const chavy = init() const cookieName = '人人视频' const KEY_signcookie = 'chavy_cookie_rrtv' const signinfo = {} let VAL_signcookie = chavy.getdata(KEY_signcookie) ;(exec = async () => { chavy.log(`🔔 ${cookieName} 开始签到`) await signdaily() await signwelfare() await getquestion() if (!signinfo.hasAnswered) { await answerquestion() await getquestion() } await openbox('copperbox', '铜宝箱', 'simpleBody=nUuymDQ/BcC2Q6QH21Tjww23J7qtVaDlUN17k1/KY%2BXGDsRVwDRJ8YfjAMraptIL%0D%0A4t2g56kUpDGFsn9z6%2BofyiL5QwfBYZBZOTw9stNt9mc%3D') await openbox('silverbox', '银宝箱', 'simpleBody=nUuymDQ/BcC2Q6QH21Tjww23J7qtVaDlUN17k1/KY%2BXGDsRVwDRJ8YfjAMraptIL%0D%0ADPPhFllL7eBnJs52RODWxxe9rquyWdYcDcbyirN6KiE%3D') await openbox('goldenbox', '金宝箱', 'simpleBody=3abxJMn7LwEdH8u1Xpe2qN6AtFpDhBrmviLyoU%2BunKwnS1IGS7DIfS0HiKtt03G0%0D%0A/zVCARFyXUFFrOxLRrgAS4m/u4BiQYWJzTUeUqLAFZk%3D') await getinfo() showmsg() chavy.done() })().catch((e) => chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} 签到失败: ${e}`), chavy.done()) function signdaily() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = { url: ``, headers: { token: VAL_signcookie } } url.headers['clientType'] = `ios_rrsp_jzsp` url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = `gzip, deflate, br` url.headers['Connection'] = `keep-alive` url.headers['clientVersion'] = `4.3.5` url.headers['Content-Type'] = `application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8` url.headers['Origin'] = `` url.headers['Referer'] = `` url.headers['Accept'] = `application/json, text/plain, */*` url.headers['Host'] = `` url.headers['Accept-Language'] = `zh-cn` url.headers['Content-Length'] = `12` url.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 App/RRSPApp platform/iPhone AppVersion/4.3.5', (error, response, data) => { try { signinfo.signdaily = JSON.parse(data) resolve() } catch (e) { chavy.msg(cookieName, `日常签到: 失败`, `说明: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} signdaily - 日常签到失败: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} signdaily - response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`) resolve() } }) }) } function signwelfare() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = { url: ``, headers: { token: VAL_signcookie } } url.headers['clientType'] = `web` url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = `gzip, deflate, br` url.headers['Connection'] = `keep-alive` url.headers['clientVersion'] = `0.0.1` url.headers['Content-Type'] = `application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8` url.headers['Origin'] = `` url.headers['Referer'] = `` url.headers['Accept'] = `application/json, text/plain, */*` url.headers['Host'] = `` url.headers['Accept-Language'] = `zh-cn` url.headers['Content-Length'] = `45` url.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 App/RRSPApp platform/iPhone AppVersion/4.3.5', (error, response, data) => { try { signinfo.signwelfare = JSON.parse(data) resolve() } catch (e) { chavy.msg(cookieName, `日常签到: 失败`, `说明: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} signwelfare - 日常签到失败: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} signwelfare - response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`) resolve() } }) }) } function getinfo() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = { url: ``, headers: { token: VAL_signcookie } } url.headers['clientType'] = `ios_rrsp_jzsp` url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = `gzip, deflate, br` url.headers['Connection'] = `keep-alive` url.headers['clientVersion'] = `4.3.5` url.headers['Content-Type'] = `application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8` url.headers['Origin'] = `` url.headers['Referer'] = `` url.headers['Accept'] = `application/json, text/plain, */*` url.headers['Host'] = `` url.headers['Accept-Language'] = `zh-cn` url.headers['Content-Length'] = `0` url.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 App/RRSPApp platform/iPhone AppVersion/4.3.5', (error, response, data) => { try { signinfo.userinfo = JSON.parse(data) resolve() } catch (e) { chavy.msg(cookieName, `获取会员信息: 失败`, `说明: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getinfo - 获取会员信息失败: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getinfo - response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`) resolve() } }) }) } function getquestion() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = { url: ``, headers: { token: VAL_signcookie } } url.headers['clientType'] = `ios_rrsp_jzsp` url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = `gzip, deflate, br` url.headers['Connection'] = `keep-alive` url.headers['clientVersion'] = `4.3.5` url.headers['Content-Type'] = `application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8` url.headers['Origin'] = `` url.headers['Referer'] = `` url.headers['Accept'] = `application/json, text/plain, */*` url.headers['Host'] = `` url.headers['Accept-Language'] = `zh-cn` url.headers['Content-Length'] = `0` url.