head && (a.head.done = !1),
!(1 & a.wrap) || (((255 & h) << 8) + (h >> 8)) % 31)
) {
(t.msg = "incorrect header check"), (a.mode = ze);
if ((15 & h) !== ye) {
(t.msg = "unknown compression method"), (a.mode = ze);
if (((h >>>= 4), (d -= 4), (y = 8 + (15 & h)), 0 === a.wbits))
a.wbits = y;
else if (y > a.wbits) {
(t.msg = "invalid window size"), (a.mode = ze);
(a.dmax = 1 << a.wbits),
(t.adler = a.check = 1),
(a.mode = 512 & h ? 10 : xe),
(h = 0),
(d = 0);
case 2:
for (; d < 16; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (((a.flags = h), (255 & a.flags) !== ye)) {
(t.msg = "unknown compression method"), (a.mode = ze);
if (57344 & a.flags) {
(t.msg = "unknown header flags set"), (a.mode = ze);
a.head && (a.head.text = (h >> 8) & 1),
512 & a.flags &&
((A[0] = 255 & h),
(A[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255),
(a.check = M(a.check, A, 2, 0))),
(h = 0),
(d = 0),
(a.mode = 3);
case 3:
for (; d < 32; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
a.head && (a.head.time = h),
512 & a.flags &&
((A[0] = 255 & h),
(A[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255),
(A[2] = (h >>> 16) & 255),
(A[3] = (h >>> 24) & 255),
(a.check = M(a.check, A, 4, 0))),
(h = 0),
(d = 0),
(a.mode = 4);
case 4:
for (; d < 16; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
a.head && ((a.head.xflags = 255 & h), (a.head.os = h >> 8)),
512 & a.flags &&
((A[0] = 255 & h),
(A[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255),
(a.check = M(a.check, A, 2, 0))),
(h = 0),
(d = 0),
(a.mode = 5);
case 5:
if (1024 & a.flags) {
for (; d < 16; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(a.length = h),
a.head && (a.head.extra_len = h),
512 & a.flags &&
((A[0] = 255 & h),
(A[1] = (h >>> 8) & 255),
(a.check = M(a.check, A, 2, 0))),
(h = 0),
(d = 0);
} else a.head && (a.head.extra = null);
a.mode = 6;
case 6:
if (
1024 & a.flags &&
((c = a.length),
c > l && (c = l),
c &&
(a.head &&
((y = a.head.extra_len - a.length),
a.head.extra ||
(a.head.extra = new Uint8Array(a.head.extra_len)),
a.head.extra.set(i.subarray(s, s + c), y)),
512 & a.flags && (a.check = M(a.check, i, c, s)),
(l -= c),
(s += c),
(a.length -= c)),
break t;
(a.length = 0), (a.mode = 7);
case 7:
if (2048 & a.flags) {
if (0 === l) break t;
c = 0;
do {
(y = i[s + c++]),
a.head &&
y &&
a.length < 65536 &&
( += String.fromCharCode(y));
} while (y && c < l);
if (
(512 & a.flags && (a.check = M(a.check, i, c, s)),
(l -= c),
(s += c),
break t;
} else a.head && ( = null);
(a.length = 0), (a.mode = 8);
case 8:
if (4096 & a.flags) {
if (0 === l) break t;
c = 0;
do {
(y = i[s + c++]),
a.head &&
y &&
a.length < 65536 &&
(a.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(y));
} while (y && c < l);
if (
(512 & a.flags && (a.check = M(a.check, i, c, s)),
(l -= c),
(s += c),
break t;
} else a.head && (a.head.comment = null);
a.mode = 9;
case 9:
if (512 & a.flags) {
for (; d < 16; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (h !== (65535 & a.check)) {
(t.msg = "header crc mismatch"), (a.mode = ze);
(h = 0), (d = 0);
a.head && ((a.head.hcrc = (a.flags >> 9) & 1), (a.head.done = !0)),
(t.adler = a.check = 0),
(a.mode = xe);
case 10:
