package dtls /* DTLS messages are grouped into a series of message flights, according to the diagrams below. Although each flight of messages may consist of a number of messages, they should be viewed as monolithic for the purpose of timeout and retransmission. Client Server ------ ------ Waiting Flight 0 ClientHello --------> Flight 1 <------- HelloVerifyRequest Flight 2 ClientHello --------> Flight 3 ServerHello \ Certificate* \ ServerKeyExchange* Flight 4 CertificateRequest* / <-------- ServerHelloDone / Certificate* \ ClientKeyExchange \ CertificateVerify* Flight 5 [ChangeCipherSpec] / Finished --------> / [ChangeCipherSpec] \ Flight 6 <-------- Finished / */ type flightVal uint8 const ( flight0 flightVal = iota + 1 flight1 flight2 flight3 flight4 flight5 flight6 ) func (f flightVal) String() string { switch f { case flight0: return "Flight 0" case flight1: return "Flight 1" case flight2: return "Flight 2" case flight3: return "Flight 3" case flight4: return "Flight 4" case flight5: return "Flight 5" case flight6: return "Flight 6" default: return "Invalid Flight" } } func (f flightVal) isLastSendFlight() bool { return f == flight6 } func (f flightVal) isLastRecvFlight() bool { return f == flight5 }