/* Surge规则自动生成脚本 更新时间:2024/08/11 需按照博客内教程配合使用: https://nobyda.github.io/2024/02/24/Surge_Rule_Storage */ const args = argsList(typeof $argument == "string" && $argument || 'region=debug'); /* When matching whitelist rules, skip generating suffix domain. Three ways to write: Domain: example.com Domain suffix: .example.com Domain keyword: .example. */ args.whitelist = args.whitelist || `[".mwcname.com", ".akadns.", ".akamai.", ".cloud.", ".cdn.", ".yun."]`; args.key = args.key || 'Rule-Storage'; (async () => { const host = $request.hostname.toLowerCase(); const inHost = $request.listenPort == 6152 && !$request.sourcePort && !$request.processPath && /^[a-z0-9]{10}\.[a-z]+$/.test(host); //Prevent benchmark if (['', ''].filter((v) => [...($request.dnsResult || {}).v4Addresses || []].includes(v)).length) { // DNS poisoning args.matched = false; args.region = 'global'; } if (!/\d$|:/.test(host) && host.includes('.') && !inHost) { const data = JSON.parse($persistentStore.read(args.key) || '{}'); const saved_rules = $persistentStore.read(`${args.key}-${args.region}`); if (!evalRules(host, saved_rules)) { data[args.region] = saveDecision(host, data[args.region]); if (data[args.region][host].quantity >= (args.quantity || 10)) { const eTLDs = await eTLD(data.eTLD || JSON.parse($persistentStore.read(`${args.key}-eTLD`) || '{}')); if (data.eTLD) { // legacy $persistentStore.write(JSON.stringify(data.eTLD), `${args.key}-eTLD`); delete data.eTLD; } const suffix = shortenDomain(host, eTLDs.public_suffix); const domain = evalRules(host, JSON.parse(args.whitelist)) ? host : suffix; const text = [...formatRules(saved_rules), ...formatRules(domain)].join('\n'); delete data[args.region][host]; $persistentStore.write(text, `${args.key}-${args.region}`) } } return $persistentStore.write(JSON.stringify(data), args.key) } })().catch((e) => $notification.post(args.key, ``, e.message || e)) .finally(() => $done({ matched: Boolean(args.matched) })); function saveDecision(host_name, content = {}) { const count = []; for (const i in content) { if (Date.now() - content[i].update_time > 86400000 * (args.cacheDays || 30)) { delete content[i]; continue } count.push(content[i].update_time); } if (count.length > (args.cacheNumber || 1000)) { // limit amount to prevent NE memory issues. const spill = count.sort((x, y) => x - y).slice(0, count.length - (args.cacheNumber || 1000)); for (const is of spill) { for (const ic in content) { if (content[ic].update_time === is) { delete content[ic]; break } } } } if (content[host_name]) { if (Date.now() - content[host_name].update_time > ((args.interval || 30) * 1000)) { content[host_name].update_time = Date.now(); content[host_name].quantity++; } } else { content[host_name] = { update_time: Date.now(), quantity: 1 } } return content } function evalRules(host_name, rule_list) { const host_suffix = host_name.split('.').reverse(); rule_list = typeof rule_list == 'object' ? rule_list : formatRules(rule_list, 1); for (const i in rule_list) { if (rule_list[i].startsWith('.') && !rule_list[i].endsWith('.')) { const rule_host_suffix = rule_list[i].split('.').reverse().filter((v) => v); if (rule_host_suffix.filter((v, i) => host_suffix[i] === v).length === rule_host_suffix.length) { return true } } else if (rule_list[i].startsWith('.') && rule_list[i].endsWith('.')) { if (host_name.includes(rule_list[i].slice(1, -1))) { return true } } else if (rule_list[i] === host_name) { return true } } return false } function formatRules(list, type) { return (list || '').replace(/\r|\ |(\/\/|#|;).*/g, '').split('\n').map((v) => { if (v.startsWith('DOMAIN,')) { return type ? v.split(",")[1] : v } if (v.startsWith('DOMAIN-SUFFIX,')) { return type ? `.${v.split(",")[1]}` : v } if (v.startsWith('.')) { return type ? v : `DOMAIN-SUFFIX,${v.slice(1)}` } if (v.includes('.')) { return type ? v : `DOMAIN,${v}` } }).filter((v) => v); } async function eTLD(content = {}) { if (!content.update_time || (Date.now() - content.update_time > 86400000 * 30)) { await new Promise(resolve => { $httpClient.get({ url: 'https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat' }, (error, resp, body) => { if (resp.status == 200 && !error && body) { content.update_time = Date.now(); content.public_suffix = body.replace(/\r|.*(\/\/|#|;).*|\n(\!|\*\.)/g, '\n').split('\n').filter((t) => t); $persistentStore.write(JSON.stringify(content), `${args.key}-eTLD`); resolve() } else if (content.update_time) { console.log(`Update eTLD list failed: ${error}`); resolve() } else { throw new Error(`Download eTLD list failed: ${error}`) } }) }) } return content } /* Shorten multi level domain: non-eTLD, full eTLD, second level domain will return original Basic logic: www.abc.com -> .abc.com */ function shortenDomain(host_name, eTLD_list) { return host_name.split('.').reverse().reduce((t, v, i, c) => { if (t === host_name || c.length == 2) { return host_name } if (t.startsWith('.')) { return t } const host_suffix = v + (t && `.${t}` || ''); for (const ix in eTLD_list) { if (eTLD_list[ix] === host_suffix) { return host_suffix } } return !i && host_name || `.${host_suffix}` }, '') } function argsList(data) { return Array.from( data.split("&") .map((i) => i.split("=")) .map(([k, v]) => [k, decodeURIComponent(v)]) ) .reduce((a, [k, v]) => Object.assign(a, { [k]: v }), {}) }