for (; d < 32; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(t.adler = a.check = Ae(h)), (h = 0), (d = 0), (a.mode = 11);
case 11:
if (0 === a.havedict)
return (
(t.next_out = r),
(t.avail_out = o),
(t.next_in = s),
(t.avail_in = l),
(a.hold = h),
(a.bits = d),
(t.adler = a.check = 1), (a.mode = xe);
case xe:
if (e === ce || e === ue) break t;
case 13:
if (a.last) {
(h >>>= 7 & d), (d -= 7 & d), (a.mode = 27);
for (; d < 3; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
switch (((a.last = 1 & h), (h >>>= 1), (d -= 1), 3 & h)) {
case 0:
a.mode = 14;
case 1:
if ((Ie(a), (a.mode = 20), e === ue)) {
(h >>>= 2), (d -= 2);
break t;
case 2:
a.mode = 17;
case 3:
(t.msg = "invalid block type"), (a.mode = ze);
(h >>>= 2), (d -= 2);
case 14:
for (h >>>= 7 & d, d -= 7 & d; d < 32; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if ((65535 & h) != ((h >>> 16) ^ 65535)) {
(t.msg = "invalid stored block lengths"), (a.mode = ze);
if (
((a.length = 65535 & h),
(h = 0),
(d = 0),
(a.mode = 15),
e === ue)
break t;
case 15:
a.mode = 16;
case 16:
if (((c = a.length), c)) {
if ((c > l && (c = l), c > o && (c = o), 0 === c)) break t;
n.set(i.subarray(s, s + c), r),
(l -= c),
(s += c),
(o -= c),
(r += c),
(a.length -= c);
a.mode = xe;
case 17:
for (; d < 14; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (
((a.nlen = 257 + (31 & h)),
(h >>>= 5),
(d -= 5),
(a.ndist = 1 + (31 & h)),
(h >>>= 5),
(d -= 5),
(a.ncode = 4 + (15 & h)),
(h >>>= 4),
(d -= 4),
a.nlen > 286 || a.ndist > 30)
) {
(t.msg = "too many length or distance symbols"), (a.mode = ze);
(a.have = 0), (a.mode = 18);
case 18:
for (; a.have < a.ncode; ) {
for (; d < 3; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(a.lens[Z[a.have++]] = 7 & h), (h >>>= 3), (d -= 3);
for (; a.have < 19; ) a.lens[Z[a.have++]] = 0;
if (
((a.lencode = a.lendyn),
(a.lenbits = 7),
(E = { bits: a.lenbits }),
(x = _e(0, a.lens, 0, 19, a.lencode, 0,, E)),
(a.lenbits = E.bits),
) {
(t.msg = "invalid code lengths set"), (a.mode = ze);
(a.have = 0), (a.mode = 19);
case 19:
for (; a.have < a.nlen + a.ndist; ) {
for (
(z = a.lencode[h & ((1 << a.lenbits) - 1)]),
(b = z >>> 24),
(g = (z >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & z),
!(b <= d);
) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (p < 16) (h >>>= b), (d -= b), (a.lens[a.have++] = p);
else {
if (16 === p) {
for (R = b + 2; d < R; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (((h >>>= b), (d -= b), 0 === a.have)) {
(t.msg = "invalid bit length repeat"), (a.mode = ze);
(y = a.lens[a.have - 1]),
(c = 3 + (3 & h)),
(h >>>= 2),
(d -= 2);
} else if (17 === p) {
for (R = b + 3; d < R; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(h >>>= b),
(d -= b),
(y = 0),
(c = 3 + (7 & h)),
(h >>>= 3),
(d -= 3);
} else {
for (R = b + 7; d < R; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(h >>>= b),
(d -= b),
(y = 0),
(c = 11 + (127 & h)),
(h >>>= 7),
(d -= 7);
if (a.have + c > a.nlen + a.ndist) {
(t.msg = "invalid bit length repeat"), (a.mode = ze);
for (; c--; ) a.lens[a.have++] = y;
if (a.mode === ze) break;
if (0 === a.lens[256]) {
(t.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block"), (a.mode = ze);
if (
((a.lenbits = 9),
(E = { bits: a.lenbits }),
(x = _e(1, a.lens, 0, a.nlen, a.lencode, 0,, E)),
