ARG PHP_VERSION=7.4-apache FROM alpine as downloader ENV VERSION 1.3.0 ARG CHEVERETO_VERSION=1.3.0 RUN apk add --no-cache curl && \ curl -sS -o /tmp/ -L "${CHEVERETO_VERSION}.zip" && \ mkdir -p /extracted && \ cd /extracted && \ unzip /tmp/ && \ mv "chevereto-free-${CHEVERETO_VERSION}/" Chevereto/ COPY settings.php /extracted/Chevereto/app/settings.php FROM php:$PHP_VERSION # Install required packages and configure plugins + mods for Chevereto RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ libgd-dev \ libzip-dev && \ bash -c 'if [[ $PHP_VERSION == 7.4.* ]]; then \ docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg=/usr/include/; \ else \ docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/; \ fi' && \ docker-php-ext-install \ exif \ gd \ mysqli \ pdo \ pdo_mysql \ zip && \ a2enmod rewrite # Download installer script COPY --from=downloader --chown=33:33 /extracted/Chevereto /var/www/html # Expose the image directory as a volume VOLUME /var/www/html/images # DB connection environment variables ENV CHEVERETO_DB_HOST=db CHEVERETO_DB_USERNAME=chevereto CHEVERETO_DB_PASSWORD=chevereto CHEVERETO_DB_NAME=chevereto CHEVERETO_DB_PREFIX=chv_ CHEVERETO_DB_PORT=3306 ARG BUILD_DATE ARG CHEVERETO_VERSION=1.2.2 # Set all required labels, we set it here to make sure the file is as reusable as possible LABEL org.label-schema.url="" \"Chevereto Free" \ org.label-schema.license="Apache-2.0" \ org.label-schema.version="${CHEVERETO_VERSION}" \ org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ maintainer="Tan Nguyen " \ build_signature="Chevereto free version ${CHEVERETO_VERSION}; built on ${BUILD_DATE}; Using PHP version ${PHP_VERSION}"