const url = $request.url; const method = $request.method; const postMethod = "POST"; const notifyTitle = "贴吧json脚本错误"; console.log(`贴吧json-2023.06.12.2`); let body = JSON.parse($response.body); // 直接全局搜索 @Modify( if (url.includes("tiebaads/commonbatch") && method === postMethod) { // 看图模式下的广告 let adCmd = getUrlParamValue(url, "adcmd"); if (!adCmd) { console.log(`url:${url}`); $, "贴吧-tiebaads/commonbatch", "adCmd参数不存在"); } else { console.log(`commonbatch:${adCmd}`); if (body.error_code === 0) { if (! { console.log('ad字段为空'); } else { = []; // 即使ad有内容 也不一定显示广告 // 因为如果服务器下发的数据少了一些字段同样是无广告的 console.log('成功'); } } else { console.log('error_code不为0:' + body.error_code); } } } else if (url.includes('c/f/pb/picpage')) { console.log(`picpage`); const liveLength = body.recom_live_list?.length; if (liveLength) { console.log(`去除直播:${liveLength}`); body.recom_live_list = []; } } else if (url.includes('c/s/sync')) { // get post(贴吧使用了post)均可访问 console.log('贴吧-sync'); if ('floating_icon' in body) { console.log('右下角悬浮icon'); if (body.floating_icon) { if (body.floating_icon.homepage?.icon_url) { console.log('homepage悬浮去除'); } else { console.log('无需去除homepage悬浮'); } if (body.floating_icon.pb?.icon_url) { console.log('pb悬浮去除'); } else { console.log('无需去除pb悬浮'); } body.floating_icon = null; } else { console.log('无需修改floating_icon字段值'); } } else { console.log(`body:${$response.body}`); $, "贴吧-sync", "无floating_icon字段"); } // 回帖栏的广告 if ('advertisement_config' in body) { if (!body.advertisement_config?.advertisement_str) { console.log('无需处理advertisement_config'); } else { console.log(`advertisement_str:${body.advertisement_config.advertisement_str}`); body.advertisement_config = null; } } else { console.log(`body:${$response.body}`); $, "贴吧-sync", "无advertisement_config字段"); } if ('config' in body) { if (body.config?.switch) { for (const item of body.config.switch) { if (['platform_csj_init', 'platform_ks_init', 'platform_gdt_init'].includes( { item.type = '0'; // 禁止初始化穿山甲/广点通/快手 console.log(`禁止初始化${}`); } } } } else { console.log(`body:${$response.body}`); $, "贴吧-sync", "无config字段"); } if ('screen_fill_data_result' in body) { if (body.screen_fill_data_result.screen_fill_advertisement_bear_switch === "1") { body.screen_fill_data_result.screen_fill_advertisement_bear_switch = '0'; console.log('开屏不展示小熊广告'); } else { console.log('无需修改screen_fill_advertisement_bear_switch'); } if (body.screen_fill_data_result.screen_fill_advertisement_plj_cpc_switch === "1") { body.screen_fill_data_result.screen_fill_advertisement_plj_cpc_switch = '0'; console.log('开屏不展示序章CPC'); } else { console.log('无需修改screen_fill_advertisement_plj_cpc_switch'); } if (body.screen_fill_data_result.screen_fill_advertisement_plj_switch === "1") { body.screen_fill_data_result.screen_fill_advertisement_plj_switch = '0'; console.log('开屏不展示序章'); } else { console.log('无需修改screen_fill_advertisement_plj_switch'); } } else { console.log(`body:${$response.body}`); $, "贴吧-sync", "无screen_fill_data_result字段"); } if ('ad_stlog_switch' in body) { if (body.ad_stlog_switch === '1') { body.ad_stlog_switch = '0'; console.log('修改ad_stlog_switch'); } else { console.log('无需修改ad_stlog_switch'); } } else { console.log(`body:${$response.body}`); $, "贴吧-sync", "无ad_stlog_switch字段"); } if ('lcs_strategy' in body) { // 控制长连接开关 开启时帖子会走socket if (body.lcs_strategy.conn_conf === '0') { // 关闭 body.lcs_strategy.conn_conf = '1'; console.log('修改conn_conf'); } else { console.log('无需修改conn_conf'); } } else { console.log(`body:${$response.body}`); $, "贴吧-sync", "无lcs_strategy字段"); } } else if (url.includes("c/f/frs/page")) { console.log('贴吧-FrsPage'); if (body.live_fuse_forum?.length) { body.live_fuse_forum = []; console.log(`去除吧头直播`); } else { console.log(`无需处理吧头直播`); } if (body.activityhead?.is_ad) { body.activityhead = {}; console.log('去除吧内header图片广告'); } else { console.log('无需处理activityhead'); } body.thread_list = removeLive(body.thread_list); removeGoodsInfo(; } else if (url.includes("c/f/frs/threadlist")) { console.log('贴吧-threadlist'); removeGoodsInfo(body.banner_list?.app); } else if (url.includes("c/f/pb/page")) { console.log('贴吧-PbPage'); if (body.recom_ala_info?.live_id) { console.log('帖子详情页推荐的直播广告去除'); body.recom_ala_info = null; } else { console.log('帖子详情页无直播广告'); } if (body.post_list?.length) { for (const post of body.post_list) { if (post.outer_item) { console.log('outer_item去除'); post.outer_item = null; } } } else { console.log('无需处理postList中的outer_item'); } removeGoodsInfo(body.banner_list?.app); const bannerGoodsInfoLength = body.banner_list?.pb_banner_ad?.goods_info?.length; if (bannerGoodsInfoLength) { console.log(`去除pb_banner_ad的goods_info:${bannerGoodsInfoLength}`) body.banner_list.pb_banner_ad.goods_info = [] } } else if (url.includes("c/f/excellent/personalized")) { console.log('贴吧-personalized'); removeGoodsInfo(body.banner_list?.app); body.thread_list = removeLive(body.thread_list); if(body.live_answer){ console.log('去除推荐页上方的banner广告'); body.live_answer = null; } else { console.log('推荐页无banner广告'); } } else if (url.includes("c/f/frs/generalTabList")) { console.log('贴吧-generalTabList'); removeGoodsInfo(body.app_list); } else { $, "路径/请求方法匹配错误:", method + "," + url); } body = JSON.stringify(body); $done({ body }); function getUrlParamValue(url, queryName) { return Object.fromEntries(url.substring(url.indexOf("?") + 1) .split("&") .map(pair => pair.split("=")) )[queryName]; } function removeGoodsInfo(app) { if (app?.length) { let goodsInfoSize = 0; app.forEach(item => { if (item.goods_info?.length) { goodsInfoSize++; item.goods_info = []; } }) if (goodsInfoSize) { console.log(`去除goods_info:${goodsInfoSize}`); } else { console.log(`app内无goods_info`) } } else { console.log(`app为空,无需处理`); } } function removeLive(threadList) { let newThreadList = threadList; const beforeLength = threadList?.length; if (beforeLength) { newThreadList = threadList.filter(item => { if (item.ala_info) { console.log('去除推荐的直播帖子'); return false; } return true; }); if (beforeLength === newThreadList.length) { console.log("无推荐的直播帖子"); } } else { console.log('无需处理threadList'); } return newThreadList; }