(a.lenbits = E.bits),
) {
(t.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set"), (a.mode = ze);
if (
((a.distbits = 6),
(a.distcode = a.distdyn),
(E = { bits: a.distbits }),
(x = _e(2, a.lens, a.nlen, a.ndist, a.distcode, 0,, E)),
(a.distbits = E.bits),
) {
(t.msg = "invalid distances set"), (a.mode = ze);
if (((a.mode = 20), e === ue)) break t;
case 20:
a.mode = 21;
case 21:
if (l >= 6 && o >= 258) {
(t.next_out = r),
(t.avail_out = o),
(t.next_in = s),
(t.avail_in = l),
(a.hold = h),
(a.bits = d),
se(t, f),
(r = t.next_out),
(n = t.output),
(o = t.avail_out),
(s = t.next_in),
(i = t.input),
(l = t.avail_in),
(h = a.hold),
(d = a.bits),
a.mode === xe && (a.back = -1);
for (
a.back = 0;
(z = a.lencode[h & ((1 << a.lenbits) - 1)]),
(b = z >>> 24),
(g = (z >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & z),
!(b <= d);
) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (g && 0 == (240 & g)) {
for (
m = b, k = g, v = p;
(z = a.lencode[v + ((h & ((1 << (m + k)) - 1)) >> m)]),
(b = z >>> 24),
(g = (z >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & z),
!(m + b <= d);
) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(h >>>= m), (d -= m), (a.back += m);
if (
((h >>>= b), (d -= b), (a.back += b), (a.length = p), 0 === g)
) {
a.mode = 26;
if (32 & g) {
(a.back = -1), (a.mode = xe);
if (64 & g) {
(t.msg = "invalid literal/length code"), (a.mode = ze);
(a.extra = 15 & g), (a.mode = 22);
case 22:
if (a.extra) {
for (R = a.extra; d < R; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(a.length += h & ((1 << a.extra) - 1)),
(h >>>= a.extra),
(d -= a.extra),
(a.back += a.extra);
(a.was = a.length), (a.mode = 23);
case 23:
for (
(z = a.distcode[h & ((1 << a.distbits) - 1)]),
(b = z >>> 24),
(g = (z >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & z),
!(b <= d);
) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (0 == (240 & g)) {
for (
m = b, k = g, v = p;
(z = a.distcode[v + ((h & ((1 << (m + k)) - 1)) >> m)]),
(b = z >>> 24),
(g = (z >>> 16) & 255),
(p = 65535 & z),
!(m + b <= d);
) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(h >>>= m), (d -= m), (a.back += m);
if (((h >>>= b), (d -= b), (a.back += b), 64 & g)) {
(t.msg = "invalid distance code"), (a.mode = ze);
(a.offset = p), (a.extra = 15 & g), (a.mode = 24);
case 24:
if (a.extra) {
for (R = a.extra; d < R; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
(a.offset += h & ((1 << a.extra) - 1)),
(h >>>= a.extra),
(d -= a.extra),
(a.back += a.extra);
if (a.offset > a.dmax) {
(t.msg = "invalid distance too far back"), (a.mode = ze);
a.mode = 25;
case 25:
if (0 === o) break t;
if (((c = f - o), a.offset > c)) {
if (((c = a.offset - c), c > a.whave && a.sane)) {
(t.msg = "invalid distance too far back"), (a.mode = ze);
c > a.wnext
? ((c -= a.wnext), (u = a.wsize - c))
: (u = a.wnext - c),
c > a.length && (c = a.length),
(w = a.window);
} else (w = n), (u = r - a.offset), (c = a.length);
c > o && (c = o), (o -= c), (a.length -= c);
do {
n[r++] = w[u++];
} while (--c);
0 === a.length && (a.mode = 21);
case 26:
if (0 === o) break t;
(n[r++] = a.length), o--, (a.mode = 21);
case 27:
if (a.wrap) {
