/************************** 哔哩哔哩, 港澳台番剧自动切换地区 & 显示豆瓣评分 如需禁用豆瓣评分或策略通知, 可前往BoxJs设置. BoxJs订阅地址: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/NobyDa_BoxJs.json Update: 2021.05.02 Author: @NobyDa Use: Surge, QuanX, Loon **************************** 港澳台自动切换地区说明 : **************************** 地区自动切换功能仅适用于Surge4.7+(iOS),Loon2.1.10(286)+,QuanX1.0.22(543)+ 低于以上版本仅显示豆瓣评分. 您需要配置相关规则集: Surge、Loon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Surge/Ruleset/StreamingMedia/StreamingSE.list QuanX: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Quantumult/Filter/StreamingMedia/StreamingSE.list 绑定相关select或static策略组,并且需要具有相关的区域代理服务器纳入您的子策略中,子策略可以是服务器也可以是其他区域策略组. 最后,您可以通过BoxJs设置策略名和子策略名,或者手动填入脚本. 如需搜索指定地区番剧, 可在搜索框添加后缀" 港", " 台", " 中". 例如: 进击的巨人 港 QX用户注: 使用切换地区功能请确保您的QX=>其他设置=>温和策略机制处于关闭状态, 以及填写策略名和子策略名时注意大小写. **************************** Surge 4.7+ 远程脚本配置 : **************************** [Script] Bili Region = type=http-response,pattern=^https:\/\/ap(p|i)\.bilibili\.com\/(pgc\/view\/(v\d\/)?app|x(\/v\d)?\/view\/video)\/(season|online)\?access_key,requires-body=1,max-size=0,script-path=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/JS/Bili_Auto_Regions.js #可选, 适用于搜索指定地区的番剧 Bili Search = type=http-request,pattern=^https:\/\/app\.bilibili\.com\/x\/v\d\/search(\/type)?\?.+?%20(%E6%B8%AF|%E5%8F%B0|%E4%B8%AD)&,script-path=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/JS/Bili_Auto_Regions.js [MITM] hostname = ap?.bilibili.com **************************** Quantumult X 远程脚本配置 : **************************** [rewrite_local] ^https:\/\/ap(p|i)\.bilibili\.com\/(pgc\/view\/(v\d\/)?app|x(\/v\d)?\/view\/video)\/(season|online)\?access_key url script-response-body https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/JS/Bili_Auto_Regions.js #可选, 适用于搜索指定地区的番剧 ^https:\/\/app\.bilibili\.com\/x\/v\d\/search(\/type)?\?.+?%20(%E6%B8%AF|%E5%8F%B0|%E4%B8%AD)& url script-request-header https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/JS/Bili_Auto_Regions.js [mitm] hostname = ap?.bilibili.com [filter_local] #可选, 由于qx纯tun特性, 不添加规则可能会导致脚本失效. ip-cidr,, reject **************************** Loon 远程脚本配置 : **************************** [Script] http-response ^https:\/\/ap(p|i)\.bilibili\.com\/(pgc\/view\/(v\d\/)?app|x(\/v\d)?\/view\/video)\/(season|online)\?access_key script-path=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/JS/Bili_Auto_Regions.js, requires-body=true, tag=bili自动地区 #可选, 适用于搜索指定地区的番剧 http-request ^https:\/\/app\.bilibili\.com\/x\/v\d\/search(\/type)?\?.+?%20(%E6%B8%AF|%E5%8F%B0|%E4%B8%AD)& script-path=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/JS/Bili_Auto_Regions.js, requires-body=true, tag=bili自动地区(搜索) [Mitm] hostname = ap?.bilibili.com ***************************/ let $ = nobyda(); let run = EnvInfo(); async function SwitchRegion(play) { const Group = $.read('BiliArea_Policy') || '📺 DomesticMedia'; //Your blibli policy group name. const CN = $.read('BiliArea_CN') || 'DIRECT'; //Your China sub-policy name. const TW = $.read('BiliArea_TW') || '🇹🇼 sub-policy'; //Your Taiwan sub-policy name. const HK = $.read('BiliArea_HK') || '🇭🇰 sub-policy'; //Your HongKong sub-policy name. const current = await $.getPolicy(Group) || 'Policy error ⚠️'; const area = (() => { if (/\u50c5[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+\u6e2f|%20%E6%B8%AF&/.test(play)) { if (current != HK) return HK; } else if (/\u50c5[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+\u53f0|%20%E5%8F%B0&/.test(play)) { if (current != TW) return TW; } else if (current != CN) return CN; })() if (area) { const change = await $.setPolicy(Group, area); const notify = $.read('BiliAreaNotify') === 'true'; const msg = `${current} => ${change?area:'sub-policy error ⚠️'} => ${change?