#!/usr/bin/env bash # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # # It is automatically copied from https://github.com/pion/.goassets repository. # # If you want to update the shared CI config, send a PR to # https://github.com/pion/.goassets instead of this repository. # set -e SCRIPT_PATH=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ; pwd -P ) if [ -f ${SCRIPT_PATH}/.ci.conf ] then . ${SCRIPT_PATH}/.ci.conf fi # # DO NOT EDIT THIS # EXCLUDED_CONTRIBUTORS+=('John R. Bradley' 'renovate[bot]' 'Renovate Bot' 'Pion Bot') # If you want to exclude a name from all repositories, send a PR to # https://github.com/pion/.goassets instead of this repository. # If you want to exclude a name only from this repository, # add EXCLUDED_CONTRIBUTORS=('name') to .github/.ci.conf MISSING_CONTRIBUTORS=() shouldBeIncluded () { for i in "${EXCLUDED_CONTRIBUTORS[@]}" do if [ "$i" == "$1" ] ; then return 1 fi done return 0 } IFS=$'\n' #Only split on newline for contributor in $(git log --format='%aN' | sort -u) do if shouldBeIncluded $contributor; then if ! grep -q "$contributor" "$SCRIPT_PATH/../README.md"; then MISSING_CONTRIBUTORS+=("$contributor") fi fi done unset IFS if [ ${#MISSING_CONTRIBUTORS[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please add the following contributors to the README" for i in "${MISSING_CONTRIBUTORS[@]}" do echo "$i" done exit 1 fi