for (; d < 32; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h |= i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (
((f -= o),
(t.total_out += f),
( += f),
f &&
(t.adler = a.check =
? M(a.check, n, f, r - f)
: B(a.check, n, f, r - f)),
(f = o),
(a.flags ? h : Ae(h)) !== a.check)
) {
(t.msg = "incorrect data check"), (a.mode = ze);
(h = 0), (d = 0);
a.mode = 28;
case 28:
if (a.wrap && a.flags) {
for (; d < 32; ) {
if (0 === l) break t;
l--, (h += i[s++] << d), (d += 8);
if (h !== (4294967295 & {
(t.msg = "incorrect length check"), (a.mode = ze);
(h = 0), (d = 0);
a.mode = 29;
case 29:
x = be;
break t;
case ze:
x = me;
break t;
case 31:
return ke;
case 32:
return pe;
return (
(t.next_out = r),
(t.avail_out = o),
(t.next_in = s),
(t.avail_in = l),
(a.hold = h),
(a.bits = d),
(a.wsize ||
(f !== t.avail_out && a.mode < ze && (a.mode < 27 || e !== fe))) &&
Fe(t, t.output, t.next_out, f - t.avail_out),
(_ -= t.avail_in),
(f -= t.avail_out),
(t.total_in += _),
(t.total_out += f),
( += f),
a.wrap &&
f &&
(t.adler = a.check =
? M(a.check, n, f, t.next_out - f)
: B(a.check, n, f, t.next_out - f)),
(t.data_type =
a.bits +
(a.last ? 64 : 0) +
(a.mode === xe ? 128 : 0) +
(20 === a.mode || 15 === a.mode ? 256 : 0)),
((0 === _ && 0 === f) || e === fe) && x === we && (x = ve),
inflateEnd: (t) => {
if (!t || !t.state) return pe;
let e = t.state;
return e.window && (e.window = null), (t.state = null), we;
inflateGetHeader: (t, e) => {
if (!t || !t.state) return pe;
const a = t.state;
return 0 == (2 & a.wrap) ? pe : ((a.head = e), (e.done = !1), we);
inflateSetDictionary: (t, e) => {
const a = e.length;
let i, n, s;
return t && t.state
? ((i = t.state),
0 !== i.wrap && 11 !== i.mode
? pe
: 11 === i.mode && ((n = 1), (n = B(n, e, a, 0)), n !== i.check)
? me
: ((s = Fe(t, e, a, a)),
s ? ((i.mode = 31), ke) : ((i.havedict = 1), we)))
: pe;
inflateInfo: "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)",
var Ne = function () {
(this.text = 0),
(this.time = 0),
(this.xflags = 0),
(this.os = 0),
(this.extra = null),
(this.extra_len = 0),
( = ""),
(this.comment = ""),
(this.hcrc = 0),
(this.done = !1);
const Be = Object.prototype.toString,
Z_OK: He,
} = j;
function Xe(t) {
this.options = Bt({ chunkSize: 65536, windowBits: 15, to: "" }, t || {});
const e = this.options;
e.raw &&
e.windowBits >= 0 &&
e.windowBits < 16 &&
((e.windowBits = -e.windowBits),
0 === e.windowBits && (e.windowBits = -15)),
!(e.windowBits >= 0 && e.windowBits < 16) ||
(t && t.windowBits) ||
(e.windowBits += 32),
e.windowBits > 15 &&
e.windowBits < 48 &&
0 == (15 & e.windowBits) &&
(e.windowBits |= 15),
(this.err = 0),
(this.msg = ""),
(this.ended = !1),
(this.chunks = []),
(this.strm = new Yt()),
(this.strm.avail_out = 0);
let a = Le.inflateInit2(this.strm, e.windowBits);
if (a !== He) throw new Error(H[a]);
if (
((this.header = new Ne()),
Le.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header),
e.dictionary &&
("string" == typeof e.dictionary
? (e.dictionary = jt(e.dictionary))
: "[object ArrayBuffer]" === &&
(e.dictionary = new Uint8Array(e.dictionary)),
e.raw &&
((a = Le.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, e.dictionary)), a !== He)))
throw new Error(H[a]);
function We(t, e) {
const a = new Xe(e);
if ((a.push(t), a.err)) throw a.msg || H[a.err];