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 App/RRSPApp platform/iPhone AppVersion/4.3.5', (error, response, data) => { try { signinfo.question = JSON.parse(data) signinfo.questionopts = {} for (opt of { signinfo.questionopts[] = opt if (!signinfo.answeropt) signinfo.answeropt = opt else signinfo.answeropt = opt.answererCount > signinfo.answeropt.answererCount ? opt : signinfo.answeropt } signinfo.hasAnswered = if (signinfo.hasAnswered) { signinfo.selectId = signinfo.isRight = signinfo.questionopts[signinfo.selectId].isRight } resolve() } catch (e) { chavy.msg(cookieName, `获取问题: 失败`, `说明: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getquestion - 获取问题失败: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getquestion - response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`) resolve() } }) }) } function answerquestion() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = { url: ``, headers: { token: VAL_signcookie } } url.body = `optionId=${}` url.headers['clientType'] = `ios_rrsp_jzsp` url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = `gzip, deflate, br` url.headers['Connection'] = `keep-alive` url.headers['clientVersion'] = `4.3.5` url.headers['Content-Type'] = `application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8` url.headers['Origin'] = `` url.headers['Referer'] = `` url.headers['Accept'] = `application/json, text/plain, */*` url.headers['Host'] = `` url.headers['Accept-Language'] = `zh-cn` url.headers['Content-Length'] = `0` url.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 App/RRSPApp platform/iPhone AppVersion/4.3.5', (error, response, data) => { try { signinfo.answerquestion = JSON.parse(data) resolve() } catch (e) { chavy.msg(cookieName, `获取问题: 失败`, `说明: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getquestion - 获取问题失败: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getquestion - response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`) resolve() } }) }) } function openbox(boxcode, boxname, body) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = { url: ``, headers: { token: VAL_signcookie } } url.body = body url.headers['Accept'] = `*/*` url.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = `gzip, deflate, br` url.headers['Accept-Language'] = `zh-Hans-CN;q=1, en-US;q=0.9` url.headers['Connection'] = `keep-alive` url.headers['Content-Type'] = `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` url.headers['Host'] = `` url.headers['User-Agent'] = `PUClient/4.3.6 (iPhone; iOS 13.3.1; Scale/2.00)` url.headers['clientType'] = `ios_rrsp_jzsp` url.headers['clientVersion'] = `4.3.6` url.headers['deviceMode'] = `iPhone 8` url.headers['p'] = `iOS`, (error, response, data) => { try { signinfo[boxcode] = JSON.parse(data) resolve() } catch (e) { chavy.msg(cookieName, `打开${boxname}: 失败`, `说明: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getquestion - 打开${boxname}失败: ${e}`) chavy.log(`❌ ${cookieName} getquestion - response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`) resolve() } }) }) } function showmsg() { let subTitle = '' let detail = '' if (signinfo.signdaily) { subTitle = `签到: ` if (signinfo.signdaily.code == '0000' || signinfo.signdaily.code == '8750') { subTitle += signinfo.signdaily.code == '0000' ? '成功; ' : '' subTitle += signinfo.signdaily.code == '8750' ? '重复; ' : '' } else { subTitle += '失败; ' } } if (signinfo.signwelfare) { subTitle += `福利: ` if (signinfo.signwelfare.code == '0000' || signinfo.signwelfare.code == '8623') { subTitle += signinfo.signwelfare.code == '0000' ? '成功; ' : '' subTitle += signinfo.signwelfare.code == '8623' ? '重复; ' : '' } else { subTitle += '失败;' } } if (signinfo.question && signinfo.questionopts) { subTitle += `答题: ${signinfo.isRight ? '✅' : '❌'}` } if (signinfo.userinfo.code == '0000') { const levelStr = ? ` (${})` : `` detail = `等级: ${}${levelStr}, 银币: ${}` } else { detail = `编码: ${signinfo.userinfo.code}, 说明: ${signinfo.userinfo.msg}` } if ( { detail += `\n查看答题详情` detail += `\n\n问题: ${}` for (key in signinfo.questionopts) detail += `\n选项: ${signinfo.questionopts[key].optionStr}, 回答人数: ${signinfo.questionopts[key].answererCount} (${signinfo.questionopts[key].percent})` if (signinfo.selectId) { detail += `\n最佳回答: ${signinfo.answeropt.optionStr}` detail += `\n我的回答: ${signinfo.questionopts[signinfo.selectId].optionStr}` detail += `${signinfo.isRight ? '✅' : '❌'}\n` } else { detail += `\n最佳回答: ${signinfo.answeropt.optionStr}\n` } } if (signinfo.copperbox) { if (signinfo.copperbox.code == '0000') { for (box of detail += `\n铜宝箱: ${box.rewardName} (+${box.rewardNum})` } else { detail += `\n铜宝箱: ${signinfo.copperbox.msg}` } } if (signinfo.silverbox) { if (signinfo.silverbox.code == '0000') { for (box of detail += `\n银宝箱: ${box.rewardName} (+${box.rewardNum})` } else { detail += `\n银宝箱: ${signinfo.silverbox.msg}` } } if (signinfo.goldenbox) { if (signinfo.goldenbox.code == '0000') { for (box of detail += `\n金宝箱: ${box.rewardName} (+${box.rewardNum})` } else { detail += `\n金宝箱: ${signinfo.goldenbox.msg}` } } chavy.msg(cookieName, subTitle, detail) } function init() { isSurge = () => { return undefined === this.$httpClient ? false : true } isQuanX = () => { return undefined === this.$task ? false : true } getdata = (key) => { if (isSurge()) return $ if (isQuanX()) return $prefs.valueForKey(key) } setdata = (key, val) => { if (isSurge()) return $persistentStore.write(key, val) if (isQuanX()) return $prefs.setValueForKey(key, val) } msg = (title, subtitle, body) => { if (isSurge()) $, subtitle, body) if (isQuanX()) $notify(title, subtitle, body) } log = (message) => console.log(message) get = (url, cb) => { if (isSurge()) { $httpClient.get(url, cb) } if (isQuanX()) { url.method = 'GET' $task.fetch(url).then((resp) => cb(null, resp, resp.body)) } } post = (url, cb) => { if (isSurge()) { $, cb) } if (isQuanX()) { url.method = 'POST' $task.fetch(url).then((resp) => cb(null, resp, resp.body)) } } done = (value = {}) => { $done(value) } return { isSurge, isQuanX, msg, log, getdata, setdata, get, post, done } }