`🟢`:`🔴`}`; if (!notify) $.notify(/^http/.test(play) || !play ? `` : play, ``, msg); else console.log(`${/^http/.test(play)||!play?``:play}\n${msg}`); if (change) return true; } return false; } function EnvInfo() { if (typeof($response) !== 'undefined') { const raw = JSON.parse($response.body); const data = raw.data || raw.result || {}; //if surge or loon, $done() will auto reconnect with the new policy SwitchRegion(data.title) .then(s => s && !$.isQuanX ? $done() : QueryRating(raw, data)); } else { const raw = $request.url; const res = { url: raw.replace(/%20(%E6%B8%AF|%E5%8F%B0|%E4%B8%AD)&/g, '&') }; SwitchRegion(raw).then(() => $done(res)); } } async function QueryRating(body, play) { try { const ratingEnabled = $.read('BiliDoubanRating') === 'false'; if (!ratingEnabled && play.title && body.data && body.data.badge_info) { const [t1, t2] = await Promise.all([ GetRawInfo(play.title), GetRawInfo(play.origin_name) ]); const exYear = body.data.publish.release_date_show.split(/^(\d{4})/)[1]; const filterInfo = [play.title, play.origin_name, play.staff.info + play.actor.info, exYear]; const [rating, folk, name, id, other] = ExtractMovieInfo([...t1, ...t2], filterInfo); const limit = JSON.stringify(body.data.modules) .replace(/"\u53d7\u9650"/g, `""`).replace(/("area_limit":)1/g, '$10'); body.data.modules = JSON.parse(limit); body.data.detail = body.data.new_ep.desc.replace(/连载中,/, ''); body.data.badge_info.text = `⭐️ 豆瓣:${!$.is403?`${rating||'无评'}分 (${folk||'无评价'})`:`查询频繁!`}`; body.data.evaluate = `${body.data.evaluate||''}\n\n豆瓣评分搜索结果: ${JSON.stringify(other,0,1)}`; body.data.new_ep.desc = name; body.data.styles.unshift({ name: "⭐️ 点击此处打开豆瓣剧集详情页", url: `https://m.douban.com/${id?`movie/subject/${id}/`:`search/?query=${encodeURI(play.title)}`}` }); } } catch (err) { console.log(`Douban rating: \n${err}\n`); } finally { $done({ body: JSON.stringify(body) }); } } function ExtractMovieInfo(ret, fv) { const sole = new Set(ret.map(s => JSON.stringify(s))); //delete duplicate const f1 = [...sole].map(p => JSON.parse(p)) .filter(t => { t.accuracy = 0; if (t.name && fv[0]) { //title if (t.name.includes(fv[0].slice(0, 4))) t.accuracy++; if (t.name.includes(fv[0].slice(-3))) t.accuracy++; } if (t.origin && fv[1]) { //origin title if (t.origin.includes(fv[1].slice(0, 4))) t.accuracy++; if (t.origin.includes(fv[1].slice(-3))) t.accuracy++; } if (t.pd && fv[2]) { //producer or actor const len = t.pd.split('/').filter(c => fv[2].includes(c)); t.accuracy += len.length; } if (t.year && fv[3] && t.year == fv[3]) t.accuracy++; //year return Boolean(t.accuracy); }); let x = {}; //assign most similar const f2 = f1.reduce((p, c) => c.accuracy > p ? (x = c, c.accuracy) : p, 0); return [x.rating, x.folk, x.name, x.id, f1]; } function GetRawInfo(t) { let res = []; let st = Date.now(); return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!t) return resolve(res); $.get({ url: `https://www.douban.com/search?cat=1002&q=${encodeURIComponent(t)}`, headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15', 'Cookie': JSON.stringify(st) } }, (error, resp, data) => { if (error) { console.log(`Douban rating: \n${t}\nRequest error: ${error}\n`); } else { if (/\u767b\u5f55<\/a>\u540e\u91cd\u8bd5\u3002/.test(data)) $.is403 = true; let s = data.replace(/\n| |&#\d{2}/g, '') .match(/\[\u7535\u5f71\].