return a.result;
(Xe.prototype.push = function (t, e) {
const a = this.strm,
i = this.options.chunkSize,
n = this.options.dictionary;
let s, r, l;
if (this.ended) return !1;
for (
r = e === ~~e ? e : !0 === e ? Me : Ce,
"[object ArrayBuffer]" ===
? (a.input = new Uint8Array(t))
: (a.input = t),
a.next_in = 0,
a.avail_in = a.input.length;
) {
for (
0 === a.avail_out &&
((a.output = new Uint8Array(i)), (a.next_out = 0), (a.avail_out = i)),
s = Le.inflate(a, r),
s === Ke &&
n &&
((s = Le.inflateSetDictionary(a, n)),
s === He ? (s = Le.inflate(a, r)) : s === Ye && (s = Ke));
a.avail_in > 0 && s === je && a.state.wrap > 0 && 0 !== t[a.next_in];
Le.inflateReset(a), (s = Le.inflate(a, r));
switch (s) {
case Pe:
case Ye:
case Ke:
case Ge:
return this.onEnd(s), (this.ended = !0), !1;
if (((l = a.avail_out), a.next_out && (0 === a.avail_out || s === je)))
if ("string" === {
let t = Pt(a.output, a.next_out),
e = a.next_out - t,
n = Kt(a.output, t);
(a.next_out = e),
(a.avail_out = i - e),
e && a.output.set(a.output.subarray(t, t + e), 0),
} else
a.output.length === a.next_out
? a.output
: a.output.subarray(0, a.next_out)
if (s !== He || 0 !== l) {
if (s === je)
return (
(s = Le.inflateEnd(this.strm)), this.onEnd(s), (this.ended = !0), !0
if (0 === a.avail_in) break;
return !0;
(Xe.prototype.onData = function (t) {
(Xe.prototype.onEnd = function (t) {
t === He &&
("string" ===
? (this.result = this.chunks.join(""))
: (this.result = Ct(this.chunks))),
(this.chunks = []),
(this.err = t),
(this.msg = this.strm.msg);
var qe = {
Inflate: Xe,
inflate: We,
inflateRaw: function (t, e) {
return ((e = e || {}).raw = !0), We(t, e);
ungzip: We,
constants: j,
const { Deflate: Je, deflate: Qe, deflateRaw: Ve, gzip: $e } = ne,
{ Inflate: ta, inflate: ea, inflateRaw: aa, ungzip: ia } = qe;
var na = Je,
sa = Qe,
ra = Ve,
la = $e,
oa = ta,
ha = ea,
da = aa,
_a = ia,
fa = j,
ca = {
Deflate: na,
deflate: sa,
deflateRaw: ra,
gzip: la,
Inflate: oa,
inflate: ha,
inflateRaw: da,
ungzip: _a,
constants: fa,
(t.Deflate = na),
(t.Inflate = oa),
(t.constants = fa),
(t.default = ca),
(t.deflate = sa),
(t.deflateRaw = ra),
(t.gzip = la),
(t.inflate = ha),
(t.inflateRaw = da),
(t.ungzip = _a),
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
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metadataUrl: { type: "string", id: 4 },
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fields: { isLive: { type: "bool", id: 1 } },
BasicLayerResource: {
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payload: {
oneof: [
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resImage: { type: "ResImage", id: 2 },
resAnimation: { type: "ResAnimation", id: 3 },
resNativeDraw: { type: "ResNativeDraw", id: 4 },
ResType: {
values: {
ResImage: {
fields: {
imageSrc: {
type: "bilibili.dagw.component.avatar.common.ResourceSource",
id: 1,
ResAnimation: {
fields: {
webpSrc: {
type: "bilibili.dagw.component.avatar.common.ResourceSource",
id: 1,
ResNativeDraw: {
fields: {
drawSrc: {
type: "bilibili.dagw.component.avatar.common.ResourceSource",
id: 1,
google: {
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protobuf: {
nested: {
Any: {
fields: {
type_url: { type: "string", id: 1 },
