/********************************* 百度贴吧签到脚本 脚本原作者: @sazs34 平台兼容: QuantumultX, Surge, Loon 更新日期: 2024/06/01 获取Cookie说明: 打开百度贴吧App后(AppStore中国区, 非内部版),点击"我的", 如通知成功获取cookie则可以使用该脚本. ********************************* Surge(iOS 5.9.0+/macOS 5.5.0+)模块: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Surge/Module/TieBaDailyBonus.sgmodule ********************************* QuantumultX 任务仓库(Gallery)订阅: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/NobyDa_BoxJs.json 工具&分析->HTTP请求->右上角添加任务仓库->选择百度贴吧签到脚本添加定时任务和附加组件 ********************************* Loon 脚本订阅(非插件): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/Loon/Loon_Daily_bonus.plugin 添加后请按需启用脚本 *********************************/ var $nobyda = nobyda(); var cookieVal = $nobyda.read("CookieTB"); var useParallel = 0; //0自动切换,1串行,2并行(当贴吧数量大于30个以后,并行可能会导致QX崩溃,所以您可以自动切换) var singleNotifyCount = 20; //想签到几个汇总到一个通知里,这里就填几个(比如我有13个要签到的,这里填了5,就会分三次消息通知过去) var process = { total: 0, result: [ // { // bar:'', // level:0, // exp:0, // errorCode:0, // errorMsg:'' // } ] }; var url_fetch_sign = { url: "https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newmoindex", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", Referer: "https://tieba.baidu.com/index/tbwise/forum", Cookie: cookieVal, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/16A366" } }; var url_fetch_add = { url: "https://tieba.baidu.com/sign/add", method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", Cookie: cookieVal, "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_1_1 like Mac OS X; zh-CN) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14B100 UCBrowser/ Mobile" }, body: "" }; if ($nobyda.isRequest) { GetCookie() } else { signTieBa() } function signTieBa() { useParallel = $nobyda.read("BDTB_DailyBonus_Mode") || useParallel singleNotifyCount = $nobyda.read("BDTB_DailyBonus_notify") || singleNotifyCount if (!cookieVal) { $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "签到失败", "未获取到cookie"); return $nobyda.done() } $nobyda.get(url_fetch_sign, function(error, response, data) { if (error) { $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "签到失败", "未获取到签到列表"); $nobyda.done() } else { // $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "贴吧列表", response.body); var body = JSON.parse(data); var isSuccessResponse = body && body.no == 0 && body.error == "success" && body.data.tbs; if (!isSuccessResponse) { $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "签到失败", (body && body.error) ? body.error : "接口数据获取失败"); return $nobyda.done() } process.total = body.data.like_forum.length; if (body.data.like_forum && body.data.like_forum.length > 0) { if (useParallel == 1 || (useParallel == 0 && body.data.like_forum.length >= 30)) { signBars(body.data.like_forum, body.data.tbs, 0); } else { for (const bar of body.data.like_forum) { signBar(bar, body.data.tbs); } } } else { $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "签到失败", "请确认您有关注的贴吧"); return $nobyda.done() } } }) } function signBar(bar, tbs) { if (bar.is_sign == 1) { //已签到的,直接不请求接口了 process.result.push({ bar: `${bar.forum_name}`, level: bar.user_level, exp: bar.user_exp, errorCode: 9999, errorMsg: "已签到" }); checkIsAllProcessed(); } else { url_fetch_add.body = `tbs=${tbs}&kw=${bar.forum_name}&ie=utf-8`; $nobyda.post(url_fetch_add, function(error, response, data) { if (error) { process.result.push({ bar: bar.forum_name, errorCode: 999, errorMsg: '接口错误' }); checkIsAllProcessed(); } else { try { var addResult = JSON.parse(data); if (addResult.no == 0) { process.result.push({ bar: bar.forum_name, errorCode: 0, errorMsg: `获得${addResult.data.uinfo.cont_sign_num}积分,第${addResult.data.uinfo.user_sign_rank}个签到` }); } else { process.result.push({ bar: bar.forum_name, errorCode: addResult.no, errorMsg: addResult.error }); } } catch (e) { $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "贴吧签到数据处理异常", JSON.stringify(e)); $nobyda.done() } checkIsAllProcessed(); } }) } } function signBars(bars, tbs, index) { //$nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", `进度${index}/${bars.length}`, ""); if (index >= bars.length) { //$nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "签到已满", `${process.result.length}`); checkIsAllProcessed(); } else { var bar = bars[index]; if (bar.is_sign == 1) { //已签到的,直接不请求接口了 process.result.push({ bar: `${bar.forum_name}`, level: bar.user_level, exp: bar.user_exp, errorCode: 9999, errorMsg: "已签到" }); signBars(bars, tbs, ++index); } else { url_fetch_add.body = `tbs=${tbs}&kw=${bar.forum_name}&ie=utf-8`; $nobyda.post(url_fetch_add, function(error, response, data) { if (error) { process.result.push({ bar: bar.forum_name, errorCode: 999, errorMsg: '接口错误' }); signBars(bars, tbs, ++index); } else { try { var addResult = JSON.parse(data); if (addResult.no == 0) { process.result.push({ bar: bar.forum_name, errorCode: 0, errorMsg: `获得${addResult.data.uinfo.cont_sign_num}积分,第${addResult.data.uinfo.user_sign_rank}个签到` }); } else { process.result.push({ bar: bar.forum_name, errorCode: addResult.no, errorMsg: addResult.error }); } } catch (e) { $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", "贴吧签到数据处理异常", JSON.stringify(e)); $nobyda.done() } signBars(bars, tbs, ++index) } }) } } } function checkIsAllProcessed() { //$nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", `最终进度${process.result.length}/${process.total}`, ""); if (process.result.length != process.total) return; for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(process.total / singleNotifyCount); i++) { var notify = ""; var spliceArr = process.result.splice(0, singleNotifyCount); var notifySuccessCount = 0; for (const res of spliceArr) { if (res.errorCode == 0 || res.errorCode == 9999) { notifySuccessCount++; } if (res.errorCode == 9999) { notify += `【${res.bar}】已经签到,当前等级${res.level},经验${res.exp} `; } else { notify += `【${res.bar}】${res.errorCode==0?'签到成功':'签到失败'},${res.errorCode==0?res.errorMsg:('原因:'+res.errorMsg)} `; } } $nobyda.notify("贴吧签到", `签到${spliceArr.length}个,成功${notifySuccessCount}个`, notify); $nobyda.done() } } function GetCookie() { let headerCookie = $request.headers["Cookie"] || $request.headers["cookie"]; if (headerCookie && headerCookie.includes('BDUSS=')) { if (!cookieVal) { $nobyda.notify("写入百度贴吧Cookie成功 🎉", "", ""); } else { console.log(`写入百度贴吧Cookie成功 🎉`); } $nobyda.write(headerCookie, "CookieTB") } else { console.log(`写入Cookie失败, BDUSS值缺失. `); } return $nobyda.done(); } function nobyda() { const isRequest = typeof $request != "undefined" const isSurge = typeof $httpClient != "undefined" const isQuanX = typeof $task != "undefined" const notify = (title, subtitle, message) => { if (isQuanX) $notify(title, subtitle, message) if (isSurge) $notification.post(title, subtitle, message) } const write = (value, key) => { if (isQuanX) return $prefs.setValueForKey(value, key) if (isSurge) return $persistentStore.write(value, key) } const read = (key) => { if (isQuanX) return $prefs.valueForKey(key) if (isSurge) return $persistentStore.read(key) } const adapterStatus = (response) => { if (response) { if (response.status) { response["statusCode"] = response.status } else if (response.statusCode) { response["status"] = response.statusCode } } return response } const get = (options, callback) => { if (isQuanX) { if (typeof options == "string") options = { url: options } options["method"] = "GET" $task.fetch(options).then(response => { callback(null, adapterStatus(response), response.body) }, reason => callback(reason.error, null, null)) } if (isSurge) $httpClient.get(options, (error, response, body) => { callback(error, adapterStatus(response), body) }) } const post = (options, callback) => { if (isQuanX) { if (typeof options == "string") options = { url: options } options["method"] = "POST" $task.fetch(options).then(response => { callback(null, adapterStatus(response), response.body) }, reason => callback(reason.error, null, null)) } if (isSurge) { $httpClient.post(options, (error, response, body) => { callback(error, adapterStatus(response), body) }) } } const done = (value = {}) => { if (isQuanX) return $done(value) if (isSurge) isRequest ? $done(value) : $done() } return { isRequest, notify, write, read, get, post, done } };