/*********************************************** > 应用名称:墨鱼自用高德地图去广告脚本 > 脚本作者:@ddgksf2013 > 微信账号:墨鱼手记 > 更新时间:2022-04-25 > 通知频道:https://t.me/ddgksf2021 > 贡献投稿:https://t.me/ddgksf2013_bot > 问题反馈:ddgksf2013@163.com > 特别提醒:如需转载请注明出处,谢谢合作! ***********************************************/ const version = "V1.0.28"; var obj = JSON.parse($response.body); if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("valueadded/alimama/splash_screen")) { if (obj.data && obj.data.ad) for (let a of obj.data.ad) (a.set.setting.display_time = 0), (a.creative[0].start_time = 2240150400), (a.creative[0].end_time = 2240150400); $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); } else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("faas/amap-navigation/main-page")) obj.data?.cardList && (obj.data.cardList = Object.values(obj.data.cardList).filter( (a) => "LoginCard" == a.dataType )), obj.data?.pull3?.msgs && (obj.data.pull3.msgs = []), obj.data?.business_position && (obj.data.business_position = []), obj.data?.mapBizList && (obj.data.mapBizList = []), $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("profile/index/node")) delete obj.data.tipData, obj.data?.cardList && (obj.data.cardList = Object.values(obj.data.cardList).filter( (a) => "MyOrderCard" == a.dataType || "GdRecommendCard" == a.dataType )), $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("new_hotword")) obj.data?.header_hotword && (obj.data.header_hotword = []), $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("ws/promotion-web/resource")) { let e = ["icon", "banner", "tips", "popup", "bubble"]; for (let o of e) obj.data?.[o] && (obj.data[o] = []); $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); } else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("ws/msgbox/pull")) obj.msgs && (obj.msgs = []), obj.pull3?.msgs && (obj.pull3.msgs = []), $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("ws/message/notice/list")) obj.data?.noticeList && (obj.data.noticeList = []), $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("ws/shield/frogserver/aocs")) { for (let t of [ "gd_notch_logo", "home_business_position_config", "his_input_tip", "operation_layer", ]) obj.data?.[t] && (obj.data[t] = { status: 1, version: "", value: "" }); $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); } else if (-1 != $request.url.indexOf("search/nearbyrec_smart")) { let i = ["coupon", "scene", "activity", "commodity_rec"]; obj.data && (i.forEach((a) => { delete obj.data[a]; }), obj.data.modules && (obj.data.modules = obj.data.modules.filter((a) => !i.includes(a)))), $done({ body: JSON.stringify(obj) }); } else $done({});