Change Directory.

This commit is contained in:
sve1r 2020-07-02 10:59:52 +08:00
parent f4f5514ca3
commit b01484016e
7 changed files with 1 additions and 353 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
VSCO unlock vip
VSCO_Vip unlock vip
^https?:\/\/vsco\.co\/api\/subscriptions\/2.1\/user-subscriptions\/ url script-response-body

View File

@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
const $ = new Env('WPS')
$.VAL_signhomeurl = $.getdata('chavy_signhomeurl_wps')
$.VAL_signhomeheader = $.getdata('chavy_signhomeheader_wps')
!(async () => {
$.log('', `🔔 ${$.name}, 开始!`, '')
await loginapp()
await signapp()
await getquestion()
await answerwx()
await signwx()
await signupwx()
await getUserInfo()
await invite()
await getSigninfo()
await getSignreward()
await showmsg()
.catch((e) => {
$.log('', `${$.name}, 失败! 原因: ${e}!`, '')
.finally(() => {
$.msg($.name, $.subt, $.desc.join('\n')), $.log('', `🔔 ${$.name}, 结束!`, ''), $.done()
// 登录 App
function loginapp() {
return new Promise((resove) =>
$.get({ url: $.VAL_signhomeurl, headers: JSON.parse($.VAL_signhomeheader) }, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
$.homeinfo = JSON.parse(data)
if ($.homeinfo.result === 'ok') {
const headers = JSON.parse($.VAL_signhomeheader)
const [, sid] = /wps_sid=(.*?)(;|,|$)/.exec(headers.Cookie)
$.sid = sid
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
// 签到 App
function signapp() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: JSON.parse($.VAL_signhomeheader) }
url.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'
url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate, br'
url.headers['Origin'] = ''
url.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
url.headers['Host'] = ''
url.headers['Referer'] = ''
url.headers['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-cn'
url.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
$.post(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
$.signapp = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
// 获取并回答问题
async function answerwx() {
const answers = ['WPS会员全文检索', '100G', 'WPS会员数据恢复', 'WPS会员PDF转doc', 'WPS会员PDF转图片', 'WPS图片转PDF插件', '金山PDF转WORD', 'WPS会员拍照转文字', '使用WPS会员修复', 'WPS全文检索功能', '有,且无限次', '文档修复']
// 尝试最多 10 次回答问题
for (let idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++) {
$.log(`问题: ${$.question.title}`)
if ($.question.multi_select === 0) {
const optionIdx = $.question.options.findIndex((option) => answers.includes(option))
if (optionIdx === -1) {
$.log(`选项: ${$.question.options.join(', ')}`)
$.log('跳过! 原因: 找不到答案.', '')
await getquestion()
} else {
$.log(`选项: ${$.question.options.join(', ')}`)
$.log(`答案: ${optionIdx + 1}.${$.question.options[optionIdx]}`, '')
await answerquestion(optionIdx + 1)
if ($.answer.right) {
$.answer.optionIdx = optionIdx
} else {
$.log(`回答错误! 详情: ${$.answer._raw.msg}`)
await getquestion()
} else {
$.log(`选项: ${$.question.options.join(', ')}`)
$.log('跳过! 原因: 不做多选.', '')
await getquestion()
// 获取问题
function getquestion() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: { sid: $.sid } }
$.get(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
$.question = JSON.parse(data).data
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
// 回答问题
function answerquestion(optIdx) {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const body = `answer=${optIdx}`
const url = { url: '', body, headers: { sid: $.sid } }
$.post(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
const _data = JSON.parse(data)
$.answer = { _raw: _data, right: _data.result === 'ok' }
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
function signwx() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: { sid: $.sid } }
$.get(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
const _data = JSON.parse(data)
$.signwx = {
_raw: _data,
isSuc: _data.result === 'ok' || (_data.result === 'error' && '已打卡' === _data.msg),
isRepeat: _data.result === 'error' && _data.msg === '已打卡',
isSignupNeed: _data.result === 'error' && _data.msg === '前一天未报名',
msg: _data.msg
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
function signupwx() {
if (!$.signwx.isSignupNeed) return null
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: { sid: $.sid } }
$.get(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
const _data = JSON.parse(data)
$.signupwx = {
_raw: _data,
isSuc: _data.result === 'ok',
msg: _data.msg
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
// 获取签到详情
function getSigninfo() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: JSON.parse($.VAL_signhomeheader) }
url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate, br'
url.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
url.headers['Referer'] = ''
url.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'
url.headers['Host'] = ''
url.headers['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-cn'
url.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
$.get(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