value: { type: "bytes", id: 2 },
let isDebug = !1;
const url = $request.url,
method = $request.method;
let headers = $response.headers;
const isQuanX = "undefined" != typeof $task,
binaryBody = isQuanX ? new Uint8Array($response.bodyBytes) : $response.body;
let gzipStrName = "grpc-encoding";
headers[gzipStrName] || (gzipStrName = "Grpc-Encoding");
const isGzipCompress = "gzip" === headers[gzipStrName];
const unGzipBody = isGzipCompress
? pako.ungzip(binaryBody.slice(5))
: binaryBody.slice(5);
headers[gzipStrName] = "identity";
let body;
const biliRoot = protobuf.Root.fromJSON(biliJson);
let needProcessFlag = !1;
if (
("POST" !== method &&
$, "method mistake:", method),
) {
log("Dynamic page Dynamic/DynAll");
let e = biliRoot.lookupType(""),
o = e.decode(unGzipBody);
if (
(o.topicList &&
((needProcessFlag = !0), (o.topicList = null), log("Delete topicList")),
) {
let i = 0,
l = RegExp("红包|拼多多|京东|天猫|淘宝");
(o.dynamicList.list = o.dynamicList.list.filter(
(e) =>
15 === e.cardType ||
19 === e.cardType ||
) || (i++, !1)
i &&
((needProcessFlag = !0),
log("Number of dynamic page advertisements" + i));
needProcessFlag && (body = processNewBody(e.encode(o).finish()));
} else if (url.includes("View/View")) {
log("Video playback page View/View");
let t = biliRoot.lookupType(""),
n = t.decode(unGzipBody);
if (
(n.cmIpad &&
((n.cmIpad = null),
(needProcessFlag = !0),
log("Remove iPad advertising")),
) {
let s = 0,
d = biliRoot.lookupType("");
for (let a = 0; a < n.cms.length; a++) {
let r = n.cms[a];
if (r.sourceContent?.value) {
let c = d.decode(r.sourceContent.value);
c.adContent && s++;
(n.cms = []),
log(`Up recommendation advertisement:${s}`),
s && (needProcessFlag = !0);
if (n.relates?.length) {
let y = 0;
(n.relates = n.relates.filter((e) => "cm" !== e.goto || (y++, !1))),
log(`Related recommendation advertisement:${y}`),
y && (needProcessFlag = !0);
let p = n.cmConfig?.adsControl?.value;
if (p) {
let g = biliRoot.lookupType(""),
u = g.decode(p);
(u?.hasDanmu === 1 || u?.cids?.length > 0) &&
(log(`Up danmu advertisement. ${u?.hasDanmu}, ${u?.cids}`),
(n.cmConfig = null),
(needProcessFlag = !0));
if (needProcessFlag) {
let b = n.tIcon;
for (let m in b) null === b[m] && (log(`tIconMap:${m}`), delete b[m]);
body = processNewBody(t.encode(n).finish());
} else if (url.includes("PlayURL/PlayView")) {
let f = biliRoot.lookupType(""),
h = f.decode(unGzipBody),
P = h.playArc?.backgroundPlayConf;
P &&
(!P.isSupport || P.disabled) &&
((h.playArc.backgroundPlayConf.isSupport = !0),
(h.playArc.backgroundPlayConf.disabled = !1),
(h.playArc.backgroundPlayConf.extraContent = null),
(needProcessFlag = !0),
(body = processNewBody(f.encode(h).finish())));
} else $"bilibili-proto", "path mistake:", url);
function processNewBody(e) {
let o = e.length,
i = new Uint8Array(5 + o);
return i.set(intToUint8Array(o), 1), i.set(e, 5), i;
function intToUint8Array(e) {
let o = new ArrayBuffer(4);
return new DataView(o).setUint32(0, e, !1), new Uint8Array(o);
function log(e) {
isDebug && console.log(e);
? (log(`${body.byteLength}---${body.buffer.byteLength}`),
? $done({
bodyBytes: body.buffer.slice(
body.byteLength + body.byteOffset
: $done({ body, headers }))
: (log("no deal with"), $done({}));