+?subject-cast\">.+?<\/span>/g) || []; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { res.push({ name: s[i].split(/\}\)">(.+?)<\/a>/)[1], origin: s[i].split(/\u540d:(.+?)(\/|<)/)[1], pd: s[i].split(/\u539f\u540d.+?\/(.+?)\/\d+<\/span>$/)[1], rating: s[i].split(/">(\d\.\d)$/)[1] }) } let et = ((Date.now() - st) / 1000).toFixed(2); console.log(`Douban rating: \n${t}\n${res.length} movie info searched. (${et} s)\n`); } resolve(res); }) }) } function nobyda() { const isHTTP = typeof $httpClient != "undefined"; const isLoon = typeof $loon != "undefined"; const isQuanX = typeof $task != "undefined"; const isSurge = typeof $network != "undefined" && typeof $script != "undefined"; const notify = (title, subtitle, message) => { console.log(`${title}\n${subtitle}\n${message}`); if (isQuanX) $notify(title, subtitle, message); if (isHTTP) $notification.post(title, subtitle, message); } const read = (key) => { if (isQuanX) return $prefs.valueForKey(key); if (isHTTP) return $persistentStore.read(key); } const adapterStatus = (response) => { if (!response) return null; if (response.status) { response["statusCode"] = response.status; } else if (response.statusCode) { response["status"] = response.statusCode; } return response; } const getPolicy = (groupName) => { const m = `Version error ⚠️` if (isSurge) { if (typeof($httpAPI) === 'undefined') return m; return new Promise((resolve) => { $httpAPI("GET", "v1/policy_groups/select", { group_name: encodeURIComponent(groupName) }, (b) => resolve(b.policy)) }) } if (isLoon) { if (typeof($config.getPolicy) === 'undefined') return m; const getName = $config.getPolicy(groupName); return getName; } if (isQuanX) { if (typeof($configuration) === 'undefined') return m; return new Promise((resolve) => { $configuration.sendMessage({ action: "get_policy_state" }).then(b => { if (b.ret && b.ret[groupName]) { resolve(b.ret[groupName][1]); } else resolve(); }, () => resolve()); }) } } const setPolicy = (group, policy) => { if (isSurge && typeof($httpAPI) !== 'undefined') { return new Promise((resolve) => { $httpAPI("POST", "v1/policy_groups/select", { group_name: group, policy: policy }, (b) => resolve(!b.error)) }) } if (isLoon && typeof($config.getPolicy) !== 'undefined') { const set = $config.setSelectPolicy(group, policy); return set; } if (isQuanX && typeof($configuration) !== 'undefined') { return new Promise((resolve) => { $configuration.sendMessage({ action: "set_policy_state", content: { [group]: policy } }).then((b) => resolve(!b.error), () => resolve()); }) } } const get = (options, callback) => { if (isQuanX) { options["method"] = "GET"; $task.fetch(options).then(response => { callback(null, adapterStatus(response), response.body) }, reason => callback(reason.error, null, null)) } if (isHTTP) { if (isSurge) options.headers['X-Surge-Skip-Scripting'] = false; $httpClient.get(options, (error, response, body) => { callback(error, adapterStatus(response), body) }) } } return { getPolicy, setPolicy, isSurge, isQuanX, isLoon, notify, read, get } }