$.signinfo = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
// 获取签到奖励
function getSignreward() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: JSON.parse($.VAL_signhomeheader) }
url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate, br'
url.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
url.headers['Referer'] = ''
url.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'
url.headers['Host'] = ''
url.headers['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-cn'
url.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
$.get(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
$.signreward = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
// 获取用户信息
function getUserInfo() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
const url = { url: '', headers: { sid: $.sid } }
$.get(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
$.userinfo = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
$.log(`❗️ ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
function invite() {
const sids = [
$.invites = []
const inviteActs = []
$.log('', '开始邀请: ')
for (let sidIdx = 0; sidIdx < sids.length; sidIdx++) {
new Promise((resove) => {
const body = `invite_userid=${$}`
const url = { url: '', body, headers: { sid: sids[sidIdx] } }
$.post(url, (error, response, data) => {
try {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
const _data = JSON.parse(data)
const _invite = { _raw: _data, inviteIdx: sidIdx, isSuc: _data.result === 'ok' }
$.log(` 邀请第 ${_invite.inviteIdx + 1} 个用户: ${_invite.isSuc ? '成功!' : '失败!'}`)
} catch (e) {
$.log(` ${$.name}, 执行失败!`, ` error = ${error || e}`, `response = ${JSON.stringify(response)}`, `data = ${data}`, '')
} finally {
return Promise.all(inviteActs)
function showmsg() {
return new Promise((resove) => {
$.subt = ''
$.desc = []
if (/ok/.test($.signapp.result)) {
$.subt = '签到: 成功'
} else if (/error/.test($.signapp.result) && /recheckin/.test($.signapp.msg)) {
$.subt = '签到: 重复'
} else {
$.subt = '签到: 失败'
if ($.signinfo && $[0]) {
const current = $[0]
$.desc.push(`连签: ${$}天, 本期: ${current.end_date} (第${}期)`)
$.desc.push('查看签到详情', '')
if ($.signwx) {
$.subt += ', '
if ($.signwx.isSuc && !$.signwx.isRepeat) $.subt += `打卡: 成功`
else if ($.signwx.isSuc && $.signwx.isRepeat) $.subt += `打卡: 重复`
else if (!$.signwx.isSuc && $.signwx.isSignupNeed && $.signupwx.isSuc) $.subt += `打卡: 报名成功`
else if (!$.signwx.isSuc && $.signwx.isSignupNeed && !$.signupwx.isSuc) $.subt += `打卡: 报名失败`
else $.subt += `打卡: 失败`
$.desc.push(`打卡: ${$.signwx.msg}`)
if ($.signwx.isSignupNeed) {
$.desc.push(`报名: ${$.signupwx.isSuc ? '成功' : `失败! 原因: ${$.signupwx.msg}`}`)
$.desc.push(`问题: ${$.question.title}`)
$.desc.push(`答案: ${$.answer.optionIdx + 1}.${$.question.options[$.answer.optionIdx]}`)
if ($.invites) {
const invitedCnt = $.invites.filter((invite) => invite.isSuc).length
const inviteCnt = $.invites.length
$.subt += ', 邀请: '
$.subt += `${invitedCnt}/${inviteCnt}`
if ($.signreward && $ {
const maxdays = $
let curDays = 0
$ => {
const rstatus = r.status == 'unreceived' ? '[未领]' : '[已领]'
const limit_days = parseInt(r.limit_days)
const daysstatus = maxdays >= limit_days ? '✅' : '❕'
if (curDays < limit_days) {
curDays = limit_days
$.desc.push('', `${daysstatus} 连签${limit_days}天: `)
$.desc.push(` ${rstatus} ${r.reward_name}`)
// prettier-ignore
function Env(s){,,this.logs=[],this.isSurge=(()=>"undefined"!=typeof $httpClient),this.isQuanX=(()=>"undefined"!=typeof $task),this.isNode=(()=>"undefined"!=typeof module&&!!module.exports),this.log=((...s)=>{this.logs=[...this.logs,...s],s?console.log(s.join("\n")):console.log(this.logs.join("\n"))}),this.msg=((,t="",i="")=>{this.isSurge()&&$,t,i),this.isQuanX()&&$notify(s,t,i);const e=["","==============\ud83d\udce3\u7cfb\u7edf\u901a\u77e5\ud83d\udce3=============="];s&&e.push(s),t&&e.push(t),i&&e.push(i),console.log(e.join("\n"))}),this.getdata=(s=>{if(this.isSurge())return $;if(this.isQuanX())return $prefs.valueForKey(s);if(this.isNode()){const t="box.dat";return this.fs=this.fs?this.fs:require("fs"),this.fs.existsSync(t)?(,[s]):null}}),this.setdata=((s,t)=>{if(this.isSurge())return $persistentStore.write(s,t);if(this.isQuanX())return $prefs.setValueForKey(s,t);if(this.isNode()){const i="box.dat";return this.fs=this.fs?this.fs:require("fs"),!!this.fs.existsSync(i)&&(,[t]=s,this.fs.writeFileSync(i,JSON.stringify(,!0)}}),this.wait=((s,t=s)=>i=>setTimeout(()=>i(),Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-s+1)+s))),this.get=((s,t)=>this.send(s,"GET",t)),,t)=>this.send(s,"POST",t)),this.send=((s,t,i)=>{if(this.isSurge()){const e="POST"==t?$$httpClient.get;e(s,(s,t,e)=>{t&&(t.body=e,t.statusCode=t.status),i(s,t,e)})}this.isQuanX()&&(s.method=t,$task.fetch(s).then(s=>{s.status=s.statusCode,i(null,s,s.body)},s=>i(s.error,s,s))),this.isNode()&&(this.request=this.request?this.request:require("request"),s.method=t,s.gzip=!0,this.request(s,(s,t,e)=>{t&&(t.status=t.statusCode),i(null,t,e)}))}),this.done=((s={})=>this.isNode()?null:$done(s))}

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@